Doing it Their Way.....

Seamus Twomey, Fiona & Jimmy Morrissey hit the streets of New York before attending Limerick Match Paul COLLECTION: This coming weekend, Saturday 23rd Nov, there will be a church-gate collection for the St. Vincent dePaul, before Mass in Granagh. Many of you support our work. Thank you. Without this help we simply would not be able to support our fellow parishioners, on your behalf. In addition to funds, we are always looking for volunteers. If you are interested, please contact us on our designated phone number, 087-1602110. On Friday 29th, a collection day will also be held at O'Grady's Supermarket, Ballingarry.
THE HALL - 50yrs: On Sat 7th Dec at 8pm, Granagh Development Association will be marking fifty years of Granagh Community Centre. We will be organising a display of photos, documents etc from all organisations that have used the Hall, over the years. We need You to unearth your old photos, paper clippings, mementos etc by Friday 29th !!!! Joe Power, Jim Chawke or any committee member will be delighted to receive them, on loan. Some of the past organisations - Legion of Mary, Muintir Na Tire, Pioneers, ICA, Apostolic Group, Card Committee, Macra na Feirme, GAA , Gun Club, Music Classes, etc If you were a member of any of these organisations, it would be wonderful to have their memories on display, so get searching, we will accept everything.... Friday 29th is closing date.
CLOTHES COLLECTION: In aid of Granagh Nat. School Parents' Association. Last collection coming up this weekend - Friday 22nd; 3-5pm and Saturday 23rd; 4-7pm. Drop off point is at the Parochial house. They are accepting - good quality, reusable clothes. Hats & Scarves. Belts & Handbags. Paired shoes. Sheets, Duvet covers, Pillow cases, Curtains and Towels.
JOHNNIE's BRITCHES: Mary Liston's production is going down a treat with audiences, a hilarious comedy that will have you in good form for the week. Last weekend of performances - Thur 21st, Fri 22nd, Sat 23nd, Sun 24th at 8pm nightly. Don't miss it.!
THE VANBRUGH STRING QUARTET: Saturday 23rd Nov, Musica Fusion School, Bakers' Rd., Charleville, 4.00pm: What a coup for the music school - they are hosting and performing before this incredible sextet of the best musicians in the country. !!!! Usually to be found in the National Concert Hall, this time they are coming to a local venue, to make classical music accessible for everyone. For Music of this caliber, tickets are priced at only €10. Proceeds raised will go to the Musica Fusion Community Music Scholarship fund. Go along and support our future musicians and enjoy Brahms in G major Op.36. For more info and booking - 087-9873379 or
THE COLLEEN BAWN: Saturday 30th Nov; 8pm. Granagh Community Centre: A treat in store for us with the visit of the Full Moon Theatre Company, Clare and their highly acclaimed production ‘Ellen Hanly- Colleen Bawn… the Eyewitness Accounts’ . This year marks the bi-centenary of the death of Ellen Hanly. As we know, she was born in the townland of Ballyelan and much of the history of her short and tragic life was lived in our local parishes. We have a great source of knowledge of those events, which transfixed a nation, thanks to the work of local historians, Patrick C Fitzgerald and Patrick T. Fitzgerald. A very entertaining and informative night is assured. Tickets on the door; Adults €12. Children €10.
REMEMBERING OUR DECEASED: For the month of November, we remember our family, friends and neighbours, whose mortuary cards are displayed on the Church noticeboard:- Sean O'Brien, Ballyguile. Dan Monckton & John Toomey, Kilatal. Thomas O'Connor, Knockfierna. Michael Sheehan, Ballinleena. Seamus Biggane & Patrick Fitzgibbon, Kilmore. Margaret O'Brien & Mary O'Gorman, Granagh. Canon Liam Houlihan, Salford. Catherine O'Brien, Doorluss. Alma O'Leary, Castletown. Thomas McCann, Kilfinny. Michael F. Sheehan, England. Rev Eddie O'Dwyer, Pallasgrean. Patrick O'Grady, Ballingarry. Mary T. Healy, Dublin. Michael Storan, Croom. Maureen Murphy, Templeglantine. Thomas Neville, Croagh. During our Bereavement Mass, we especially remembered those who died in the past year - Paula Shine, Kay Horgan, Peg O'Riordan, Peg Treacy, Jim Lynch, Gerard Tierney ( Ann Moran's Brother), Sadie Bennett, Maurice Barrett, Peggy Tierney & Mary Chris Purtill. Also, We remember our Tea Dancers, George O'Riordan, Adare, Alice Moloney, Croom, Moira Winters, Hospital and the recently deceased Mary Mangan, Croom. " Don't think of them as gone away - their journey's just begun. Just think of them as resting from the sorrows and the tears, in a place of warmth and comfort where there are no days and years " Graveyard Rosary; Sundays for the month of November, the rosary will be prayed in our graveyards. Shanabhotha at 3pm and Granagh at 3.30pm. All welcome to join in. First Fridays; Every first Friday of the year, the masses in each Church are offered specifically for our departed loved ones. Mass Cards: For your convenience, mass cards can now be provided by the Sacristan, immediately after mass in either church.
