Please note, for Christmas Eve Masses, in Granagh, on the 24th, tickets will be required.
24th Dec - Granagh - 6pm & 7.30pm & Ballingarry 9pm. 25th Dec - Granagh 9.30am & Ballingarry 11am.
26th Dec - Granagh 9.30am, No morning Mass in Ballingarry.
For the Epiphany - 5th January - Ballingarry 7pm. 6th January - Granagh 10am. Call in to see the Crib.
Don't forget Thursday 30th Dec, 6pm, leaving Limerick Racecourse. All tractors, trucks, cars, jeeps welcome for this special charity Run. The three deserving charities chosen are:- Red Hill House, in Patrickswell, Brothers of Charity and Cliona's Foundation.
The route will bring them by Croom, Chawkes Cross, Ballingarry, Neville's, Murphy's Cross, Adare and finish at the Woodlands, should be a fabulous sight. Come out and support. All donations will be greatly appreciated.
St. Joseph's National School, Granagh is accepting enrolments for the 2022/2023 school year. The Admissions Notice and further information can be found on the Home Page of the school website www.granaghns.weebly.com. The Admissions Policy and Application Form can be obtained through the school website, by emailing office@granaghns.ie or by ringing the office on 061-399081. Closing date for applications- January 28th 2022.
At Christmas time our thoughts go out to loved ones far and near, to those we still remember each day throughout the year. And what a year, we expected we would be rid of Covid, but no ! It remains with us and has changed our lives completely. Every section of society has suffered in this pandemic and there's probably more to come. Huge sacrifices have been made by many people, which we will never really appreciate enough. Our thanks to all the frontline staff in every section of the Health Service, especially those from the parish. They must be exhausted at this stage with no let-up in sight.
Granagh Players were lucky to be able to stage their play last year, we don't know yet if it will go ahead this January.
Thanks to the cast and producer Jimmy Sheehy for beginning rehearsals, in the hopes of providing some much needed entertainment.
Thanks to the officers and members of Granagh Development who have been working away behind the scenes with various projects;- continuing upgrades in Liskennett Wood, repairs to the roof and gas system in the Hall, securing a lease for the parochial house with plans for repairs to get it opened up for community use. Lovely to see the Christmas tree there, to brighten up the dark.
Indeed thanks to the volunteers who support every parish organisation, without them, nothing would happen.
We did have one very uplifting event this year - Granagh Backs Amanda. The organisers and the innumerable number of volunteers must be congratulated on a huge undertaking. Along with those who supported, sponsored and arrived on the day. It was a sight to behold and the feeling of goodwill all round, gave everybody a badly needed boost. It would be wonderful, if we could only bottle it and spread it around !
We have many in the parish who provide services for us that we almost take for granted. The O'Gorman family and their staff are there every day of the year catering for all our needs from flowers and fuel to coffee and cake - even the possibility of winning the Lotto ! Over the road to the Rock Bar and we thank Janice and Seamus for all their support. Both these businesses are so generous and supportive of every event and organisation in the parish. The same can be said of all our local businesses, who have had a very tough year, trying to remain working and keep their staff employed.
Thanks to all who volunteer to support Fr. Tom and our Church. Our sacristan Kathleen, is so dedicated and a perfectionist in her job. We have the Bereavement & Liturgy groups, the Pastoral Council, the Finance & Graveyard committees who are all important links in keeping everything running smoothly. Also, Marian, our parish secretary who looks after all the paperwork. Roisín Sexton enhances our Mass on Sundays with her beautiful music and voice
Our water group has now been wound-up but they have left a beautiful mural as a contribution to the parish and a reminder of times past.
Did you know our postman Tom has been coming to the parish for the last twenty seven years, what a great service he has given us !
Thanks to our Teachers and support staff who have had to change their whole way of working while at the same time protecting the children. We must also include Pebbles Montessori and the child minders in the parish whose demanding job has been made even more difficult. Thanks to our local TD, Richard who is doing trojan work for rural communities and keeping them to the forefront in decisions that are being made by those on high !
Thanks to the helpful staff in the Observer for helping us spread our messages and keeping us in contact with surrounding parishes, it's a fantastic service.
I wonder who I have missed out on this year.? Even if you aren't mentioned, you are thanked. Everyone makes their own contribution which in turn keeps a community together. May it long continue. Wishing everyone a Peaceful, Healthy & Happy Christmas and take time to enjoy time together. Nollaig Shona. " The beauty of Christmas is not the presents, but his Presence "