TRÓCAIRE: Thousands of Trócaire boxes are sitting in homes across Ireland just now when the world's poorest need our help the most. Millions of people without access to adequate water, sanitation and healthcare are facing the threat of Covid-19. Irish people have always been more than generous over the years. Trócaire understand that times have changed this Lent and whatever you are able to contribute, will be greatly appreciated. Fr. Dan has kindly arranged that your Trócaire boxes/Donations can be dropped into Granagh Church on Sunday 31st May, from 12pm - 1.30pm and Ballingarry Church from 5pm - 7pm. If possible, you might convert the coins to notes. Otherwise you can donate on-line, or by phone 1850 408 408 or if in Cork, drop it into the office at 9 Cook St. The contents of each and every Trócaire box, no matter how small, come together to make a significant difference. This virus knows no borders, but neither does our compassion. Easter Dues/Weekly Envelopes: Many parishioners have been enquirying what to do about the weekly envelopes since the Church has been closed. Fr. Dan realises that the last few months have been difficult and family incomes have been affected. He is not asking anyone in this situation for contributions to the parish or priest. For anybody who has envelopes and wish to pass them on, there will be separate boxes available in the Churches on Sunday 31st also.
CHURCH OPEN: At the moment the Churches will open at set times to facilitate private prayer. Mon to Sat: 5pm - 8pm. Sunday: 2pm - 5pm. One way system, to enter and exit. Please use sanitiser. Father Dan will continue to say Mass, through YouTube. 10.30am every Morning - Tuesday to Sunday inclusive. Every Monday night at 7.00pm.
TLC COMPETITION: Team Limerick Clean-Up is delighted to launch an exciting new competition to coincide with International Biodiversity Day. Celebrating 2020’s theme “Our Solutions Are in Nature”, TLC is asking families and individuals to submit photos of nature in its element in their garden or local green area. This can be birds, animals, insects, plants, trees...or even something as little as a snail. To enter the competition, all you have to do is post your photos on the TLC facebook page, or on Twitter or Instagram using the hashtag #BiodiversityTLC and tag us. The more creative the photo, the better! If your account is private, you can screenshot your post and send to us directly. Closing date for entries is Friday 5th June. We have some very exciting judges including Environmentalist Eanna Ní Lamhna, RTE Presenter Des Cahill, Limerick Senior Hurler Declan Hannon and Irish International Hockey player Roisin Upton. We will be posting some of your photos over the coming days! Lets embrace all that is around us in our beautiful County.
O'GORMANS': Opening Hours will now extend until 9pm, Monday - Sunday. Many thanks to all customers for their continued support.
DID YOU KNOW: 25th May, 1961;- President Kennedy has asked Congress for $531 million to help the US put a man on the moon before the end of the decade . On July 21st 1969 , Neil Armstrong became the first man to set foot on the Moon. 26th May, 1969;- Beatle, John Lennon and Yoko Ono stage a public 'bed in' for world peace - staying in bed for a week in a hotel in Montreal. 27th May, 1796; - James S McLean patents his piano. 28th May, 1961;- Last trip (Paris to Bucharest) on the Orient Express,after 78 years. 29th May, 1953 Edmund Hillary of New Zealand and Tenzing Norgay of Nepal become the first explorers to reach the top of Mount Everest. 30th May, 1959; - The first full size hovercraft , designed by Sir Christopher Cockerell, is launched and tested at Cowes on the Isle of Wight. 31st May, 1870; - Madison Square Garden opens in New York, named after 4th President James Madison.