Trocaire Boxes Arrive:

A.G.M: The Granagh/Ballingarry Ladies Football Club are holding their AGM on Thursday 25th Feb at 8pm. It will have to be held online so contact Mark on 086-3850363 to join in. CHURCH NEWS: Many thanks to Kathleen for arranging the distribution of ashes in the Church. Also she has the Trócaire boxes on display, available for collection. For the moment, please email or call to the parish office during the restrictions to arrange a months mind/anniversary mass etc to be said through the webcam services Phone: 069 68141 or 069 68661. Parish Office Hours: Tuesday/Thursday's 1.30pm to 3.30pm or Email:- WALK TO SUDAN: As Lent comes around, the Trócaire boxes arrive and we see new faces on the box, (who was on last year's ?). It is difficult for us to connect with these people, they are so far away, we haven't ever visited Sudan, we don't share their experiences of war, hunger and violence. We cannot even imagine their daily lives and living conditions. Compare Sudan to Ireland. Sudan is twenty six times bigger than Ireland, our population is five million, theirs is forty million more. If you lived in Sudan you would;- be 18 times more likely to die in infancy, be 13 times more likely to have Aids/Hiv, be 13 times more likely to be murdered, you would make 96% less money, your average life expectancy is 66yrs and you would have 2.5 times more babies.!
On the plus side, you would spend 97% less money on healthcare, use 98% less electricity and be 20% less likely to be in prison.! Added to this, they lack so many of life's basics. Proper shelter, food, clean water and healthcare. I for one, would prefer living in Ireland. Every year Trócaire asks for your help to fund lifesaving programmes around the world. You can support the campaign in any of the following ways:
By collecting & filling a Trócaire box . Donate online at or by phone: 1850 408 408. You can support the walkers on the gofundme page - '' FromLimerickwithlove ". You can also join the walkers and complete as many kilometres as you can. It's a long long way to Sudan. !!
COVID VOLUNTEER TEAM: Do please remember, for elderly, vulnerable or anybody that cannot leave their homes to get groceries, medication etc, you can ring our local shops O'Gradys 069 68127, Snows 069 68500, O'Gormans 061 399226 and our local pharmacy O'Riordans on 069 68760. You can place your order with them over the phone, pay by card, they will contact the members of the delivery team for you, and arrange for your items to be dropped to the door. Please feel free to contact them, as they are only too delighted to help out. This is an excellent facility in the parish, please avail of it and keep you and your families safe during this pandemic. BIRTHDAY: Wishing David Bennett a very happy 18th birthday, which was celebrated quietly last week. DID YOU KNOW: 22nd Feb, 1997: Scottish scientists announce Dolly the cloned Sheep. 23rd Feb, 1970:-Eucharist given by women for 1st time in Catholic services. 24th Feb, 1905:- Simplon tunnel in Switzerland completed. 25th Feb, 2010:- 2/3 of the world's population using mobile phones. 26th Feb, 1995:- Barings,Britain's oldest banking firm, collapses. 27th Feb, 1983:- Eamonn Coghlan set indoor mile record of 3:49.78. 28th Feb, €5 in your Trocaire Box can buy a hoe and seeds.