SHARE A DREAM: Fundraiser on Saturday 23rd Nov, 11am - 5pm. Deebert House, Kilmallock. Wellness and craft fair in aid of Share a Dream Foundation. There will be card readings, therapies and all kinds of stalls that offer a range of products including cakes, jewellery, books, Xmas Logs, beauty products, nutrition, hats, home made jams, candles for all occasions, face painting and more. We all know the good work that Share a Dream Foundation do, let's give them a helping hand in making dreams come through for very special children. Further info on 085- 2833832 or Email; Adm; €5 – adults FREE - kids.
THANK YOU: Pat Gubbins would like to express his sincere thanks to the people of Granagh and surrounding area for their good wishes and astounding generosity, on the occasion of his departure from Dairygold Co-Op store in Granagh. Thanks to you all.
TRÓCAIRE: Living Gifts of Love, which are Changing Lives. Choose a Gift. Your loved one receives a beautiful Card. You change a families' Life.!! A €50 gift to Grandparents : A story of thanks - Felicia Machona, Zimbabwe. When Felicia's three grandchildren were orphaned, she stepped in to care for them. Recurring drought made it impossible for her to grow enough food. Every dawn her worries began and it broke her heart to see them going to school hungry. With support from Trócaire, she was able to buy grain and beans and sell what she had leftover. This gift was like rain after a long drought. With the extra money she then bought goats and chickens which helped the family become more self sufficient. This year, I ( Mary O'Regan) am able to sell the gifts locally on behalf of Trócaire, if you don't wish to go online. I have a selection which includes; €5 - Soap. € 8 - Baby Chicks. € 15 - Seeds & Tools. € 15 - Solar Light. € 20 - School Lunches. € 30 - School Kit. € 50 - Help a Granny. To order by phone call 1850 408 408 or online at
CHRISTMAS MARKETS: Lots of fairs and markets happening, where you can support local Irish crafters and purchase unique gifts. Sat 30th of November - 10am - 5:30pm, Made in Limerick, 17 Thomas Street, refreshments, mince pies and a variety of discounts. Will be making a charitable donation from all sales on the day to "Limerick Marine Search & Rescue".
Sunday 1st Dec - Bruree Fair; 12pm - 4pm. Also on 1st - Adare Market; 12pm - 5pm. Friday 6th - St. Joseph's Xmas Market, Charleville, 11am - 3pm. Saturday 7th - Kilmallock, 11am - 2pm. Also, Mungret College from 10am. Sunday 8th, Charleville Park, 12.30pm - 5.30pm. Thursday 12th; 5pm - 8pm. Drumcollogher Organic College.
DIARY: Thur 21st: Give Blood, Southcourt Hotel, 5-8pm. Fri 22nd- 23rd: Ceramic Artists Exhibit, Red Door Gallery, 12pm - 4pm. Sun 24th: Rathcannon Point to Point. 12.30pm. Tue 26th: Yoga in Granagh Hall. 7.30pm. Wed 27th: Yoga in Bruff (Carebright), 9.15am & 7pm. Tue 26th - 30th: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang at Lime Tree. Sat 30th: Limerick Honey Show in Mungret Hall. 2-5pm. Sun 1st Dec: Coolruss Xmas Lights switch on. 5pm. Tue 3rd: Croom Active Retired, Tea Dance.