Rest in Peace Patrick:

CHOMHBHRÓN: Our sympathies to the Leahy and O'Brien families on the unexpected death of Patrick on April 15th. Predeceased by his brothers Jimmy and Johnny. Deeply regretted by his loving wife Anne, children Pa, Janet, Jason and Calum, brothers Michael, Thomas and Finty, sisters Kathleen, Nancy, Betty, Patsy, Frances and Bernie, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces, relatives, neighbours, ex Army colleagues and many friends. A true gentleman and good neighbour. In compliance with Covid-19 guidelines, Patrick's funeral was held in private. Family and friends gathered outside the church to lend what support they could to the grieving family. His motorbike friends led the cortege. Patrick was laid to rest on Tuesday 21st in Granagh cemetery. Go dtuga Dia suaimhneas sioraí do.
WEEKLY MASS: Father Dan will be saying Mass everyday, through YouTube. If you type in - Dan Lane, Granagh or the date, his page heading will appear as a green circle with the letter D. 10.30am every Morning - Tuesday to Sunday inclusive. Every Monday night at 7.00pm.
DID YOU KNOW: 22nd April, 1970: Earth Day was observed for the first time. 23rd Apr, 1984: Singer Marvin Gaye Shot by his father. 24th Apr, 1990: the Hubble Space Telescope launched into orbit. 25th Apr, 1956: Elvis Presley has his first number one hit with "Heartbreak Hotel". 26th Apr, 1986: An explosion and fire at the No. 4 reactor of Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine resulted in a nuclear meltdown.