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APRIL brings the Primrose Sweet, Scatters Daisies at our Feet.

MASS SERVICES: Granagh and Ballingarry Churches are now closed to the public in a bid to help prevent the spread of the Covid virus. Just to let you know that Live streaming of Masses in Raheen Church can now be obtained by going into Raheen Parish website - click on Live Stream, top right of page. Raheen - Mid- week Masses at 10.00am, Saturday Mass at 6.00pm and Sunday Mass at 11.00am. West Limerick 102fm - Online Mass every Sunday at 10.00am. Knock Shrine Parish Church will stream Mass at 12 noon and 7pm daily - RTE 1 midweek Mass at 10.30am and Sunday Mass at 11.10am.

SOME PERSPECTIVE: While the Covid situation is still extremely serious, there are positives, when we compare our lives to others:- 1. There are no bombs raining on our heads. 2. I am not a prisoner held in solitary confinement, as millions are. 3. I am not a refugee trying to escape with my life. 4. I am not standing in line waiting to fill a pot of water. 5. I have access to fresh food and I'm not starving. 6. I have hot running water. 7. My country has not been ruined by years of war. 8. I can reach my friends by phone and check in on them. 9. My friends check in on me because they care about me. 10. Any whiplash I feel about this strange turn of events is itself a sign of privilege. 11. More than half of the world would gladly trade their everyday problems for the modest inconveniences I am experiencing ! 12. I may have anxious dreams but I'm dreaming them on a proper bed and I'm not sleeping on the sidewalk. 13. By staying at home, I'm helping the planet rest. 14. As long as I have my mind I can create, imagine, dream and not be lonely. 15. This global crisis connects me to people around the world and reminds me of our common humanity. This is a good thing. 16. When something tragic happens to another country next time, I will respond to it not with superiority, but humility and recognition. 17. I will fight for positive changes and economically just policies in my own country. 18. I am surrounded by books. 19. I am surrounded by love. 20. The trees have already begun to bloom.

ONE COMMUNITY: Don't be a bit shy to contact us if you need help with anything during the Covid pandemic. If you need medicines, groceries or fuel, collected from the Shop, Pharmacy or Creamery and delivered to your door, please contact one of the following co-ordinators. They will organise with one of the many local volunteers to carry out the collection and delivery. Steven Stapleton; 086-1960301, Theresa Noonan; 085- 8875585, Anne O'Grady; 087-8561898, Andrew Holmes; 087- 9429228.

O'GORMAN's STORE: O’Gormans Food Store is now closing at 8pm daily, for the duration of Covid 19. Many thanks to the family and staff for being present and providing the community with all the necessities during the isolation period. You can contact 061/399226 or 086 3344630 if you need any Deliveries and they can also take Orders from your car - if you don’t want to go into the shop. Granagh Players -DvD's: ' The Government Inspector' Dvd is now in stock in the shop.

AUTISM AWARENESS: The 2nd April is recognised as world autism day to raise awareness about people on the Autism Spectrum Disorder. Many shops now have dedicated quiet evenings to allow families to bring their children shopping. Autism is a disability that remains with a person for his or her whole life. This condition affects the brain's functions. People with autism often find social interaction difficult, have problems with verbal and non-verbal communication demonstrate repetitive behaviour and have a limited set of interests and activities. Autism affects girls and boys of all races and has a large impact on children, their families, communities, and societies. The prevalence is currently rising in many countries around the world. Caring for and educating children and young people with this condition places challenges on parents, health care, education and training programmes. If you would like to donate - Text ASD to 50300 to donate €2 to The Irish Society for Autism. Text cost €2. Irish Society for Autism will receive a minimum of €1.63. Service Provider: LIKECHARITY. Helpline: 076 680 5278.

TRÓCAIRE: As with all events, Trocaire took the decision to cancel its activities during the Lenten Appeal. Each year, teams travel all over Ireland throughout Lent to deliver talks, exhibitions aimed at highlighting our campaign and raising the funds needed to help millions of people around the world. Normally, this is a vital time of year for Trócaire’s fundraising, but the safety of supporters, volunteers and staff comes first. Our teams around the world will continue to carry-out life-saving programmes, thanks to the generosity of people in Ireland. COVID-19 has been identified in five of the countries we work in, all currently have lower infection rates than Ireland. We need to ensure our programmes can continue, while also taking all the necessary steps to make sure our staff, partners and communities are kept safe. While we have cancelled events, our Appeal continues. Now that we in Ireland have experience of a major life event that has changed our daily lives, it should enable us to empathise with people in third world countries. They face many more trials daily - war, famine, drought, disease etc but have none of the supports we have here. They would trade places with us in an instant... You can still support Trocaire's crucial work by donating online - or by phoning 1850 408 408. If you have a Trócaire box, hold it until such time as you can return it safely.

GIVE BLOOD: Blood donations are still needed. Clinics will be held in the Greenhills Hotel, Ennis Road, by aappointment only, please ring 061-306980. Will be held in April on 1st, 2nd, 6th, 7th, 8th & 9th between 4.30 and 8pm.

BIRTHDAY: Sending our congratulations to Kathleen Toomey who celebrates her birthday this week, a quieter one than usual. Give her a wave from a distance !!

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