2021 Is Here: We're in for a Cold Snap.

Water Fountain outside Limerick Prison,
Mulgrave St.
Have we left the old year out the back door and the new one in the front - probably easier & quicker to do this year than any other ! What's in store for us this year, no one knows. We can only hope for a much improved one, where our families, friends and neighbours stay safe and in good health.
A good recipe mix for 2021 - more Sleep, more Music, more Tea, more Books, more Sunsets, more Creating, more long Walks, more Laughter, more Hugs, more Dreaming, more road Trips, more Fun, more Smiles & more Love.
In the midst of an up-side-down year, the local and Limerick community could not have been more thoughtful and generous. Every charity and fundraiser has been hit by Covid this year not to mention the widespread job losses. However, people have been amazing in their giving, helping all kinds of good causes.
Trócaire:- Sincere thanks to all who contributed so generously, to the sale of Trocaire gifts on Saturday 19th. And thanks to Tom O'Gorman for facilitating the collection in his car-park.
The amount collected on the day was €1,636 plus extra donations afterwards, brought the total to €2,113.60. Included in this, is a collection made in the school for Christmas jumper day which amounted to €216.60. The senior classes chose the following gifts - two chicks, a student school kit, a goat, help for grandparents, honeybees and soap. By purchasing these gifts they are helping communities in some of the world’s poorest places to work their own way out of poverty.
Hamper Surprise:- A lady in the parish donated a hamper to a family who had a tough year - just to share a bit of happiness and cheer them all up. How thoughtful and caring.
School Draw:- A total of €8,385. 00 was collected through the 'gofundme' page and the winner of the John Deere Gator was Kay Culhane Sheehy. Bet Jimmy was delighted with the extra farm equipment.! The prize itself was donated by www.funstuff.ie & Geary's garage Kilmeedy kindly donated a pair of overalls.
Live95 Fm:- The ' Helping Limerick Kids' annual charity fundraiser could not be held either this year, so the station ran a donation day instead and raised over €60,000 for CARI.
Xmas Fm: - Their countrywide donation day raised over €150,000 for ALONE and they're hoping to raise more before they finish up for the year.
Due to level 5 restrictions, masses will have to go on-line again through the parish webcam, see www.churchservices.tv/ballingarry for all up-to-date information. Mass Times - Tuesday to Friday mornings at 10am, Sunday at 10.30am.
If you wish to contact the Parish office :- Office hours are Tuesday and Thursdays from 1.30pm to 3.30pm, phone 069-68661 or email: balgranparish@gmail.com
Churches are open everyday to visit, please abide by the guidelines in place, to protect everyone.
Our sympathies to the family of Catherine Liston (nee McCarthy), Kyle Farm House, Banogue, who passed peacefully on 29th Dec, in the wonderful care of all the staff at Milford Care Centre.
Beloved wife of Eamon, very deeply regretted by her sorrowing brother John, nieces Noreen and Maura, nephew John, brothers in law, sisters in law, relatives, kind neighbours and her many friends. Funeral Mass was celebrated in St Peter and Paul's Church on 31st with burial after in the adjoining cemetery. Go dtuga Dia solas na bhFlaitheas dí.
3rd Jan, 1987:- Rock & Roll Hall of Fame inducts 1st female artist, Aretha Franklin.
4th Jan, 2010:- The world's tallest building, Burj Khalifa 2,716ft, with 160 floors opens in Dubai.
5th Jan, 1896:- Wilhelm Röntgen's discovery of X-rays announced.
6th Jan, 1907:- Maria Montessori opens her 1st (Montessori) school in Rome.
7th Jan, 1922:- Anglo-Irish Treaty is ratified by Dail Eireann by a 64-57 vote.
8th Jan, 1962:- Jack Nicklaus (21) makes his first professional appearance in Los Angeles Open.
9th Jan, 2002:- Michael Jackson receives the Artist of the Century award at the American music awards.