Fr. Tom Carroll Arrives:
Thursday 1st Oct : The Blood Transfusion Service needs the support of their donors to continue to meet the demand for blood, during the Covid emergency. Please ring 061-306980 (9am-5pm) to make an appointment for the next clinic in the Woodlands Hotel, Adare, any time from 4.15pm - 8pm. Please note, if you are over seventy or unwell, you cannot currently donate.
Following on from last week, the parish energy survey has now been distributed, if we missed anyone, please email - and we will get one to you. The information will only be used by the Tipperary Energy Agency to compile an Energy Masterplan for the parish, it will not be shared with any third parties.
The only detail you will have to research is your total ESB bill and heating bill for the year. This in itself is good to know for our own budgeting.
For those who return their forms, they will be in with a chance to have their home chosen for a
“ comprehensive free audit of energy usage “, including suggested measures to improve your home’s energy efficiency. This audit is to the value of approximately €560. !!!! Closing date Fri 9th Oct.
Remember the closing date is 12th Oct for all submissions. They can be made through the online portal at or email - This is an opportunity for everyone to have their views on the development of Limerick listened to.
We welcome Effin native, Fr. Tom Carroll to the parish and wish him a very happy stay with us. He celebrated his first Masses last weekend and mentioned his thanks for the beautiful home he now has in Ballingarry. He did mention something about Effin winning a number of All-Irelands, but I'm not sure.! This is his fifth move, he began in Mountcollins, then Caherdavin, Southill and Parteen. He hopes to be able to stay with us for a while.
Our weekend Mass will continue as usual on Sundays at 10.30am and 7pm and he will say a 10am Mass in Granagh on Thursday & Friday mornings. Any Baptisms will be held on Sundays at 11.45 a.m. by previous appointment. Ballingarry will have morning masses on Tue & Wed at 10am. There will be only one mass now on Saturdays at 7pm. Baptisms there at 5.30pm Saturdays. These changes come into effect from weekend 17/18th Oct.
Éigse Michael Hartnett:
Thur 1st - Sat 3rd: This year's festival have a stellar line-up of poetry, prose & music with live streamed performances and podcasts . It will be available online at, and it is all free!
Internationally renowned writers Colum McCann and Donal Ryan, an exciting new fusion of Irish and gypsy music, poetry, readings, storytelling, and a poetry trail are all part of the mix in this year’s online festival, which also includes the presentation of the Michael Hartnett Poetry Award.
Also joining the above writers will be novelist and broadcaster Rachael English and journalist and commentator Billy Keane. Limerick writer Helena Close will read from her young adult novel, The Gone Book, while West Limerick violinist Anne Phelan and Eamonn Moran, on guitar, will add to the atmosphere through their performances.
Celtic Hotclub, a novel fusion of Irish and gypsy music, will also feature, as will local singer/ songwriter Trevor Sexton and performance artist Míchéal Rowsome.
The Cottage Market; Sat 3rd, 11am - 3pm. Normally based in Kilmallock hall, it will be online this week. You can view all the goods through their facebook page and if you want to purchase, they will put you in contact with sellers.
Co-Op Food & Craft; Sunday 4th, 11am-3pm. Celebrating the best of Local Craft & Artisan food at the Urban Co-Op, 8 Eastway Business Park, Ballysimon. V94N&D3.
'The First Pegeen' ; Friday 9th October @ 8pm. Friars Gate Theatre.
Joyce Bros Music Festival. 9th - 11th Oct. Kilfinane. Includes historical walks and talks on the history of the locality during the Joyce Brothers era, live concerts and Seisiúin traidisiúnta, exclusive workshops and guided tours of the beautiful Ballyhoura area.
Sept 28th,1928; - Alexander Fleming discovers Penicillin.
Sept 29th,1950; - Telephone answering machine created by Bell Laboratories.
Sept 30th,1955; - James Dean dies in car crash.
Oct 1st,1971; - Walt Disney World Resort opens in Orlando.
Oct 2nd, 1902; - Beatrix Potter's "The Tale of Peter Rabbit" is published.
Oct 3rd, 1981; - The end of the 7-month hunger strike at the Maze Prison.
Oct 4th, 1957;- The Space race begins with the Sputnik launch.