Sean & the Neighbours having an Orange at The Rock Bar & Grill..
Beginning last Sunday, the Church celebrates the Season of Creation for the month of September until the 4th October, (Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi).
Today we hear the cry of the Earth all around us. The times we live in show that we are not relating to the Earth as a gift from our Creator, but rather as a resource to be used. We are more than aware that our world is facing a devastating biodiversity crisis as well as a climate crisis. All of us can do our own part to take care of creation, no matter how small that is. If you recycle, if you collect rubbish, if you insulate your home, if you use energy efficient appliances etc, then you are doing your part. The Pope reminds us that food wasted is taken from the table of the poor, and that every purchase we make has a moral as well as an economic dimension. When you’re shopping, buy only what you need!
Baptism: Last Sunday, little Aodhla Ajuong was welcomed into the faith community in Granagh. Supported by her parents Emma & Alier, sisters Aoibhin & Ílannah as well as Alier's family who travelled over for the occasion. A lovely family gathering with the extended Morrissey clan and a great celebration.
Thought for the Week: “Future generations will never forgive us if we miss the opportunity to protect our common home. We have inherited a garden; we must not leave a desert for our children.”
Camino of St. James: On 9th Sept, a group of pilgrims from the Rathkeale Pastoral Unit, including Granagh, will set off on a week-long pilgrimage, walking the Camino. You are invited to write a prayer petition and place it in the box in the Church. These will be kept private and will be carried along the Camino and included in the daily Masses. They will be brought to the Cathedral in Santiago and the tomb of St. James.
Wed 11th & Thur 12th Sept: The relics of St. Bernadette will visit Our Lady of Lourdes Church (V94NX77).
On Wednesday the service begins at 3pm, with veneration from 3.30-6.30pm. Bishop Leahy will celebrate Mass & a Healing Ceremony of the Sick from 7pm-8.30pm. This will be followed by a torchlight procession from 8.30-10.00pm. On Thursday, veneration from 7am-10am followed by Mass. 11am-2.30pm Veneration. Closing ceremony at 3.30pm. A special box will be available for petitions to St. Bernadette & Our Lady of Lourdes. Lourdes water will be available, please bring a container.
We send birthday wishes to Sean Cagney, who had a little celebration last week for his eighty fourth birthday, no less. Wishing him continued good health, happiness and more happy celebrations.
Congratulations to Emma & Alier Ajuong and Michelle & Dave McMahon who were both celebrating a second wedding anniversary. Tom & Marian Noonan are only on their forty third anniversary this year.! May you all get many more years to celebrate together.
Tue 24th Sept, 8pm, is the date set for the AGM of the Development Assoc. It cannot be stressed how important it is to continue to have such an association in the parish. When people have an opportunity to meet and chat, ideas are generated & then plans can be made for the betterment of the parish. The aim of the association is firstly to maintain the community centre for use by any organisations in the parish. Gradually that has then broadened out into promoting, participating and assisting in the environmental and cultural development of the parish and its environs. When the GDA was set up in 2003, the Hall wasn't being used very much and it needed to be modernised & upgraded. Fundraising began in a small way, with a Monster Jumble Sale. In '05/06 several classes were run - computer, gardening, exercise, nutrition, dance, flower arranging & cooking demos. In 2007, it was suggested at a meeting, that we run Afternoon Tea Dancing.
This attracted many people from the surrounding areas, was a great success and continued until '16.
Around this time, a very important conversation took place with regard to reviving drama in the parish again. The Macra NaFeirme had been the last active group who had used the Hall for their Talent Alive, Light Entertainment & Drama. Mary Liston had been involved in Macra also, so she was approached and asked to direct. In 2008, the play 'Sive' was staged for an unprecedented seven nights and the 'Granagh Players' were founded. It just goes to show that when people are getting together, having discussions, anything is possible. One can rely on the local authority to some extent or the government to a lesser extent to look after your parish but if you cannot rely on community spirit, then you are going nowhere.
The long-time members have kept the show on the road for many years now so we invite and welcome new members to join up.
After the Fifth Mass Extinction, 66 million years ago, when the dominating dinosaurs had disappeared, Nature got to work again. Surviving small mammals began to evolve rapidly and diversify into a wide range of habitats. Earth greeted rodents, monkeys, horses, cats and dogs, elephants, chimpanzees, camels, bears and pigs. Fresh water was vital for the survival and development of all these species. A horse needs 5-10 gallons a day; an elephant needs a full bathtub–50 gallons. All life depends on water. Indeed the wars of the future may be Water Wars, because the volume of water on Earth and beneath its surface is limited. Following the UN Declaration on Human Rights in 1948 Pope Francis says that access to safe drinkable water is a basic and universal human right, since it is essential to human survival, and that we have a grave social debt towards the poor who lack access to drinking water. ‘The rain and the snow come down from heaven and do not return there until they have watered the earth’ (Isaiah 55:10).