Dull November brings the blast, Then the leaves are whirling fast.

Many bereavement masses were celebrated on Sunday 8th as was our own parishes', in a lovely remembrance ceremony, thanks to the participation of the bereavement group. Twenty eight candles were lit for those who passed away in the past year as well as pink/blue sashes for the sleeping babies buried in the Cilliní.
Remembering those who passed away in Granagh - Eoin Daffy. Patrick Leahy. Helen Murphy O'Shea & Nora Cunningham.
Ballingarry - Hannah Browne. Paddy Stuart Trainor. Paddy Noonan. Mary Lane. Neilie Hickey. Mary McEnery. Stephen Houlihan. Gerry Alymer. Sharon Hennessy. Neilus O'Connell. Sean Baggott. Christy Noonan. James Clancy. Theresa Barry. Catherine Hanley. John Sheehan. Moss McAuliffe. Seamus Costelloe. Regina Ryan. Edmond Byrnes. Jack Higgins. Noel Taylor. Anne O'Keeffe. Mick Quaid. I gcomhluadar Dé go raibh a nAnamacha.
Emer Power's Mo Space: - For all the dads, brothers, sons and partners in our lives. Emer will be running/walking 100km with a few work mates this month in order to raise money for Movember. If you can spare a few euros for a donation please do so online at www.movember.com
In aid of St. Joseph's Foundation, Marietta Sheehan is doing a 100km walk . As you know, St. Joseph's Foundation provides services for 1400 people from within a twenty five mile radius of Charleville. You can donate online through www.idonate.ie (walk 100km with Marietta).
The Webcam page can be found on - www.churchservices.tv/ballingarry. If you wish to contact the Parish office :- hours are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1.30pm to 3.30pm, phone 069 68661 or email: balgranparish@gmail.comAny notices, updates will always be posted in the box at the top of that page, so it's important to read through. Masses recorded over the previous twelve days are also on this page. Any outstanding envelopes that people may have for purgatoraial or church etc, can be dropped into Marian, during office hours.
Q. Dear Tech Support, Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend to Husband and noticed a distinct slowdown in overall system performance, particularly in the flower and jewellery applications, which operated flawlessly under Boyfriend.
In addition, Husband uninstalled many other valuable programmes, such as Romance and Personal Attention and then installed undesirable programs such as Rugby, Football, Sailing and continuous TV. Conversation no longer runs, and Housecleaning simply crashes the system. I've tried running Nagging to fix these problems, but to no avail.
A. Dear Desperate, First keep in mind, Boyfriend is an Entertainment Package, while Husband is an Operating System. Please enter the command: 'http: I Thought You Loved Me.html' and try to download Tears.
Don't forget to install the Guilt update. If that application works as designed, Husband should then automatically run the applications Jewellery and Flowers, but remember - overuse of the above application can cause Husband to default to Grumpy Silence, Garden Shed or Beer. Beer is a very bad program that will download the Snoring Loudly Beta.
Whatever you do, DO NOT install Mother-in-law (it runs a virus in the background that will eventually seize control of all your system resources). Also, do not attempt to reinstall the Boyfriend program. These are unsupported applications and will crash Husband.
In summary, Husband is a great system, but it does have limited memory and cannot learn new applications quickly. It also tends to work better running one task at a time. You might consider buying additional software to improve memory and performance. We recommend Food and Hot Lingerie. Good Luck, Tech Support.
Caoimhe's Lights: Just an update on this year's Christmas lights display, yes it will be going ahead but unfortunately due to the current Covid-19 restrictions the gates will have to remain closed. However you are still welcome to come and see the display - everything is visible from the gate!! All donations again this year would be most welcome for the Neo-Natal unit at Limerick maternity!
Noonan's Lights: Our Wonderland of Lights, being an outdoor event, won't be on show this year. It was a very difficult decision for us to make, but the safety of our visitors is our main priority and having the display would bring too much of a risk to all.
However, our charities are still in need of much needed funds to help with the day-to-day running so this year we have decided to take our efforts online! Our 'GoFundMe ' will be live until January of 2021 and will allow our annual visitors to support the cause this year, just like they have done so in the past.
This is going to be a year with a difference for all, but any donations - big or small - will be greatly appreciated by our charities. You can donate at : www.gofundme.com/noonans-lights-for-charity.
Some people might like to support the Barnardos charity in Ireland this Christmas They work with children and families in the heart of local communities - in 2019, they supported 21,186 families over its forty centres.Barnardos Gifts for Good are an alternative, ethical gift for family or friends, give a charity gift that makes a real difference to a Child this Christmas. The gifts are based on the most used items by families and will support them in practical ways throughout the year.
Gift of Warmth, €18 - pyjamas, bedsocks and slippers will keep a child toasty and warm.
Food , €25 - A food voucher will help fill little tummies.
Health, €28 - A bag full of essential toiletries for a family.
Books €35 - To support language & development in early years.
Sleep, €50 - A Duvet, pillow & set of covers.
Care Bundle €100 - All previous five gifts at a special rate.
School, €35 - A schoolbag full of the essentials.
Winter, €65 - A child's coat, hat, scarf, gloves & wellies.
9th Nov, 1989;- Berlin Wall comes down allowing East and West Berlin to visit.
10th Nov,1969;- Sesame Street, known for its Muppet characters, makes its debut.
11th Nov,1925;- Louis Armstrong and his Hot Five begin their first recording session.
12th Nov,1954;- Ellis Island in New York closes.
13th Nov,1995;- "GoldenEye", 17th James Bond film, starring Pierce Brosnan.
14th Nov,1966;- Muhammad Ali takes the heavyweight boxing title.
15th Nov,1954;- First regularly scheduled commercial flights over North Pole begins.