CHOMHBHRÓN: Our sympathies to the family of Helen Murphy-O’Shea (nee Carey), Kilmore, who passed peacefully on 29th April, in her 98th year. Helen, wife of the late Larry and Mike, mother of the late Teresa-Ann. Very deeply regretted by her daughters Breda, Philomena, Margaret, Helen, Mary, Bernadette, sons Stephen, Larry, Tom and Michael, brother Pat Carey, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, grandchildren neighbours and her many friends. Helen's funeral mass took place on Saturday 2nd, followed by burial in Shanabhotha cemetery. Go dtuga Dia solas na bhflaitheas dí.
WEEKLY MASS: Father Dan will be saying Mass everyday, through YouTube. If you type in - Dan Lane, Granagh, his page heading will appear as a green circle with the letter D. 10.30am every Morning - Tuesday to Sunday inclusive. Every Monday night at 7.00pm.
G/B CAMOGIE CLUB: A big thanks to everyone for supporting our ' Sunrise Solo' fundraiser, Sat 2nd May ! Two great charities will benefit from your very generous donations - Liskennett Farm & Breast Cancer Ireland. The Go fund me page will remain open until Friday and there is a bucket in O'Gorman's shop. No matter how big or small, all donations are appreciated. #helpingcharities #gbcamogieclub
PLANT the PLANET: Glenisk is an Irish company who produce organic yogurt. They are supporting the planting of 1.1million trees in association with SelfHelp Africa. Why Trees, you might ask? Planting a tree is a simple, yet powerful action in the fight against climate change. Designed by nature, a tree grows itself and once mature, can absorb 20kg of carbon every year. In Africa, trees create shelter, food and income, they enhance biodiversity, improve the soil and provide the income that funds education to some of the poorest communities on our planet.. If you would like to help by donating just €5 - one tree will be planted in Ireland and another 10 in Africa. You will received information where the trees are planted and also a voucher for a free yogurt !! Go to their site -
MILFORD HOSPICE: Our "Walk from a Distance" Memorial Walk will commence for five days on the 3rd May and ending on the 7th May. There will be a special blessing ceremony on Friday, 8th May at 12 pm, which will be streamed live on our social media. Each person who registers receives a Tribute Ribbon for their loved one/s and these ribbons will then be placed under the Christmas Tree in the Chapel at Christmas where everyone will be remembered. If you would still like to register for €20 per family and have a ribbon placed on the tree in memory of your loved ones, you can do so by visiting the website
DID YOU KNOW: 4th May, 1932; - Al Capone begins life as a convict in Atlanta Federal Penitentiary serving 11 years for Income Tax Evasion. 5th May, 1961; - Alan B. Shepard Jr became the first American in space. 6th May, 1954; - Roger Bannister becomes the first man to run a mile in less than 4 minutes. 7th May, 1941; - Glenn Miller and His Orchestra recorded "Chattanooga Choo Choo." 8th May, 1945; - VE Day / Victory In Europe Declared. 9th May, 1974; - Impeachment hearings begin against President Richard M. Nixon. 10th May, 1994; - South Africa's newly elected parliament chose an Unopposed Nelson Mandela to be the country's first black president.