April brings the Primrose sweet, Scatters daises at our feet.
Holy Week Ceremonies were celebrated in Ballingarry Church and they can still be viewed on the Webcam, for up to seven days afterwards. Well done to the team who prepared readings, decorated the Altar, along with the singer and organist, all of whom enhanced the celebrations online. Tom the Sacristan must be commended for all the work he undertakes for every service.
Thanks to our own Sacristan Kathleen, who brought over a supply of blessed Palm and Easter water for Granagh Church. Our Altar has also been beautifully decorated, so give a call in.
April is Autism awareness month. The aim of the campaign is to build more inclusive communities across Ireland, and to encourage people to say ‘Yes’ for a change:- Yes to employment, Yes to education and Yes to community inclusion. Too often autistic people face invisible barriers because of how the world works and the judgment and attitudes of others, they are so used to being told ‘No’.
We have an amazing opportunity to create a society which is not merely aware of autism but rather truly accepts autistic people - valuing their contribution, meeting their needs and working together with them.
Quoting from one family - " Having my sister in my life has allowed me to be a much more patient, understanding, and tolerant person. '' Text ISA to 50300 to donate €4 to The Irish Society for Autism. More info on - www.autism.ie
Friday 9th April, 8pm : Cystic Fibrosis Ireland are delighted to be hosting an amazing lineup of stars in their virtual Concert. The concert is being provided free of charge courtesy of MC Bryan Dobson and a wonderful line up of acts. Some names - Brian Kennedy, The High Kings, the Celtic Tenors, Louise Morrissey, Michael English etc. All they ask is that you donate whatever you can at www.65Roses.ie You can also text Fight CF to 50300 to donate €4.
Delighted to say that due to all the walkers taking part, the distance of 6,241km to Sudan was covered and they even covered an extra 5,000km of a return journey. Walkers from all over the city and county took part along with people from Clare, Galway, Dublin, London and Bangkok !! To date the goal of €3,000 has been exceeded by €610 which will give a huge boost to Trócaire donations. While we are enjoying our Easter treats, the families in South Sudan are facing food shortages while the hope of vaccination is possibly years away. Trocaire hope, that in the months ahead, they will be able to provide much-needed seeds, tools, and oxen to help people rebuild their strength and their livelihoods. The battle is constant.
The way it smells after rain is called Petrichor.
The device used to measure your feet in store is called a Bannock device.
The dot over an ' i ' is called a Tittle.
Your small toe or finger is called Minimus.
The wired cage that holds the cork in a bottle is called an Agraffe.