3-part Mural, commissioned by the outgoing officers of Granagh Group water scheme & painted by local artists, Louise & Ester Barrett.
ROSARY IN THE GRAVEYARD: For the next three Sundays in November, rosary will be recited in Shanabhotha at 3pm and in Granagh at 3.15pm.
For the month of November, we remember our family, friends and neighbours, whose mortuary cards are displayed on the Church noticeboard:- Sean O'Brien, Ballyguile. Dan Monckton & John Toomey, Kilatal. Thomas O'Connor, Knockfierna. Michael Sheehan, Ballinleena. Seamus Biggane & Patrick Fitzgibbon, Kilmore. Margaret O'Brien & Mary O'Gorman, Granagh. Canon Liam Houlihan, Salford. Catherine O'Brien, Doorluss. Alma O'Leary, Castletown. Thomas McCann, Kilfinny. Michael F. Sheehan, England. Rev Eddie O'Dwyer, Pallasgrean. Patrick O'Grady, Ballingarry. Mary T. Healy, Dublin. Michael Storan, Croom. Maureen Murphy, Templeglantine. Thomas Neville, Croagh.
BEREAVEMENT: - Mass: Last Sunday, we had a lovely ceremony to remember those who had passed since last November. A member from each family took a candle to the altar for their loved ones, remembering, Theresa Chawke, Bridget O'Riordan, Eileen Houlihan, Mairéad Chawke, Rona Kiely, Pauline Sheehan, Bill Collins, Mairéad Cagney, Jimmy Stapleton and Mary Ita Twomey. " Loving memories never die, as years roll on and days pass by. In our hearts a memory is kept of ones we loved and will never forget."
BALLYHOURA SCIENCE WEEK: Saturday 13th November @ 11am-4pm. Croom Sports Complex: The 3rd annual Ballyhoura Science Week takes place from 10th -13th November, providing opportunities to experience Science in a whole new way. The Croom event will showcase a wide variety of science exhibits, shows and hands-on workshops, suitable for all the family.
You can get involved with everyday citizen science at the eco village arena; step inside the exploration dome cinema experience. and get up close with live reptiles from the National Reptile Museum. Get hands on in the Kids’ Corner and learn how to make slime, or tune in to one of our interactive shows with dinosaurs!
Adults will be welcome to put their aprons on, and cook along with the in-house chef as part of the Community Food initiative. Healthy eating, nutrition advice, competitions and tasty treats will whet your appetite for more.
All events will be operated in line with Covid-19 safety protocols, and all attendees over 12 years of age will be requested to wear masks to ensure the safety of all. For more information about the Ballyhoura Science Week events contact Ballyhoura Development CLG, Kilfinane, phone 063-91300, email or visit
MARKETS: Sunday 14th Nov, 10am - 2pm: Rockbarton Garden Centre. The market will host many local producers, ranging from food, artisan coffee, crepes, fresh pizza, baking, jewellery and craft stands. Great ideas for Christmas gifts.
WATER SCHEME, MURAL: At the beginning of 2020, Granagh group water scheme amalgamated with West Limerick GWS, which is made up of Killeedy, Croagh & Cappagh. Over the years, volunteers have worked tirelessly in the running of the scheme – making new connections, repairing leaks, reading meters along with the admin work.
With new rules and regulations, it became much more difficult for this work to be carried out on a voluntary basis e.g. courses had to be completed on health & safety, road traffic management etc. Road opening licences had to be obtained, water quality was required to be tested & recorded weekly and insurance cover became a major issue.
West Limerick GWS have a full time manager, Eddie Sheehan, who is a former Limerick County Council, water services employee. Over the last twenty months he has made major improvements to the Granagh scheme.
He has replaced some old lines to Kirwan’s reservoir, costing in excess of €100,000. He has installed motorised valves, chlorine monitoring units, bulk meters pressure reducing valves. He has all the scheme data transferred online, with every meter having its own barcode.
As a parting gift to the parish, the outgoing officers - Chair, Mike O’Regan, Sec. Tom Noonan & Treasurer John Sheehy – commissioned local artists, Louise & Ester Barrett to paint a mural on the group scheme property at Granagh creamery. The mural theme reflects the era in which the group scheme was founded, the early 60s. A plaque has also been erected at the site, thanking everyone involved, over the years.
CONGRATULATIONS: More good news, on the Kilatal road this time. Congratulations to Emma and Roy McMahon on the arrival of their little boy Sam, last week. Glad to say all are doing well.
GRANAGH PLAYERS: They are back on duty and have begun rehearsing, in the hopes that the play will be able to go ahead at the end of January. It is going to be a comedy. Jimmy Sheehy is inviting male and female over 18s, to join up for "The Rebellion''. If you can play an instrument or do a bit of Irish dancing, it would be an added bonus !!
MOVEMBER: Movember 2021 has officially begun, it aims to raise awareness of men's health issues, such as mental health, suicide, prostate cancer and testicular cancer. Due to Covid, social connection is more important now than ever. If you feel that a friend is going through a tough time - use ALEC to help start a conversation. Ask - Start by asking how he’s feeling, any changes you’ve picked up on - has he stopped replying to texts? Does he sound different on the phone? Listen - Give him your full attention, let him know you’re hearing what he’s saying and you’re not judging. Encourage Action - Help him focus on simple things that might improve how he feels. Is he getting enough sleep, iis he exercising and eating well? Maybe there’s something that’s helped him in the past. Suggest that he share how he’s feeling with others he trusts. If he’s felt low for more than two weeks, suggest that he chat to his doctor. Check In - Follow up your conversation with a phone call. More helpful information on Pieta House - 1800 247 247 or 01 623 5606. The Samaritans,116 123 - available 24/7
USED STAMPS: Just a reminder, before the Christmas cards arrive. You might think of collecting the used stamps, leaving a few cm of paper around them, they can then be sent to - Mission Centre, Handmaids of the Sacred Heart, St. Raphaela's Convent, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin. A94TP38. There, they sort them into various categories which are sold by weight and that money then goes to the missions. I collect them also, if anyone wants to drop them to me.
AGM: Granagh Ballingarry Ladies Football are holding their AGM on Friday the 26th of November at 7pm in the Clubhouse, Ballingarry. All welcome on the night.