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RIP Theresa.

Our sympathies to the family of the late Teresa Chawke (nee Kelly), who passed peacefully in her 96th year at her daughter Marian's residence, surrounded by her loving family. Predeceased by her husband Jackie.
Sadly missed by her sons Mike and John, daughters Marian Noonan, Anne Quinn (USA), Bernie Crowley (USA), Patsy Sheerin (USA) and Rose Brady (USA), brother Pat, sister-in-law Olive, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, nephews, nieces, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, extended family, neighbours and many friends.
On Thursday 7th, the funeral cortege passed Teresa's residence at Chawke's Cross for Requiem Mass in the Church with her burial afterwards in the local cemetery.
It is so sad on these occasions that family cannot travel and attendances are limited. Technology comes into its own at times though, as the Mass was live streamed and the girls in the USA were able to view and join in with their own Prayers of the Faithful. To finish off a beautiful service, Tom Noonan sang a song that Teresa had requested for Jackie's funeral but he had never heard of it. So he learned it and sang " Never grow Old." Go raibh Leaba i measc na Naomh aici.

COVID HELP: Would you like help from our Parish Community Covid Volunteer Team. Any elderly, vulnerable or anybody who cannot leave their homes to get groceries, medication etc., can ring our local shops - O'Gormans 061 399226,
O'Gradys 069 68127, Snows 069 68500, and our local pharmacy O'Riordans on 069 68760. You can place your order with them, pay by card, they will contact the delivery team and arrange for your items to be dropped to your door. Please feel free to contact them, as they are only too delighted to help out. This is an excellent facility in the parish so please avail of it to keep you and your families safe during this pandemic.
REMEMBERING OUR DECEASED: For the month of January, we remember our family, friends and neighbours, whose mortuary cards are displayed on the Church noticeboard:- Patrick Sheahan, Jackie & Theresa Chawke, Ballyvologue. David Bennett, Richard Chawke & Johanna O'Regan,Graigacurra. James Tierney, Granagh. William Boyce, Kilmore. Gerry O'Brien, Woodcock. Honora Sheehan, Ballinleena. Mary Sheehan & Tom Murphy, Coolruss. George Purcell, Liskennett. Elizabeth O'Rourke & Mary Morrissey, Doorluss. Denis Sexton, Lisduane. William Hanley, Kilmacanearla. Denis Fitzpatrick, William Daly & Joseph Scanlon, Ballingarry. Catherine McCann, Kilfinny. John Sheehy & Dick Neville, Croagh. Bartholomew O'Brien, Old Pallas. Rev John Irwin & Rev Canon Gerard Wall. Nell Houlihan, Meanus. DID YOU KNOW: 10th Jan, 1956:- Elvis Presley records single "Heartbreak Hotel". 11th Jan, 1922:- Insulin first used on 14yr old Canadian, to treat diabetes. 12th Jan, 2010:- Haiti hit by massive magnitude 7.0 earthquake. 13th Jan, 1981:- Barbara Sonntag, crochets a record 147 stitches/min for half an hour. 14th Jan, 1956:- Little Richard releases the single "Tutti Frutti" 15th Jan, 1909:- Automobile hearse was used for the first time in a US funeral procession. 16th Jan, 1938:- 1st jazz concert held at Carnegie Hall with Benny Goodman.


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