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TRÓCAIRE GIFT CARDS: Living Gifts, are Changing Lives ! You can help Trocaire to help those who are less well off - by purchasing a Gift card. Mary O'Regan will be selling them on behalf of Trócaire - On Saturday 14th, before & after Mass, in Granagh (at the Side Door) and on Sunday 15th in Ballingarry (at the Office). There is a selection which includes; €5 - Soap. € 8 - Baby Chicks. € 15 - Seeds & Tools. € 15 - Solar Light. € 20 - School Lunches. € 30 - School Kit. € 50 - Help a Granny. You can also order by phone on 1850 408 408 or online at All the information is in the brochure, at the back of the Church.

GIVE BLOOD: Wednesday 11th Dec: Clinic will be held in Colaiste Iosef Kilmallock. 6pm - 9pm. It's the most precious gift you can give.

CHURCH NEWS: Sat 15th Dec: '' Bambinelli Sunday '' - a tradition introduced by Pope John Paul many years ago and Granagh is participating this year. Children are asked to bring their 'Baby Jesus' crib figures to Mass, where they will be blessed. They are then asked to take them home, wrap them up and place them under the tree. Then Christmas morning - before any presents are opened, the youngest is asked to open this special present and place Baby Jesus in the crib. Mon 16th: 7.00pm: Christmas Confessions by visiting priests, in each Church. Fri 20th: 7.00pm. Youth Club, Christmas Mass, all welcome to attend. Parish Office: Monday & Wednesday ~ 11am - 4pm. Tel 069-68661.

REMEMBERING OUR DECEASED: For the month of December, we remember our family, friends and neighbours, whose mortuary cards are displayed on the Church noticeboard:- Tom Herlihy, Joe Scanlon, Kingsland. Josephine Murphy, David Hartigan Coolruss. Maura & Kevin O'Donoghue, John O'Rourke, Doorluss. Bridget & Daniel Fitzgibbon, Noreen Ann Biggane, Kilmore. John Carey, Patricia Whetham, Mary Noonan, Ned Chawke, Granagh. Michael Pitman, Lisduane. Margaret Sheehan, Joseph Toomey, Kilatal. Tommy Broderick, Kilmacanearla. Jimmy O'Carroll, Liskennett. Canon Liam Houlihan, Salford. William Leane, Thurles. Ellen O'Connor, Croom. Laura Enright & Richard Collins, Banogue. Mary O'Leary, Cork. Mary Sheahan, Loughill. Bridie O'Brien, Ballyagran. MaggieMae McMahon, Tullylease. Anna Neville, Croagh. James O'Brien, Ruan. Mary McNamara, Ballybrown. Nancy Cregan, Derryclough.

