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Lady Harrington's :

GREYBRIDGE CLASSIC CLUB: Their Summer Cross Country run will place Saturday June 29th, departing from Listons farm, Banogue V35 XT88 registration 5pm and departing at 6pm sharp, finishing for a bite to eat at Dempsey's pub Meanus!!

ARTLIMERICK EXHIBIT: Sunday 30th June. 11am - 4pm. Little Catherine St., Limerick. They will set up their easels and display work all along the pedestrianised street - thirty different artists each Sunday for five consecutive weeks. The community of artists has grown from a handful to almost one hundred artists and come from all walks of life and many different countries. Many have a degree in fine art and some do not. Each artist represents their own work, so you are guaranteed some lively chat about what is so good about getting out and enjoying art in the open. Some will paint or draw, others will chat and drink coffee. The street itself has a great atmosphere and they hope to add a little summer colour . For further info, Tel 086-0778787 Email - or check out the website -

RATHFREDAGH FETE: Remember Sunday 7th July: Goods for the Fete can be dropped in to the Cheshire Home anytime. They're looking for bric-a-brac, good wearable clothes, plants, books, CD's and DVD's, full bottles for the bottle stall and an assortment of raffle prizes. It is a great day out with lots to do and see as well as being a very important fundraiser for the home.

HORSEBOY WORKSHOPS: Tuesday/Wednesday 9th and 10th July: At Liskennett Equine Centre, 9am - 3pm. This workshop has been designed for - theraputic riding instructors. Riders with an interest in Autism. Parents, siblings, friends & family of children / adults with Autism. Teachers. Speech, Occupational and other Therapists. Thursday /Friday 11th and 12th July: This second workshop will focus on the New Trails Movement Method 1&2. For further info, Email -

GARDEN WALK: Lady Harrington's garden walk went ahead despite the inclement weather and people came dressed accordingly. Thanks to all who helped transporting tables/chairs, those who helped wtih the set-up, those who supplied baking and those who remained to serve the teas. Our youngest assistant, Aoileann O'Hanlon, was with us again this year as she takes her role as official taster very seriously.! She even baked some buns herself, which were originally for the camogie walk but as it was cancelled, we benefited. She went to the trouble of designing them with sliotars and hurleys in the black & white colours. They were delicious... GIVE BLOOD: Monday/Tuesday 8th/9th, July: 5pm - 8pm, Longcourt Hotel, Newcastle West. Wednesday 17th July: 5pm - 8pm, Southcourt Hotel. Tuesday 30th July: 5pm - 8pm, Colaiste Ciarain, Croom.

BABY NEWS: We send our congratulations in the Galway direction to Brian & Miriam Hickey who have become the proud parents of Baby Thomas, who arrived on Saturday last weighing in at 8lbs 2oz. Also, Aoife (O'Regan) and Antony Scannell welcomed Baby Jack into their family on Wednesday 29th May . All doing well t.g.

WoW BAGS: Wonders of Waste Bags: On your travels, in some local markets, you might come across these brightly coloured plastic shopping bags. Their story began in 2006 when a small group of women from the Philippines began transforming rubbish into beautiful bags. In doing so they also transformed their lives as they are earning a regular income to provide for their families and keep their children in education. The Philippines has known many natural disasters. The devastation caused by floods, typhoons, volcanoes, is added to by the amount of discarded plastic litter, which is everywhere. Their weather is very hot and humid so people drink lots of juices. However this plastic ends up clogging land fill and rivers. The women collect the plastic pouches in a variety of places - conference centers, schools, funeral homes etc. They are then washed and sorted and made ready for sewing. The project has surfaced natural talents in bag design, colour coordination, administration and management. Some women discovered skills they didn't know they had, others completed computer courses to help with office work. You might think about these sturdy bags for Birthdays, Christmas or presents for family and friends. For further info, email -

DIARY: Mon 1st July: Banogue graveyard Mass, 8pm. Tue 2nd: Yoga at 7.30pm in Community Centre. Sat 6th: Cottage Market, Kilmallock, 11am. Bike Poker Run, Rathfredagh 12pm. Knockfierna Wildlife Walk, 6.30pm.

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