Last Sunday, the anniversaries of Betty Darcy, John & Catherine Kiely were remembered along with Kathleen Hartigan's month's mind.
2nd Feb weekend: St. Blaise, Blessing of the Throats & Candlemas Day. Candles for Church & Home use will be blessed (available in O'Gormans). Parish Clerk's Collection also this weekend.
Parish Envelopes: Please discard any of last year's envelopes as everyone has received a new number, so only use those for 2025. If anyone hasn't received theirs, please contact the parish office.
Youth Pilgrimage: Join the Diocese of Limerick on this year's youth pilgrimage. 18th-24th June, ages 16+, full board, all flights and travel costs included for €950. For more info contact Karen on 061-350000.
GRANAGH PLAYERS: (By Sean English)
Despite the challenging weather conditions and loss of electricity at the Hall, the opening weekend of 'Send 'Em Home Sweatin' was a tremendous success. Thanks to Padraig & Ian Sheehy - who kindly supplied a generator and a John Deere tractor - the show went on and audiences certainly left thoroughly entertained. The Granagh Players extend their heartfelt thanks for yojur support and look forward to another weekend of unforgettable performances.
Performances will continue again on Friday 31st, Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd at 8pm, in the Community Centre at 8pm. V35C584. Adm, Adults €15, Students €8. CARD payments accepted. Tea and coffee will be available before the show, for ticket holders, doors will close at 7.45pm
What a weekend for Granagh Players to begin their run.! Storm Éowyn threw the parish into darkness Friday evening and only for Sheehy Contractors they would not have got going at all.! Padraig brought back his generator and Ian brought his John Deere to run it. We are indebted to them as they were left without power themselves.! Also thanks to James Houlihan Jnr who came, at short notice, to check everything out before connecting up. We were still using their generator Saturday night, luckily power came back after that.. However, it had affected the water pump, and the taps went dry.! Luckily there was just enough for the teas.. Sunday night we returned to normality, thank God.!! Thanks to the extra helpers, back stage, Karis McMahon, hair stylist and Rachel Houlihan on make-up, your help was much appreciated. Thanks again to all the volunteers, in the background, who keep the show running smoothly.
Granagh Development Assoc would like to set up a Text Alert for the Parish and wider Community, so that every household can be contacted in case of important happenings/events. This will be a closed group and messages will only come from Granagh Development Officers. Please text your name, number and townland to 087-003-0313.
Thur 30th Jan; Rathkeale House Hotel. 16:50 - 20:10.
This is an appointment based clinic. To book your appointment please ring 1800 222 111.
Wed 19th Feb @ 11am. Community Centre. A new monthly initiative which offers a relaxed space to connect, open to women of all ages. Meet up for a chat, share experiences, engage in activities while fostering friendship. Each month there will be various talks/demos on subjects that might interest you e.g. health, fashion, beauty etc.
Everyone is welcome to join, bring a friend. €3 donation.
The Hillside Players, Ardpatrick, present 'Frozen Assets', a comedy by Tom Casling, which opens on Thur Jan 30th until Sun Feb 2nd and then again on the following weekend from Thurs Feb 6th to Sun 9th. Phone lines will be open for bookings on Wednesday 29th of January from 5pm to 7.15pm and each performance night at the same time. Booking line is 087 7655771.
Athea Drama Group present 'Sharon's Grave' by John B Keane Thur 27th Feb, Sat March 1st, Sun 2nd, Thur 6th, Sat 8th & Sun 9th at 8pm Con Colbert Hall Athea.
This may be of interest. Active Retirement Association are organising a coach holiday to Newry in Northern Ireland, staying at the Canal Court Hotel. The trip will be 4 nights/ 5 days from 5 May to 9 May. There will be coach outings to places of interest. For further information, please contact Tina on 086 1685119.
Sat 11th Feb, 7pm Webinar on Zoom hosted by Ballyhoura Development: Join us for an interactive webinar about tackling food waste in the home. You will learn more about the global and local impact of food waste and how we can take steps to fight it. This can help you save money and improve your carbon footprint. Register on www.ballyhouradevelopment.com/Event
Sun 2nd Feb. 3-6pm. Monagea Hall. If you fancy a bit of exercise to keep warm. Music by the Michael Collins Band and refreshments will be served. All welcome, continues on the First Sunday of every Month.
Thanks to people's amazing generosity, Christmas FM raised €253,635 on Donation Day for The Magic of Christmas Appeal, supporting Ireland's Children’s charities - Barnardos, Barretstown, Make-A-Wish Ireland and a range of children’s charities across Ireland through Community Foundation Ireland.
Despite their fluffy white fur, Polar Bears actually have black skin.
For every human, there are approximately one million ants.
Sharks can live for up to 100 years and are immune to every disease, including cancer.
A snail can sleep for up to three years. The leech has thirty two brains (why! ).