Granagh Players would normally be up to something at this time of year . !!!!! Missing the Fun.
Usually at this time of the year, we would be just after completing a six night run of our play !!! All our volunteers would have been out in force - the car-parkers would have had to wrap up well as the weather was chilly, the front-of-house would be setting out chairs, in the ticket box, they would have stocked up on change and programmes, the shop ladies would be stocking up on goodies, the raffle organisers would be sorting through prizes, sponsorship and tickets, the kitchen ladies would be baking buns, tarts, cakes & supplying copious amounts of tea, coffee & medicinal concoctions, as required by the cast. The make-up ladies would have had their corner set up, brushes and lashes at the ready, opposite them the hair stylist would be spraying and curling & giving the odd look at her script. !! A new set would have been constructed & the artists would have done their magic. Lighting and sound checks would be done and the prompters would be trying to find a bit of space on the wings. The cast would be looking over their lines, trying not to be nervous, while amid the mayhem the producer would survey it all over the rim of a G&T.!!! Good times.
What we missed most was coming together as a community, even the chore of washing up was always accompanied by lots of chat !! Of course, meeting our supporters, friends and other drama groups for a catch-up and a cuppa was looked forward to every night.
Like many groups across the county, we are hoping that these gatherings will be able to return next year.
As a bit of diversion and a learning opportunity, a number of the players have got involved in a project through Ballyhoura Development CLG. The Living and Learning Communities project is facilitated by award-winning Grey Heron Media who work with RTE, BBC and local radio. It will provide our group with professional training in defining and telling our story through audio or film. It will give an insight into media production and the planning of
a programme, from idea to finished piece.
Tipperary Energy Agency have been working on our energy master plan for a sustainable energy community and the first milestone report is now completed. The full report is on our website,, under the ' News' tab. Due to Covid, the home and school energy audits have been put on hold until restrictions are removed.
Update - if you supported this group last year, then you helped to plant one native tree in Ireland and ten in Africa.
Their campaign - ‘One Million Trees’- is being supported by Irish family-owned dairy producers Glenisk and are promoting this through their Bio yoghurt range. Trees are one of the most effective ways to remove harmful greenhouse carbon from the atmosphere. As well as providing food, shelter, fertiliser and income.
In Ireland, trees will be planted in sites across the island, which will include sports clubs, schools, community spaces and privately owned land. In Dec, the first 1,000 saplings were planted in Ireland by their partners 'Trees On The Land' - on private farmland, kindly donated by a farmer in Co. Cork. The native species planted included oak, birch, alder, rowan, hawthorn, hazel and crab apple.
In Africa, trees will be planted where Self Help Africa is working. These will include fruit trees, trees that help to restore and rehabilitate land, and trees that provide food, fodder and fuel for communities i.e. papaya, mango, cashew, macadamia, passion fruit, citrus & olive. €1 of each €5 raised will support 'Trees on the Land' to plant one Irish tree and €4 will be invested in Self Help Africa’s projects, towards the cost of planting ten trees and providing training for their after care.
1st Feb, 2021: - Lá Fhéile Bríde, first day of Spring.
2nd Feb,1922: - It was 2:22:22 on 2nd of 2nd,1922.
3rd Feb, 1959: - Buddy Holly & Ritchie Valens died in a plane crash.
4th Feb, 1938: - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs released .
5th Feb, 1922: - Readers Digest first published.
6th Feb,1971: - Alan Shepard became the first man to hit a golf ball on the Moon
7th Feb, 1944: - Bing Crosby records "Swinging on a Star"