Our friend Peggy Tierney was laid to rest after Requiem Mass on Wed 21st Aug. Coincidentally, Wednesday was also the day which Peggy spent at church for the weekly Adoration. The Church was overflowing as family, friends and neighbours gathered to pray and bid their final farewell. Mementos taken up, were a photo of her adored dogs, her prayerbook and a 'Johnny Brady' CD - the only other man in her life, after Paddy. The Hanrahan children, whom she looked after for a number of years participated also. Ava May and Jack as Altar Servers wit Harry and Lily bringing up the gifts. The beautiful music and song throughout the Mass was very uplifting.
In Fr. Dan's homily he spoke of the various happenings in a person's life - the good the bad, happy and sad, the ups and downs, etc. In every situation it can be a matter of ' good luck / bad luck - who knows '. In relation to Peggy, it was our good luck that she came from Ardagh to Granagh. She spent many many happy years in the parish and added two children to her family and community. She was a great friend & companion to Nana Tierney. She was blessed with a quick wit & sarcastic humour which caused much laughter, on nights out or on holidays. Everyone she met, she put a smile on their face - a gift that only a few have ! It was bad luck that the cancer returned and worse luck when Paddy had his accident. However, it meant Paddy had five precious months at home with Peggy. Arising from the bad luck, it caused fifty people to get together and arrange ' Pink for Peggy'. It was the most wonderful day in the parish - goodness, co-operation, generosity, support, happiness, camaraderie, all the best attributes, were to be seen that day, thanks to Peggy.
We can never understand why Peggy was taken so soon but she will continue to be remembered by all who knew her.
These words are from Helen Steiner Rice . " Among the great and glorious gifts, our heavenly Father sends, Is the Gift of Understanding that we find in loving friends. For in this world of trouble, that is filled with anxious care. Everybody needs a friend in whom they're free to share, The little secret heartaches that lay heavy on their mind, Not just a mere acquaintance but someone who's 'Just Our Kind'.
Sunday 1st Sept: 11am in the University of Limerick Campus. The Fair, is one of the biggest fundraisers in their calendar of events and greatly assists them in providing hospice care to families throughout Limerick, Clare and North Tipperary. The Fair, is a day out for families, where the adults can pick up a bargain and the children can be equally entertained with all the toys on offer and partaking in the great entertainment on site.
Our sympathies to the family of the late Paddy O'Regan, Water St., Bruree, who passed peacefully at his residence on Thursday 22nd. Husband of Deirdre, father of Gabriella and brother of the late Ann. Deeply regretted by his family, brother Johnny, sisters Nora, Mary, Catherine and Bridget, relatives and friends. He was reposed at Hawe's funeral Home, followed by Cremation on Sunday.
The new September Walks programme boasts four of the most scenic walks in the region - all completely guided so you can relax and take in the surroundings. This programme is designed to start light and build up, suitable for all fitness levels. The environmentalist guide will point out some of the more interesting plant species and natural formations as you go. Have your tea break under the Autumn leaves this September, €10 pp. Tuesday 3rd - Canon Sheehan Loop. Tue 10th - Darby's Bed Loop. Tue 17th - Ballinvreena/Slieveragh. Tue 24th - Blackrock Loop.
Prebooking essential, tickets can be booked through Facebook & Eventbrite. For more information or call 063- 91300.
Sunday 15th Sept at 2pm: Ballingarry Community Park's yearly fund raiser - The Duck Race and the Robbie Curtis Memorial Cup Company Duck Race. Ducks can be bought locally or from Committee members - €150 prize for the first duck home plus prizes for second and third also. O'Grady's Spar are kindly allowing a selling point on the Friday 13th and Saturday 14th before the race. Like last year there will be a Family Table Quiz, afterwards in Condrons with some great prizes again. Your continued support is what keeps the park open.
For the month of August
we remember our family, friends and neighbours, whose mortuary cards are displayed on the Church noticeboard:-
Joe O'Donovn, Killoughty. Mary Sheahan, Ballyvologue. Rev. Fr. Dermot McCarthy, Willie Cagney, John Dillon & John J.O'Brien, Granagh. James Morrissey, Doorluss, David Reynolds, Michael Dunworth & Catherine O'Gorman, Kilmore. Bridie Mulcahy, Kingsland. Nora Sexton, Lisduane. John & Una Scanlan, Liskennett. James Broderick, Lisduff. Maurice Sheehy, Croagh. Mamie Duggan, Mallow. Kit McCarthy, Foynes. Sean Hayes, Pallasgrean. We also remember recently deceased - Sadie Bennett & Peggy Tierney.
Sunday 29th Sept, 3pm at Liskennett Farm: A fundraiser for the Equine Therapy Centre, you will not want to miss.!! The Liam O'Connor show is returning with special guest, the very well know ' Brian Kennedy'... Tickets E20 can be got from David Doyle on 087 - 2734150.
If anybody is interested in joining a Parish Group pilgrimage to Lourdes in Apr/May next year, please get in touch with Fr. Dan. He needs to know how many are keen to go. You can contact the office by email on - or ring any Wednesday during August at 069-68661 ( 10an - 4pm), to get your name on the list.
You may not have heard about it but it's a Volunteer Group who set out to collect pre-owned and new bras for women in South Africa and other countries who can’t afford their own. They work closely with organisations who identify situations where women can benefit from receiving bras and underwear free of charge. If a woman has to make a decision between putting food on the table or buy items, like underwear for herself, she’ll always look after her family’s basic needs first. They are trying to help women to receive for free an item that is expensive to afford, which in most developed countries will end up in landfill or fabric recycling.
SuperValu in Charleville have a donation box in their store for the next week or two.
Many thanks to those who supported the Butterfly Club, Rathkeale, at last weekend's collection. Total received in Granagh €125 and €361 received in Ballingarry.
Sat 31st Aug: Cliona's Cycle, Bruff RFC,8,30am.
4th-15th Sept: Fossett's Circus in Limerick.
Fri 6th: 'The Miller's Story', Friars gate.
Sat 7th: Bros of Charity Cycle.