TROCAIRE - Christmas Gifts of Love:

It's coming up to that time of year again and maybe you might like to help families who are affected by poverty, injustice, displacement and Covid-19.
If you buy a sustainable and ethical gift from the Trócaire Gifts range, the recipient receives a beautiful card with details of the Gift. The gift is sourced in that country and given to a family in need, helping them change their lives.
Your choice of gifts include; -
€5 - Soap can save a life by stopping the spread of diseases such as Covid.
€8 - Chicks provide families with eggs and a source of income.
€15 - Fruit seeds, vegetable seeds and the vital tools farmers need to provide for their families.
€15 - Solar Lights, provide families with six hours of safe and free light.
€20 - School Lunch is a life-line for many children in Somalia, this provides four children with a lunch of maize and beans every school day for a month.
€30 - School Kit, education is the pathway to a better future, this pays for school fees, teachers’ salaries, books and pencils. €50 - helps Grandparents provide for and raise their orphaned grandchildren.
€50 - Goats provide food and extra money for families.
€55 - Mother & Baby Kit, health is the greatest gift any family can receive.
€65 - Honey Bees, a healthy buzz to families in Kenya.
€85 - Trees, improve soil and water conservation.
€100 - Water, clean water will help improve sanitary conditions & it will also provide irrigation systems to help families grow food.
€150 - Gift of Shelter will provide cover and safety for families who have lost their homes or land in Myanmar, Guatemala and Honduras.
€150 - Quarantine Care Kit (new gift), provides families who are in quarantine in Sierra Leone with all the supplies they need for two full weeks – food, water, phone credit and other essential daily items.
€200 - providing families in Sudan with an ox plough, hand tools, farm clothes, a wheelbarrow, watering cans and seeds, so that they can start again.
€300 - Crisis Resilience Kit (new gift), you are providing shelter, solar lights, warm blankets and other daily essential items to help families cope. This is not just a gift, it is a means of survival.
See or phone 1850-408-408.