Limerick through to December Final:

To read John Lynch's notes, click on the link below.
Mass will be celebrated in our Churches next weekend. Saturday 5th, Ballingarry at 7pm and Sunday 6th in Granagh at 10.30am.
The season of Advent is upon us, in preparation for Christmas and the main symbol is the Advent Wreath, the first purple candle was lit last weekend.
Like many of our Church traditions, the use of the Advent Wreath with its evergreens and its lighted candles finds its origins in pagan tradition and ritual. “Pre-Germanic peoples used wreaths with lit candles during the dark and cold of winter as signs of hope in the future warmth and lengthening sunlit days of spring. Similarly, Scandinavians lit candles which were placed around a wheel, and prayers were offered to the god of light to turn the wheel of the earth back toward the sun to lengthen the days and restore warmth.” In the middle ages, Germanic peoples began incorporating a lighted wreath into the Christian season of Advent. It didn’t gain widespread popularity until the 1800s. The Advent Wreath is symbolic. The evergreens used for the wreath itself are reminders of life. Shaping them into a circle reinforces that meaning. The circle is also a sign of everlasting life as well as the eternity of God. The four candles used, three purple and one rose, mark the Sundays of Advent before Christmas. The purple candles are reminders that this should be a time of prayer and sacrifice to prepare us for the second coming of Christ. On the third Sunday, the rose candle is lit to announce Gaudete Sunday, (Gaudete means rejoice) a Sunday of rejoicing for Christ’s coming is near. A fifth and larger white candle in the centre represents Christ. It is lit on Christmas Eve as a declaration that Christ has come into the world and the darkness is vanquished utterly. The Advent Wreath serves as a powerful visual reminder of the holiness of the season. The light of the candles invites us to quiet ourselves during this busy time and reflect on the true meaning of Christmas.
Santa's Postbox at O'Gormans' shop is up and waiting for your letters. We know Tom has a special connection with the North Pole and his letters always get to the top of the pile.!! Naturally Tom's own letter was first in and he said that this year, he would just be happy to get a surprise ... Santa Claus's travels are regarded as essential, he doesn't need to quarantine and can get into all homes without having to restrict his movements. Children are asked not to stay up at night because he does need to social distance.
Many thanks to the Bereavement group who kept up the tradition of rosary at the graveyards during November. It was not advertised due to Covid restrictions. The souls of our dear departed were well looked after.
Also, Marietta Sheehan did a 100km walk in aid of St. Joseph's Foundation, which as you know, provides wonderful services for people within a twenty five mile radius of Charleville. She raised €2,000 euro which will be really welcomed during these Covid times.
Don't forget to enter the draw for the fabulous prize of an amazing toy 'John Deere Gator Ride-On', which has been kindly donated by The Parents Association are fundraising for new windows & doors for Granagh NS.
Just donate and be in with a chance to win. Donate €5 (or more!) & each separate donation will be entered into the draw to win ! You can enter as many times as you want ! We appreciate your support and generosity for the staff & pupils of Granagh NS. Read more & donate here -
“Don’t look for big things, just do small things with great love….The smaller the thing, the greater must be our love.” - Mahatma Gandhi.
COVID-19 has shown us how interconnected and interdependent our world is. It has also highlighted how vulnerable the poorest members of our global society are during emergencies. Too many countries lack basic healthcare. Billions of dollars globally are now being injected into economies through bailouts, yet we have to rebuild the world in a way that ensures millions of people are not left behind.
The pandemic has highlighted the failures in our existing economic, political and social systems. These failures have created the global crises of climate change, biodiversity loss, food insecurity, conflict, displacement and deepening inequality. Now is the time to make different political choices. Now is the time to Build Back Better.
The situation is stark - 265 million people could be facing starvation by the end of 2020.! The economic fallout from COVID could push an additional half a billion people into poverty. Only 1 in 5 people in low-income countries are covered by safety net programmes, like our social welfare/covid payments. Building back better means supporting countries with aid to allow them build the healthcare systems and infrastructure needed to deal with the crisis.
Overseas aid works. It has lifted millions out of poverty, slashed maternal and infant mortality rates, and led to more people being in school than ever before. If you can help by doing one small thing, buy a Trocaire gift, this Christmas. You can do so online at or by phone 1850-408-408.
Back in the nineteenth century and for the first few years of the twentieth century there was a Post Office at Ballinleena. It was located beside the pub, though not part thereof. vThe Mail Car, a horse drawn car that delivered and collected at the train stations, operated seven days a week and the Mail Train was noted for speeding through the night. There was an organised protest when it was proposed that the local Mail Car would leave earlier on a Sunday. We'd have to remember that the post was the primary method of long distance communication and the cities would have postal deliveries at least twice a day.
The last Sub Postmaster at Ballinleena P. O. was Mr. Patrick Cullenan. It may seem odd that up to the nineteen thirties the postal address for Granagh Co-operative Dairy Society was, Ballinleena, Bruree. The Society was registered on 4th of December 1890 by the founding Chairman, Mr. Daniel Hederman from Hederman’s farmhouse, Ballinleena. It was used as an address of convenience. The Creamery address was located at Graigacurra, Ballingarry to which post was delivered late in the day by a Postman who walked from Ballingarry, delivering along the route.
Using the Ballinleena address, which would have been Ballinleena, Bruree, facilitated early morning post. The Post Office moved down to Granagh in the early years of the twentieth century when Ms. Lizzie Long was appointed Sub Postmistress. In their youth, Bill (Chef) and Jack (Gaffney) Dunworth delivered post on foot. It remained at Longs until the mid 1940’s and was then transferred to O’Sheas.
Long’s house was a large thatched house part of which was a School which would have been considered a "hedge school", one of two at that time although there would have been other hedge schools in the parish at different times. William Long taught there and became the first Teacher in the new School which was built in 1867. For the Twomeys who own and run The Rock Bar now, it may seem like reclaiming old territory. They are back on the site that was home to Teresa Long, grandmother to Seamus Twomey and his siblings.
Many thanks to Jim Houlihan for forwarding this very interesting piece of history.
CARI & LIVE 95fm:
This year’s Live95 Helping Limerick Children fundraising Initiative was just launched and its sole beneficiary is
CARI (Children at Risk in Ireland). CARI is a leading voluntary organization providing child centered therapy to children and adolescents who have been affected by child sexual abuse for over thirty years. CARI on the Ennis Road is the only center in the whole of Munster providing these services. CoviD-19 has had a devastating impact on their fundraising events and they are in dire need of funds. CARI only gets limited government funding and they rely on the generosity of supporters to help them to continue with their services
You can make a donation by texting HELPING to 50300 to donate €4 or donate to their GoFundMe Page.
CARI ‘s Lo – call Helpline 1890 924567 or web page