HALL CELEBRATES: We had a lovely gathering, and a very appreciative audience, to mark the fiftieth year of our community centre. Thanks to the people who handed in photos and thanks to Joe Power for digitising and printing them off. Back in the day, the cameras were few and far between, so the older photos are scarce, but on seeing them, they are a great way of bringing back memories and stories. Nowadays, there are plenty cameras but photos are shared online mostly and very few are printed off. If anyone is going through their attics and come across old documents/photos etc in relation to the parish, please pass them to any member of the development association so that we can record them on computer. We were delighted to see Mairead Chawke attending - one of the Hall's long-time contributors and supporters. Great to see Fr. Tim O'Leary, who we have to thank for extending the Hall to its present size. Mary Liston & Margaret Hartigan had many memories to recall of their great Macra days. Organisations represented - Legion of Mary, Muintir Na Tire, The Pioneers, The ICA, The Apostolic Group, The Card Committee, The Young at Heart, The Athletic Club, Macra na Feirme, GAA , Music Classes, Youth Club, The Water Group, Granagh Dev. Assoc etc So many meetings and events were held over the years and only because the old school building was available and open to all to use. We are indebted to the many people who volunteered and put in many hours of manual work, over time, to keep the Hall building maintained and functional. The first group of officers led the way for many to follow; Chair - Ned Chawke, Sec - Sean McMahon & Treas - Jim Noonan. Since then we have had as Chairmen:- Ned Sheehy, Jim Chawke, Martin Carroll, Mike O'Regan, John Bennett & Liam Houlihan. Secretaries: - Brid Shine, Brid O'Donoghue, Marian Noonan, Eileen Power & Niamh O'Hanlon. Treasurers:- Tom Sexton, Mike O'Regan, Mary Lynch, Anne Hickey & Shane Twomey. Since Granagh Development was set up in 2003, the following is a list of the many activities it has been involved in, that have taken place or originated through meetings in the Hall :- Monster Jumble Sale, 2006. Provide Hall for youth club, '04-'09. Arranged several classes - computer, gardening, excercise and dancing along with flower and cooking demos. Began Afternoon Tea Dancing in 2007. Instrumental in the foundation of Granagh Players, 2008. Youth drama and dance camp, 2011. Hosted visitors for the Cagney/Noonan reunion during 'The Gathering' 2013. Assisted in outdoor fundraising for Kilpeacon Church Renovation fund at Lady Haringtons' home, 2012, '14, '18 & '19. The GDA took on the first big refurbishment of Hall 2013/ 2014. Set up ' Community Text Alert ' system in the parish. Also refaced the stone wall, opposite Church, 2013/14. 2014 - Presentations to Sean Cagney & Mick Houlihan for their dedicated service to the community and the GDA.. 2014 - Held Launch of Team Dave Riordan, Malin to Mizen Cycle for Liskennett Autism Centre. Also, that year, honoured Water Group Members at a presentation night. 2015, we engaged with Ballyhoura Development Association to develop a 5- year- plan for the Granagh Community. 2015 Granagh Parish Web site set-up, which was designed by Niamh O’Hanlon. 2015 - Facilitated Granagh Pebbles After Schools service in one of the Rooms in the Hall, up until June '17. Hosted – The History of Granagh Creamery, a presentation by Jim Houlihan. 2016 - Facilitated the 1916 celebrations, commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Rising. Honoured Mary Liston, at G. Players Celebration night for - forming the first Macra branch in Granagh ('72), producing the many Macra Light Entertainment & Drama shows and fostering the development of the youth in the parish during those years. Also, for producing the first Play in Granagh in 2008 which led to the formation of the very successful Granagh Players. Hosted two presentations by Jim Houlihan - The History of Granagh Creamery & the History of Granagh Group Water Scheme. In 2017 - The Big Jim, Tractor Run. In 2018, awards night hosted for the National Schools' All Ireland Aviva soccer team. In 2018 - the GDA applied to LEADER for a grant towards replacement of all the floors in the Hall as well as improving insulation in the front wall of Hall. The GDA also applied for LEADER funding for a 14-Bay car park on the Liskennett road and improvements to the walkway up to Liskennett Wood. Hosted a Reception for the Liam McCarthy, All Ireland Trophy. Jan 2019 - ' The History of the ICA' a presentation by Jim Houlihan. Hosted ' Pink for Peggy'. We held a presentation night for Pat Gubbins in October and ' The Colleen Bawn ' was recently staged in November. Not forgetting to add to the list, Granagh Players and their twelve dramatic productions.! Our Hall has been at the centre of community life and only for it, much of the above would not have happened. The last ingredient in the mix, is the many wonderful volunteers who have given their time and talents over the years. They have ensured its viability and we hope that continues. Next date to mark, Dec 2069. !!!

ENERGIA COMPETITION: You decide who wins! Voting for this year’s Ireland's Most Christmassy Home is now open. Finalists in Limerick, include Caoimhe's Christmas Lights (No. 6) and Tony Noonan's (No.1). If you would like to vote for either, and help them win E3,000for their charity, do the following;- Text HOUSE followed by a space and the number of the house to 51155 . Standard SMS rates apply, e.g. Text: HOUSE 6 to 51155. Voting closes on Tuesday 17th December at midnight.

DIARY: Thur 12th: Limk Youth Service Xmas Fair, 10-2pm & Drumcollogher Organic College Fair 5-8pm.. Fri 13th: " Entertaining Angels" play in Knockaderry, 8pm. 13th - 31st: Crochet Exhibit, NCW Library. Sun 15th: Entertaining Angels" play, in Knockaderry &

Cuan Mhuire, Cake, Craft & Gift Fair. Tue 17th: Candlelight Yoga in Granagh Hall. 7.30p. Fri 27th: Greybridge Christmas Night Run thru Granagh.

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