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The Castonguays' from New York, visiting the Treacy homestead, Killoughty, Granagh. L-R; John, Sean & Claire English. Brenda, John & Theresa Castonguay. Sean Treacy. Aoife English. Brid O'Gorman & Eamon Cagney.


Anniversary Masses were celebrated last Sunday by Fr. Bluett, for Jimmy Stapleton, Johnny Kiely & the Treacy family, Liskennett. Following Mass, the Moloney clan gathered for Rian's baptism. Fr. Bluett also welcomed the Americans', we only found out afterwards who they were. Brenda Castonguay, her son John & daughter-in-law Theresa had just arrived in Ireland, from New York, and on Sunday headed to Granagh. Their two-fold mission included a visit to the shop to taste the famous 99's and then a visit to Killoughty. Brenda's mother was Kathleen Treacy, a sister of Charlie & Mai's who lived in Liskennett. For Brenda, who is in her 80's, it was her first visit and I was delighted to hear that she follows 'GranaghCommunityNews' on facebook.

MARIETTA's 100k:

Hoping to complete 3-in-a-row fundraisers for St. Joseph's Foundation, Marietta began her 100km walk on 1st Sept. If you wish to donate, see -


Thursday 8th Sept, 7.30 - 8.30pm, Musica Fusion School, Charleville. Classes beginning again, open to ladies & gents. Great way to pass the winter nights and it releases endorphins making you feel good..!


The Social Hub, in Athlacca, is open to the public every Monday to Friday from 9am -12pm. Why not take some time out to read a book from the library, play a game of cards, have a chat with your friends or simply relax with a cuppa? You are welcome to use the self-service tea/coffee station, just pop €1 in the moneybox. Newcomers are more than welcome.

Their Needlecraft group will be back up and running from Tuesday 6th September, 10am-12pm for €2. For more information call 063-90491.


Granagh Development Assoc will hold their annual AGM on Tuesday 27th Sept at 8pm. Would you like to know what's going on in the parish, maybe you have some good ideas, maybe you might like to help out. If so keep this date free, it would be great to meet you.


Listening to Mooney Goes Wild, the other night, I was amazed to hear about the Bat Rehabilitation hospital opened by Susan Kerwin, in Bruree.!

Susan founded the hospital in her back garden, due to the increase in the number of bats needing help. Bats injured by cat attacks, or orphaned bat pups are rehabilitated and treated at the hospital and then once fully healed and healthy they are released into the wild again. Susan believes bats are one of the most misunderstood mammals and believe they are gentle and social creatures. She wants to highlight the crucial role bats play as pest controllers of the environment around them. The nine species of bats in Ireland are a protected species. Both the animals themselves and their roosts are protected and it is an offense to disturb or interfere with them without a license. Since February, she has cared for over 130 bats with a third of those being bat pups, some of which arrived only weighing a gram and needing to be fed every two hours.” “Bats are a key species to a healthy economic system.


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