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TROCAIRE - Remember Those Who are Disadvantaged, around the World.

TRÓCAIRE: Its aims are - To support and advocate for all peoples, of all religions, who are living in poverty. To educate Irish people about global poverty and justice issues. Trócaire believes that every man, woman & child is born equal. Poverty is much more than the absence of basic needs. It is the absence of Opportunity, the lack of Power, the lack of Voice & Control over one's life. This year's campaign tells the story of women around the world who are struggling to protect their families from intimidation, violence, hunger and drought. Mothers are going to extraordinary lengths to keep their families safe and Trócaire is asking people across Ireland to support them this Lent. This year we are focusing on women. According to the latest international research:- Attacks on women human rights defenders have increased every year, with 137 attacks on women recorded in 2019. Disasters resulting from climate change are estimated to kill 14 times more women and girls than men and boys. Women are more vulnerable during crisis situations such as natural disasters, forced evictions or violence - more than 70 percent of women in crisis situations have experienced some form of direct violence. Berta Caceres, murdered in 2017, for fighting to protect her community land, in Honduras. Last year Trócaire supported 2.9 million people around the world. We work in twenty countries in the developing world, helping people to grow food, protect their human rights and supporting people living through humanitarian emergency. Unfortunately, Trócaire’s support is needed now more than ever in the countries where we work. Thank You for your Donations last year - the Limerick Diocese alone donated an amazing €195,618.88 to Trócaire during Lent. Imagine the difference you have made to people's lives !!

68th DRAMA FESTIVAL: Fri 6th - Sat 14th Mar. Community Hall, Charleville. 8pm. A great mix of plays this year, with three in the confined section and four in the open section. Opening night - 'Steel Magnolias' - Skibbereen group. ' Men should Weep ' - Bridge group. ' The Salvage Shop '- Kilrush group. 'Cyprus Avenue' - Shoestring Theatre. 'Beyond Therapy' - the Ray Leonard Players. ' Duet for One' - Dundalk group. 'The Outgoing Tide' - Sliabh Aughty. 'Sharon's Grave' - Kilmeen group. Booking line, Mon to Fri, 10am to 12noon at 063-32648. The Adjudicator this year will be Aodh McCay ADA , from Strabane, who has a great wealth of experience and expertise in the industry. Aodh is a professional director who has received numerous awards for directing and acting in festivals throughout Ireland. He has several graduate and post-graduate qualifications in Drama and English. He has over thirty years’ experience as a teacher of Drama, and is a senior examiner of GCSE Drama and Chief Examiner of GCSE English Literature in N. Ireland.

CAKES & COFFEE: Carebright Dementia community are holding two fundraisers. Saturday 7th Mar, Cake sale after 6pm Mass in Bruff. Sunday 8th, Coffee morning after 11am mass in Bruff.

ANGELS' RETURN: Knockaderry/Clouncagh Drama group will present their play ' Entertaining Angels' for two extra nights in the resource centre, Knockaderry, due to popular demand. Friday 13th and Sunday 15th March at 8pm nightly.

BIG BANDS: Mon 16th March, Rathkeale Community Centre. 8.30pm. The community council are holding a fundraising concert with performers, Shaun O'Dowd, The Conquerors & Gina of the Champions. Should be a great night. Tickets €25 available at O'Gairbhi's, Scanlon Ausctioneers, Community Centre Office or online -

DAFFODIL DAY: Fri 27th March: Take note of change of venue. Mary Morrissey's daffodill day will be held, this year, in the community centre. Time to be confirmed.

CHARITY CÉILÍ: Friday 27th Mar, Longcourt Hse Hotel, 9.30pm: In aid of Down Syndrome Limerick. The Mountain Road,céilí band will supply the music. All support greatly appreciated.


Friday 27th Mar: Coming up this month - fundraising Race Night at the Rock Bar. Contact any member to get your horse & jockey. Please support if you can, it is vital to keeping the club in finances, as costs continue to rise.

DIARY: Thur 5th: Knights Street Bridge club, charity night. Tue 10th: Yoga, Level 1 at 7.15pm. Beginners 8.30pm. Sat 14th: 'Jetty Stars' - Friars Gate.8pm. Tue 24th: First confessions, Granagh 7.30pm. Thur26- Sat 28th: MIDAS present 'Joseph & Amazing T. Dreamcoat'.

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