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Don't Forget the TRÓCAIRE BOX: ‘Water: too much or too little’ is the big issue facing Lent family in Malawi.

Malita from Malawi, spends up to 5hrs every day

walking in search of Water.

She carries 20litres on her head.


Last Sunday, we remembered the month's mind of Betty Darcy. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hAnam dilís.

Confirmation: Congratulations to the children who received their confirmation last week;- James Condon, Daniel Hartigan, Conor Kelly, Ryan McDonagh, Ellie Morey, Isabel O'Brien, Michael O'Brien, Róisin O'Sullivan, Conor Sexton, Vlad Stalinevich, Rory Stapleton and Thomas Storan. May the Holy Spirit who is the comforter and helper that Jesus sent to his Apostles be with them into their futures. They have been given seven gifts to help them through life's ups and downs - the Gifts of, Wisdom, Right Judgement, Courage, Knowledge, Piety and Wonder & Awe in God's presence.

Get Well: Sending our very best wishes to parishioners who are in hospital or who are recovering at home at present.

Thought for the Week: We think of all those who are homeless, in Ireland and around the world. May they find shelter & safety in a place they can call home.


Wed 28th Feb, 7.30pm, Charleville Park: Charleville Heritage Society talk on the WW2 Aeroplane Crash Landing.

Thur 29th at 7.30pm in The Honey Fitz Theatre, Lough Gur. A talk by Tim O'Connor on the Good Friday Agreement. Tim is a former senior Irish Diplomat and former Secretary General to the President of Ireland. He worked with the Irish Department of Foreign Affairs from 1979-2007 and most of his career there was spent working on the Northern Ireland situation.

Sat 2nd Mar, 11am, Roots Shop, Kilmeedy. Coffee morning in Aid of two amazing charities - @feileacain and @childrensgriefcentre. Aine Healy will be in attendance to chat about her recent book, 'Hollie's Journey'

Sun 3rd March, 12pm -2pm, Castleoaks Hotel: Baby Market Ireland is returning to Limerick with over twenty five stalls on display.

Tue 5th Mar, 11.30am. National Tree Week Webinars! Join Eanna on-line for 'Woodland Birds in Ireland - from Blackbirds to Woodpeckers' on

Fri 8th Mar, 7.30, Desmond Complex. For International Women's Day, Newcastle West Arts present an evening with Dr. Micheline Sheehy-Skeffington, Ecologist, Feminist & Activist and Oonagh McMahon, Conductor.


In Malawi, longer and more severe droughts in recent years have dried up small streams and water holes.

Unfortunately, some areas are also affected by cyclones and flooding. When this happens, the simple mud houses are badly damaged. The water that falls is not suitable for drinking or farming but causes a huge amount of

destruction. Trócaire is working with local partners to help communities to rebuild after these events and to be better prepared for the future. Whatever you can contribute to the Trócaire box will help with this work. To learn more, go to:


Sending happy birthday wishes to Helen Kelly, Kilmore, who celebrated her 80th at home with family last week.

Best wishes to Janet Leahy and her fiancé Alex who became engaged last week. ' Here's to the wings of Love, may they never moult a feather. '


26th Feb,1938; First passenger ship equipped with radar.

27th Feb, 2001; Blizzards, gale force winds and driving hail & snow sweep the country.

28th Feb, 2001; First case of foot and mouth disease, for 60 years, is confirmed in Sth Armagh

29th Feb,1940; Hattie McDaniel becomes 1st African American woman to win an Oscar for

"Gone With The Wind"

1st Mar,1949; Birth in Donegal of guitarist Rory Gallagher.

2nd Mar, 2001; Bill Whelan receives the IMRO Lifetime Achievement Award at Dublin Castle.


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