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Thursday 23rd Mar, 7.45 - 9pm, Jive class in the Community Centre. No partner or previous experience required, for this four week, fun course. A great opportunity to learn a most important skill. Booking and further info from Tom 087-3995877.


Sunday 26th Mar: 11am. Mary Morrissey's coffee morning in aid of the Irish Cancer society will be held in the Community Centre, after Mass. Pop in for a cuppa to support a good cause.

Your Health Matters Roadshow: coming to the Parkway Shopping Centre, Limerick: 28th & 30th March. If you have any worries or questions, you can speak to a cancer nurse and avail of a 15-minute health check.


Sunday 2nd April, 11am - 2pm. The Community Centre will be buzzing with amazing craft stands.


For the month of March, we remember our family, friends and neighbours, whose mortuary cards are displayed on the Church noticeboard:-

Tom Treacy, David Conway, Killoughty. David Clifford, Kilmacow. Mai & Michael Hourigan & Johanna (Bob) Daffy, Knockfierna. Mairead Chawke, The Cross. Stasia O'Regan, Graigacurra. Eileen Noonan, Granagh. Kitty Fitzgerald, Margaret Boyce, Kilmore. Edward Sheehan, Lisduane. Eileen Houlihan, Ballynashig. Christy Noonan, Ballyelan. Fr. Ronald Costello, PP. Tom O'Regan, Liskennett. Margaret McEniry, Derryclough. Ellen Flynn, Ardagh. Leo O'Connell. Morgan & Maria Power, Pallasgreen.


National Tree Week, 19th to 26th March. The aim of the week is to encourage more tree planting. Did you know that there is a Tree Scheme which enables you to commemorate a special event, remember a loved one or give the gift of a tree. The tree council provide you with the opportunity to have a tree planted in the name of a person of your choice. Your tree will be numbered and a certificate will be issued recording the name of the person for whom the tree is planted. You can include any dedication you wish on the certificate to personalise it as you choose. Native Irish trees are planted which include primarily alder, birch, hazel, willow and oak. Each tree is planted in an area of woodland that is considered most suitable for them to thrive. At present the two locations are Aurora, Glencree, Wicklow and Bansha, Tipperary. For more information see -


On World Water Day, Mar 22nd, the UN asks people to “Be the change you want to see in the world”.

Your actions, no matter how small, can help solve the water crisis: - Take shorter showers & turn off the tap.

Buy local seasonal food. Don’t put waste down the drain. Clean up your local river, lake or beach.


Knockfierna Heritage Society will host the Midwest Indian Community to celebrate The Way of the Cross on Friday 24th March, leaving the rambling house at 3pm and proceeding to the pinnacle. There will be prayers and hymns en route. Refreshments will be served. This should prove to be an historic occasion. All are very welcome.


In 1973, when choosing a name for the overseas aid agency of the Catholic Church, the bishops chose the Irish word for mercy – Trócaire. ‘Compassion’ is an active word that asks that we see the suffering of othersand respond with solidarity and action. The first response of Trócaire is to have compassion for those we work with and to empower them to build their life with dignity and independence. Trócaire works with people of all religions and beliefs. The people of the island of Ireland – you – have made this work possible. Your contributions this Lent will ensure that Trócaire can continue to respond with compassion and love. Every contribution, no matter how small, is gratefully received.


Plenty of rubbish to be found on every one of our local roads. During the Easter holidays, it would be great to get the students out and about to help with the litter picking. Always wear a high-viz and be careful on the busy roads.


The story of Rosie & Denis who are the owners of Animal Magic in Kilmallock, which has been their life for the past seventeen years or so. When Rosie moved to Ireland, she set up Animal Magic and started to do wildlife lectures at schools, displaying her birds of Prey at shows while continuing to rescue and rehabilitate wildlife. Local vets started bringing injured birds of prey and other protected species and as word of mouth got around, more and more people turned up with injured wildlife, reptiles and birds of prey. The Department of Agriculture grant funding ended almost ten years ago. They both worked full time and always funded the rescue themselves, they could receive about one thousand casualties every year. In early 2019 Denis had to have his brain repaired, then Covid started.

That meant, they were the first to be unable to work and the last to be allowed back to visiting Schools etc

During the first stages of the lock down, they had three volunteers daily, which was fantastic but as people began to go back to work, they started to lose more and more volunteers. But, the wildlife casualties didn’t slow down and then the Department made it compulsory for anyone working with Birds of Prey and exotic animals, to be licensed as a Zoo.

There is a very high Standard involved with the Zoo License, which is perfect for the health and welfare of the animals, but the biggest problem is the enormous amount of mindless paperwork, and the huge costs of implementing systems and improving facilities. Now they just find it physically and financially impossible to continue to meet the Zoo licences Standards for the rescue work.

Sadly, It has come to the stage, where they are basically almost out of ‘magic’ and have decided not to take in any more rescues. Although they are closing their doors to any new casualties, they still have to find the resources to upgrade and be compliant to continue to care for the animals currently with them. So, they really would appreciate and need your continued support to help care for the two hundred plus residents - a mixture of unwanted, surplus to requirements, or disabled - who deserve the very best care and support for the rest of their lives. They are not a charity and are unable to fundraise or accept donations but if you do wish to help support some of the animals in their care, they can accept a personal gift. They would also be delighted to hear from volunteers, a great experience for students during the summer holidays. Contact them on email - or at 087 624 3546. See their web page -


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