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CHURCH's OPENING for MASS : Our Churches are opening for Masses next weekend July 4th & 5th. Definite rules and guidelines have to be in force to absolutely ensure the health and safety of everybody. In Ballingarry two masses on Saturday - 10.30am & 7.00pm and in Granagh two masses on Sunday - morning mass 10.30am and evening mass 7.00pm. Numbers are restricted to fifty in all churches, regardless of size, to ensure maximum safety for all. The following is the system that will be in use:- • Everyone will need a specially printed Card. • You will need to pick up that Card in your Church on Friday 3rd at 7.00pm. • Your Card has the Day, Date and Time of mass, you wish to attend. • The cards are colour coded with a different colour for each of the four masses. • All seats are numbered, everyone sits on their allocated seat. • When you get your card, write your name and number on the back of it. • After mass, drop the Card in the box provided. It will only be used in the event of contact tracing i.e. if someone in the church tests positive for Covid. This may seem over the top to some, but it is simply ensuring an extra layer of protection for all in attendance. • Social Distancing is mandatory in the church yard. • It is not mandatory to wear a Mask, BUT everyone who can, is strongly advised to do so. It is understandable that it may not be possible for everyone to wear one. • For those worried about missing mass - the Sunday obligation has been suspended and anyone who is fearful about attending should not feel obliged to come to mass. • If you have any underlying condition or any symptoms of cold/flu you are strongly discouraged from attending. • Stewards will be on hand - pointing out the sanitising station and guiding you to your allocated seat. • Sanitising will be carried out after each mass, to enhance everyone's safety. • After morning masses at weekends, churches will close until the 7pm mass. • Daily opening times for Granagh Church are changing this week - 12pm to 3pm instead. • The Ballingarry masses will go out on webcam - Fr. Dan wanted to take this opportunity to thank the generous family who gifted this system to the Church in Ballingarry, in gratitude for the life of their loved one, who has died. So, if you cannot attend church you can benefit from their gift and do remember the donor in your prayers. Sincere thanks to those who volunteered as stewards, it is these people who have made it possible to open our churches again. Not forgetting our sacristan Kathleen who is working away in the background as always, she facilitates the openings/closings every day and keeps everything on track.

GIVE BLOOD: The Irish Blood Transfusion service need the support of Adare/Croom/Rathkeale donors to continue to meet the demand for blood, from hospitals, during the Covid-19 pandemic. Please ring 061-306980 from 9am to 5pm to make an appointment. The clinic will be held in the South Court Hotel, Raheen on Wed/Thur 1st & 2nd July, from 4.15pm - 7.30pm. Please note if you are unwell or aged seventy or over, you cannot currently donate. (

BREAST CANCER APP: Breast Cancer Ireland is a charity established to raise vital funding to support breast cancer research. Their aim is to transform breast cancer from often being a fatal disease (690 deaths annually) to a treatable illness long term. Knowledge and early detection are key. The earlier women know what is normal for them, if an abnormality should arise, it will be detected, treated, and the outcome more favourable. They have introduced the Breast Cancer free App “Breast Aware” which offers: A discreet monthly reminder to your phone. A step by step simulated video guide on how to perform a self-breast examination. An outline of the eight signs and symptoms to look out for, it is as well to be aware.!! Irish statistics show; 1 in 9 women will develop breast cancer in the course of their lifetime Incidence of male breast cancer is 1 in 1000. There are 3100 new cases of breast cancer diagnosed each year 30% of women are diagnosed between 20-50 years. 34% of women are diagnosed between 50-69 years. 36% of women are diagnosed over the age of 70 years. Only 5-10% of breast cancer cases are hereditary. More info -

WELCOME: In recent months some local properties have been sold and new families are preparing to move in. We warmly welcome them, it is great to see vacant properties being lived in again. In the village, O'Briens', O'Gormans' and Collins' have new owners as have Flynns' in Killoughty and Fitzgibbons' in Ballinleena. We hope they will be very happy in the parish and we look forward to meeting them in the near future.

DID YOU KNOW: 29th June, 1997:- "London Assurance" closes at Criterion Theater NYC after 72 performances. 30th June,1937:- 999 emergency service is started in London. 1st July, 1908: - "SOS" (· · · – – – · · ·) distress signal becomes the worldwide standard for help. 2nd July, 1921:- World heavyweight champion Jack Dempsey KO Frenchman Georges Carpentier in round 4. 3rd July, 1886: - In Germany, Karl Benz drives the first automobile. 4th July, 1776: - United States Declaration of Independence Signed. 5th July, 1946:- The Bikini swimsuit was introduced by French designer Louis Reard at a popular swimming pool in Paris.

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