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EASTER 2020 - Covid-19 Closes Churches:

MASS SERVICES: Fr. Dan is now on YouTube..!! If you just type in Dan Lane, Granagh, on YouTube, that will bring you to the site. He has already said mass, from his house, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday as a trial run before Easter. It looks like it is working so the Easter ceremonies will be available, although I do not have the ceremony times at present. Once we get them, we will share them on the Web site ( and on our Facebook page (granaghcommunitynews). Happy Easter wishes to all in the parish.

MASSES & PRAYERS: St Patrick’s Missionary Society, Kiltegan wanted to do something to help as people cannot get to Mass. They have recorded the Stations of the Cross in St Patrick’s Chapel in Kiltegan, Co Wicklow. You can join them in prayer each day throughout Holy Week, it takes only about 35 minutes. All you need to do is click on the following link:…/st-patricks-missionary-society. No password is needed. Scroll down and you will see “Recordings” on the bottom left. Kilmallock: Morning Mass on-line with Fr. Chris at 9.30am. Rosary Sunday - Friday at 5.30pm, on Saturday at 5.20pm. Evening Prayer - Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 9.30pm. Weekend Mass, Saturday at 6pm, Sunday 12pm.

GIVE BLOOD: Clinics will be held in April on 8th & 9th between 4.30 and 8pm in the Greenhills Hotel, Ennis Road, by appointment only, please ring 061-306980.

65 ROSES DAY: Friday 10th April is 65Roses Day for Cystic Fibrosis Ireland. Of course their public collections are now cancelled, so they are offering donations by text or on-line. You can support Cystic Fibrosis Ireland by donating online at or text Fight CF to 50300 to donate €4.

DID YOU KNOW: 2nd Apr, 1914, Cumann nmBan was founded in Dublin. 4th Apr, 1906, Mt. Vesuvius erupted & Martin Luther King Jr was murdered.. 5th Apr, 1862, the Guiness family adopted the Harp as its symbol. 5th Apr, 2012, Barney McKenna died. He was a founder member of The Dubliners and played the Banjo, Violin, Mandolin and Melodeon. 6th Apr, 1986, Olypmic games reborn. 7th Apr, 1949, ' South Pacific' debut on Broadway. 8th Apr, 1992, the satirical British magazine Punch publishes it's final issue. 9th Apr, 1940 Germany invades Norway and Denmark. 10th Apr, 1970 Beatles Break Up. 11th Apr, 1965 The Palm Sunday Tornadoes strike Indiana and the surrounding states. 12th Apr, 1961 Yuri Gagarin Becomes First Man in Space.

PROTECT OUR NATION: People are so creative during this period of downtime. I came across a love poem on facebook by a lady called Caroline who dedicated it to everyone who is working so bravely and tirelessly to provide essential services at this difficult time. Most of all, to honour the people of Ireland who are committed to respecting the guidelines that have been put in place, to protect our nation. The world's been attacked by Covid 19,

A shocking pandemic like we've never seen. Our Government's trying to do their best,

Instructions from them are like a test. Work from home and self isolate,

As we await our planet's fate. We're washing our hands to the point of insane,

In the hope it's not in vain. From symptoms to testing in an orderly queue,

Hoping at best to avoid I.C.U. we follow the news like an ongoing thriller,

Knowing this virus is a merciless killer. Children are crying and seniors are dying,

If I said we're all safe then I would be lying Our churches are closed but is God still there?

Why don't you ask by starting a prayer. Economies are falling while the markets collapse,

Will they recover, Its only perhaps. Our doctors and nurses are all in the field,

Dependant on masks to act as their shield. They're doing their utmost to keep patients alive,

Whilst knowing themselves they may not survive. Our hearts are broken and bodies in fear,

As we Skype and whatsapp those we hold dear. Let's all join forces and pray for the day,

That Covid-19 will just go away.

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