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REMEMBER THE LISKENNETT LADIES !!! What are they going to do this Year ????

Sunday 20th Feb, 3pm, Liskennett (V35X242). Don't forget to book your tickets. Liskennett Equine Therapy Centre are only delighted to welcome back the brilliant Liam O'Connor Show with special guest Brian Kennedy and also an exciting performance from their very own Liskennett Ladies. Don't miss this wonderful show.! If you cannot go, send on a donation instead, I'm sure it would be greatly appreciated.
Tickets are €20 and are available from Liskennett Centre or David Doyle on 087-2734150.
Clinics are by appointment only. Please ring 1800 222 111 to book your appointment.
Sunday 20th; 11:45 - 15:00 - Castletroy Park Hotel Castletroy Limerick.
A new arrival in Kilmacanearla, congratulations to Martin & Mags Treacy on the arrival of Muireann Ellen, her big sister Roisín will be delighted. Congratulations also to the newly-wed Mr. & Mrs Carroll - Kevin & Ciara - who celebrated their wedding on Friday 11th. We wish them many years of happiness in Coolruss.
For the month of February, we remember our family, friends and neighbours, whose mortuary cards are displayed on the Church noticeboard:- Rita Chawke, Ballyvologue. Kathleen Monckton & Ellen Hickey, Kilatal. Joe O'Brien & Paddy O'Regan, Graigacurra. Sean Carey, Granagh. Joan Scanlon & John Mulcahy, Kingsland. Jim Sheehan, Coolruss. Kay Horgan & Denis O'Riordan, Lisduane. Steven O'Keeffe, Ballyneale. Bill Chawke, Banogue. Catherine Keating, Carrickerry. Timothy Power, Pallasgreen. Margaret O'Connor, Johanna O'Connell, Kilmeedy. Seamus Madden, Buttevant. Sr. Raphael Power, London.
We must remember the family of Wiktor Chojecki, the twelve year old boy who was killed in a crash last Friday - they must be in complete shock. He was just a first-year student at Scoil Mhuire agus Íde and lived with his parents and younger sister in Newcastle West.
USED STAMPS: I send your used stamps to the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart convent, in Stillorgan and they send on their yearly 'mission news' leaflet, where they detail some of the projects they have supported. They donated towards a 'Bamboo Project' in Sukaria on the island of Borneo. They trained the locals how to plant it, how and when to cut it and then treat it. It is then made into all kinds of furniture. They also built their first bamboo house, in just two months and are now helping neighbouring villagers with theirs. In Borneo, frequent fires are set, unfortunately, to clear forests to make room for palm oil plantations. These fires not only endanger the bamboo plantations but also cause weeks of pollution as well as destroying animal life and habitats.
They donated towards a children's centre in Ecuador, catering for one hundred 1-3yr olds, whom they look after and feed from eight to four every day. They are also helping over one hundred children to finish their primary education and continue to secondary. This also helps to reduce child labour because many children have to work if they are not in school. They also try and help the many young people, who gather outside their centre, who have problems with drugs, ( some as young as 12). Some come from poor families, living in overcrowded conditions, some are abandoned and some come from violent homes. Our children are very very lucky.!
Watch out for an upcoming six part documentary, 'Contractors', which will follow seven families over a critical period from April to September, and will air on TG4 on Thursday, February 24. The featured crew from Limerick will be the
O 'Donoghue family from Banogue, including Claire Kelly of course.! We all know how attached she is to her John Deere. It will be very interesting to see the job from their perspective, the challenges they face and the highs and lows of their daily routine. There are about 1,800 agricultural contractors all around the country. Every year and in all weathers, these hardworking men and women arrive on farms, with 20,000 tractors and harvesters, €150 million worth of agricultural machinery and 10,000 full and part-time operators to get the jobs done.
In a single season, their crews will harvest 5m bales of silage, spread 10bn litres of slurry and handle a nationwide programme of hedge-cutting, reseeding, crop spraying, fencing, ploughing and drainage maintenance.
14th Feb,1929:- Sir Alexander Fleming discovers Penicillin.
15th Feb, 1998:- 'The Angel of the North', a 66' steel sculpture is installed at Gateshead, northern England.
16th Feb, 2013:- Messi scores his 300th goal for Barcelona.
17th Feb, 1972:- Sales of the Volkswagen Beetle exceed those of Ford Model T.
18th Feb, 1979:- Snow falls in Sahara Desert.
19th Feb, 1964:- The UK flies a half ton of Beatle wigs & 24,000 rolls of Beatles wallpaper to the US.!

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