RETURN ENERGY SURVEY: Thank you to all those who returned their energy surveys. The closing date was last Friday 9th Oct. If you forgot, you can drop it into the letterbox at the Community Centre, but Friday 16th is the last day.
As we face into the prospect of carbon taxes, now is the time to do something about improving your home's energy rating.! Those who return their forms, will be in for a draw to have a “ comprehensive free audit of energy usage “, including suggested measures to improve your home’s energy efficiency. This audit is to the value of approximately €560. !!!! The survey information will only be used by the Tipperary Energy Agency to compile an Energy Masterplan for the parish, it will not be shared with any third parties. MASS TIMES: Change of mass times due to Covid Level 3 restrictions. Granagh/Ballingarry Parish Masses will be via the Webcam - tune into Masses on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday - 10am. Sunday mornings at 10.30am. LIMERICK GAA: Would like a New Mercedes .. courtesy of Limerick GAA .? Get your name in for the draw before Friday 16th - Only €20. Buy online at "All Proceeds to Support Limerick GAA Teams, Working together for Continued Success”. FOOD WASTE: It’s reported we dump 25% of our fruit and veg each day. We can help to reduce food waste by only buying fresh food that will be used within a few days, but did you know that how we store food can also help to cut back on unnecessary waste? A few tips on helping fruit to last longer! 1. Keep bananas, apples and pears away from other fruits and vegetables as it will cause them to spoil faster. 2. Store citrus fruits in the fridge to extend their life by up to three weeks. 3. Freeze fruit that you won’t use before it goes off. 4. Avocados, tomatoes, mangoes, melons, apples and pears will continue to ripen if left out on a counter top, whereas fruits such as grapes, citrus and berries will only deteriorate and should be refrigerated. CARE FOR MENTAL HEALTH: Saturday 10th was World Mental Health day. But we need to care about each other’s mental health every day, maybe focus on the things we can control and learn to accept the things we cannot . More than ever in these uncertain times we need to support each other. Check in on your friends and family. That person you’ve been meaning to call, Call them. That neighbour that might be lonely and might need a friendly face. Check on them. If you’re struggling and feeling low. Tell someone.
If you or someone you know is struggling with poor mental health please reach out to someone and get the help you deserve! Call the free helpline on 1800 247 247 or Text Pieta 51444 to talk to a Therapist
Congratulations to Amy & Ger Mullane, Kilatal on the arrival of their little boy Cillian on 7th October. All doing well.
12th Oct, 1931: Johnny Weissmuller is chosen to play Tarzan.
13th Oct, 1966: Strict New Apartheid Laws Take Effect In South Africa.
14th Oct, 1892: Arthur Conan Doyle publishes "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes".
15th Oct, 1815: Napoleon arrives on the island of St Helena to begin his exile.
16th Oct, 1978: Pope John Paul II elected as new pope.
17th Oct, 1907: Marconi's company begins the first transatlantic wireless service between Canada and Clifden.
18th Oct, 1922: The British Broadcasting Company is formed.