June brings tulips, lilies, roses, Fills the children's hand with posies.

Happy 95th Birthday Theresa Chawke.
pictured here with Mick Houlihan.
BIRTHDAY WISHES: Again, this year, it is great to be able to send congratulations to Theresa Chawke on reaching her 95th year. The official day was Tuesday 9th but she might as well extend it for the week. The local Chawke ladies - Theresa, Mairéad and Essie - have had wonderful longevity and healthy lives, whatever their secret is !!!! Wishing her continued good health and she can look forward to more celebrations when Covid has passed.
St. V.dePAUL: The local Branch of St. Vincent dePaul - Reaching Out: In the present and evolving situation, there are likely to be a number of people who find themselves in serious need and who never experienced significant need before. We offer assistance in confidence, sensitivity and compassion. We thank you all for your generous donations, to enable us to continue the work of St. Vincent dePaul. Our designated number is 087-1602110. Please remember - give a little, it helps a lot.
CHARITY FUNDRAISERS: As you know Covid-19 has put an end to all kinds of fundraisers and charity events this year. You may like to support some of the following:- AWARE provides free mental health support services 365 days a year along with positive mental health programmes across communities in Ireland. If you would like to help us reach even more people, you can donate €4 by texting Aware to 50300. See www.aware.ie or freephone 1800-80-48-48. Hospice Sunflower Day, 5/6th June - 30th year: Ordinarily, volunteers would be selling Hospice products all across the country, however not this year. This will drastically impact on fundraising efforts. The aim of Hospice Sunflower Days is to raise the much needed funds to provide vital services; person centred, holistic and loving care to our patients and their loved ones. Every euro raised locally, stays locally. To support them you can go online to www.sunflowerdays.ie and donate. MS Ireland: Their fundraiser for world MS day was to be held on 4th May. However they do suggest other ways to support them on their website www.ms-society.ie. Wedding favours, celebrate your anniversary or birthday by doing a Facebook fundraiser. Donate in memory of a loved one, leave a legacy or purchase merchandise from their online shop e.g. pens, calendars, photos and books.
USED STAMPS: Just a reminder to continue collecting used postage stamps for The Handmaids of the Sacred Heart. Drop them into my letterbox anytime.
DID YOU KNOW: 8th June, 1968;- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Last Speech Before Assassination. 9th June, 1992;- 37th Eurovision, Linda Martin wins singing "Why Me" in Malmo. 10th June, 1996;- 'Twister' disaster film, starring Helen Hunt premieres. 11th June, 2009;- The WHO declares "swine flu", a global pandemic. 12th June, 1964;- Nelson Mandela, is jailed for life, for sabotage. 13th June, 1991;- Boris Yeltsin wins first Russian elections for president. 14th June, 1942;- Anne Frank began her diary after she receives it for her 13th birthday.