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New Seating Area in the National School.


Parish Masses will continue as usual on Saturday in Ballingarry at 10.30am and 7.00pm and in Granagh at the same times on Sundays.

NAT. SCHOOL: Welcome back to all the staff and pupils in our school, after an extra long break this year. An extra special welcome to the sixteen new Juniors, nine boys and seven girls. Well done to the Parents' Association and the many volunteers who did wonderful work during the lockdown to make the school so bright and welcoming. Call in and see what they have done...

CUAN MHUIRE GARDEN CENTRE: Great to hear the garden centre is remaining open for another month, until September 30th. They have such a variety in stock - seeds, plants, pots, compost, bark mulch, tools and a beautiful selection of gifts in their shop. They will have a 30% sale on plants during this month. Unfortunately, due to Covid the Cafe could not open but you will be warmly welcomed and Ted the gardener is there to help with tips and hints.

C.U.S.P: According to Cease Using Single-Use Plastic (CUSP), households in Limerick generate a combined 11,600 tonnes of single-use plastic packaging waste annually – enough to fill 258 Olympic size swimming pools, imagine !! CUSP was established in 2018 to develop solutions to what it says is a burgeoning crisis, said founder Simon Ruddy. If Limerick is to reduce its current waste from 11,600 to 3,500 tonnes by 2030, it will mean an average annual reduction of 810 tonnes. “This leaves people wondering ‘what’s the point trying to reduce – my small contribution is hardly going to make any difference ". Simon Ruddy says Limerick householders need to reduce the amount of plastic used by 1kg a month, which is equivalent in weight to eighteen empty 2-litre plastic drinks bottles. So, every single bottle or piece of plastic helps. If you are into Apps, the CUSP app is free to download – search 'CUSP: Single-Use Plastic Calc'. Then simply identify your 1kg monthly reduction and repeat that same 1kgs reduction each month for twelve months. The rest of us need to make sure we recycle all our plastics, if we cannot repurpose them. Kilmallock recycling centre is open Tuesdays and Saturdays, 10am to 5pm.

CARE of CREATION: The Season of Creation has a special significance for the Church, particularly since Pope Francis established September 1st as the annual World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. It is a time marked throughout the Christian world from 1st September to 4th October (Feast of St. Francis of Assisi) and celebrates the joy of creation as well as encouraging initiatives to protect the natural environment. The theme this year is Cultivating Hope. We are reminded of our duty to care for what Pope Francis has named, Our Common Home. The word “home” is something that everyone can connect with and the relationships within that home. So too, we are held within a relationship with the natural world and all of creation. Each of us has a unique place in creation, so too, each creature has a place in the natural world. Celtic Christianity was very at home with the belief that God's loving energy flows through all of creation. They saw it as holding all things together such as the changing of the seasons, the movement of the seas, the force of the wind, even the movement of the animals. They called this energy 'Neart De̕. The environmental crisis and the present health crisis are interconnected. Both are global emergencies that will affect many people, both are experienced most deeply by the poor and vulnerable, and both expose the deep injustices in our societies. Both will be solved only through a united effort on everyone's part. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has” (Margaret Meade). For more information , check out- For our part, in raising awareness of how the Earth looks after us, there is a display set up at the back of the Church. It would be great if parents could drop by and show it to their children.

"MUST DO THAT AFTER": Barely the day started and... it's already six in the evening. Barely arrived on Monday and it's already Friday. ... and the month is already over. ... and the year is almost over. ... and already 40, 50 or 60 years of our lives have passed. ... and we realize that we lost our parents, friends, and we realize it's too late to go back... So... Let's try, despite everything, to enjoy the remaining time... Let's keep looking for activities that we like... Let's put some color in our grey... Let's smile at the little things in life that put balm in our hearts. And despite everything, we must continue to enjoy with serenity this time we have left. Let's try to eliminate the afters... I'm doing it after... I'll call by after... I'll think about it after... We leave everything for later like ′′ after ′′ is ours. Because what we don't understand is that: Afterwards, the coffee gets cold... afterwards, priorities change... Afterwards, the charm is broken... afterwards, health passes... Afterwards, the kids grow up... Afterwards parents get old... Afterwards, promises are forgotten... afterwards, the day becomes the night... afterwards life ends... And then it's often too late.... So... Let's leave nothing for later... Because still waiting see you later, we can lose the best moments, the best experiences, best friends, the best family... The day is today... The moment is now...

CULTURE NIGHT: This year's culture night will be held on Friday 18th Sept with many of the activities being held on-line. Trocaire present: - ' Standing Her Ground': This documentary celebrates the courage and determination of women human rights defenders with two short documentary screenings. ‘Sumud: Everyday Resistance’ highlights the stories of two Palestinian women resisting Israel’s military occupation of the West Bank. ‘Women in their Place’ examines how women defend their land and livelihood against big business in Honduras. The events will include a short talk by filmmaker Emmet Sheerin. Watch along via Trócaire’s Facebook page. Time: 6pm - 8pm. Website: - No Booking required.

LIMERICK DEV. PLAN: You probably have received the leaflet about the Limerick development plan, but did you read it.? Members of the public are being asked for their opinions on the physical and economic development of the city and county to cover a six year period up to 2028. This is our chance to highlight problems that affect rural communities in relation to transport, telecommunications, infrastructure, broadband, one-off housing, improvement of services & amenities for our children, those with disabilities and the aged plus many more. We are usually great to criticize when all the groundwork has been done, I wonder will there be many submissions. You can read the document online or at the county council offices or the libraries. You can make your submissions in three ways - online at - or you can email or write to - Forward/ Strategic Planning, Limerick City & County Council, Merchant’s Quay, Limerick V94 EH90. The deadline for submissions is Monday 12th October 2020.

DID YOU KNOW: 7th Sept, 1968:- England's Virginia Wade wins first US Open singles title; beats Billie Jean King. 8th Sept, 1957:- Jackie Wilson, releases his first solo single "Reet Petite". 9th Sept, 1543:- Mary Stuart, at nine months old, is crowned "Queen of Scots" in Stirling, Scotland. 10th Sept, 1990: - Ellis Island reopens as a museum. 11th Sept, 2001:- 9/11 Attacks On World Trade Center and Pentagon. 12th Sept,1953: - John Fitzgerald Kennedy marries Jacqueline Lee Bouvier. 13th Sept,1982: - Princess Grace of Monaco Dies.

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