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May brings flocks of pretty Lambs, Skipping round their fleecy damns.

Traditional May Altar.

For the month of May, we remember our family, friends and neighbours, whose mortuary cards are displayed on the Church noticeboard:- Padddy Noonan, Dan Hynes & Fr. Martin Bennett, Granagh. May Houlihan, Stylepark. Maurice J. Sheehy, Coolruss. Michael O'Regan & John Costello (Bansha), Graigacurra. Christina Chawke, Ballyvologue. Teresa Twomey, Kilatal. Bridie Broderick, Kilmacanearla. Sheila Conway & Thomas O'Donovan, Killoughty. Mick O'Carroll, Liskennett. Michael & Mary Sheehy, Castletown. Timmy Con Brosnan, Broadford. Fr. Edward Kinnane, Pallasgrean. Edmond Duggan, Mallow. Sr. Rosa Power. Michael J. Purtill, Graiguebeg.

WEEKLY MASS: Father Dan will be saying Mass everyday, through YouTube. If you type in - Dan Lane, Granagh, his page heading will appear as a green circle with the letter D. 10.30am every Morning - Tuesday to Sunday inclusive. Every Monday night at 7.00pm.

CHARITY: Guide Dog Day was celebrated on 8th May. Their goals are to support people who are vision impaired and families of children with autism, by providing life-changing services. They help create partnerships between people and their dogs and the dogs can then empower people to move safely and confidently around their communities. Text ' Woof ' to 50300 to donate €4. More info on

COVID STORIES: There has already been an encouraging response to a call for Limerick people to record their experience of the Covid-19 pandemic. Limerick Museum and The People's Museum in Limerick are collaborating on a project which will attempt to tell the story of how Limerick people coped during the crisis. They are calling for people to submit their stories and photographs which will form an official study and also a future exhibition. Matthew Potter of Limerick Museum was speaking on Live95Fm to explain the type of questions they are asking people to address...e.g how has Covid19 changed your family life, if you or a family member are a frontline worker, what has it been like, what's it like going shopping now, if you are religious, how has it changed your worship, how do you keep in contact with family and friends, how are you keeping active, how are the family keeping entertained etc. Stories can be E-mailed to Caroline@limerickcivictrust

TRÓCAIRE: As many people have contributed to Trocaire, here is an update from their work in Sierra Leone. " Having emergency plans in place has helped us to respond quickly to COVID-19 in Sierra Leone. We have supported basic hygiene, humane quarantine facilities, and provided information on preventing the spread of the disease and to reduce stigma to those who contract it. There are now over 200 confirmed COVID-19 cases in S. Leone , the virus is spreading fast and people are naturally worried. The difference between S. Leone and other countries across the globe, is that less than five years ago, S. Leone had just come out of the largest Ebola virus epidemic. This outbreak featured similar preventative measures – such as lockdowns and quarantines. Over 10,000 died from that disease outbreak. As well as the devastating loss of life, there has been a lasting impact on the economy and people’s livelihoods in the region. S. Leone is one of the poorest countries in the world. As a result of decades of conflict, dealing with outbreaks, natural disasters, and chronic poverty, the country has a very weak health system. Sierra Leone has just 18 ventilators for a population of 7.5 million people. In contrast, Ireland has over 1,200 and is currently scaling up to over 2,000. Sierra Leone doesn’t have a single ICU bed in the whole country. Trócaire is responding through our local partner organisations on the ground ". More info on or you can donate online or by phoning 1850 408 408.

KINDNESS: You might think you don’t matter in this world, BUT because of you, someone has a favourite mug, that you bought them, to drink their tea out of each morning. Someone hears a song on the radio and it reminds them of you. Someone has read a book you recommended, and gotten lost in its pages. Someone’s remembered a joke you told them and smiled to themselves on the bus. Someone’s tried on a top and felt beautiful because you complimented them on it. Someone has a memory that involves you and it makes them grin. Someone now like themselves that little bit more because you made a passing comment that made them feel good. Never think you don’t have a impact. Your fingerprints can’t be wiped away from the little marks of kindness that you’ve left behind.

DID YOU KNOW: 11th May, 2000; - India's population officially reaches 1 billion. 12th May, 1941; - Konrad Zuse presents the Z3, the world's first working programmable, fully automatic computer, in Berlin. 13th May, 1938; - "When the Saints Go Marching In" was recorded by Louis Armstrong and his Orchestra. 14th May,1991;- Winnie Mandela, the wife of Nelson Mandela, is given a six-year prison sentence. 15th May, 1940;- Nylon stockings from DuPont went on general sale for the first time in the USA. 16th May, 2013;- Human stem cells are successfully cloned. 17th May, 1961; - Fidel Castro offers to exchange Bay of Pigs prisoners for 500 bulldozers !!

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