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No Rain for a While...

LHS. Like Mother, Like Daughter !!! Kaylee the Oskars.

RHS. Roy McMahon & pet lamb - for ' The Field' movie, in the GAA Oskars..

BUS to BLOOM: Croom and Ballingarry Family Resource Centres are looking into booking a bus from Croom and Ballingarry to attend the Bloom Festival on Thursday 30th of May. Would you be interested? Please contact Croom FRC on 061 602878 before the 17th of May to book. If they can fill a bus they will go!

GARDENING FOR BEGINNERS: An tIonad Glas – Organic College, Dromcollogher are running their next Saturday Practical Workshop for beginners on May 18th. If you are interested in Growing Veg from seeds, caring for your seedlings and transplanting. Contact the College on 063 83604, Monday to Friday or by email to book your place.

BIRTHDAY WISHES: Congratulations to Ann O'Gorman, Knockfierna, who recently celebrated one of those roundy birthdays. Hope you had lovely day.

CONGRATULATIONS: Well done to Eimear Kelly, Mai McKenna, Kate O’Gorman and Rachel O’Connor, who represented their schools on the West Eithne Neville panel. Congratulations also to Thomas Toomey & Sean O'Gorman who were part of the West Limerick Team who lined out in the Mackey Cup Final. Having beaten South Limerick in the semi-final, the West were narrowly beaten by the East in the final on a scoreline of of 3-09 to 3-05... Well done boys...

CLIMATE CHANGE: Ireland have followed in the footsteps of the United Kingdom, becoming the second nation in the world to have officially declared an environmental and climate emergency. It is time for all Governments to take notice and Action must follow words !! A UN-backed report has found that one million animal and plant species are now threatened with extinction and declining at rates unprecedented in human history.!! Additionally, a report from the World Wildlife Fund, found that 60 percent of the world’s large animals had disappeared since the 1970s. Around one-third of Ireland’s 98 wild bee species are threatened with extinction, while recent findings show that over 60 per cent of the 202 species of commonly occurring birds in Ireland, is now on the red and amber conservation lists. Over 90 per cent of fifty eight listed habitats in Ireland also have an ‘inadequate’ or ‘bad’ status and just over half of the sixty one European protected species in Ireland, are in a ‘favourable’ conservation status only. The top five reasons for biodiversity loss are changes in land and sea use, direct exploitation of organisms, climate change, pollution and invasive alien species. Land use change as a result of agriculture expansion is outlined as a major problem with over one-third of the global land surface and nearly 75 per cent of freshwater resources now devoted to crop or livestock production. Fertilizers entering coastal ecosystems have also produced more than four hundred ocean ‘dead zones’ that combined would take up an area the size of the United Kingdom. The impacts of climate change, are expected to increase over the coming decades. Plastic pollution is another growing threat, as well as the 300 to 400 million tons of heavy metals, solvents, toxic sludge and other wastes dumped annually into the world’s waters. The health of ecosystems on which we and all other species depend is deteriorating more rapidly than ever. We are eroding the very foundations of our economies, livelihoods, food security, health and quality of life worldwide. '' Earth is not a platform for human life, it's a living being. We are not on it- but part of it. Its health is our health ''.

REMEMBERING OUR DECEASED: For the month of May, we remember our family, friends and neighbours, whose mortuary cards are displayed on the Church noticeboard:- Padddy Noonan, Dan Hynes & Fr. Martin Bennett, Granagh. May Houlihan, Stylepark. Maurice J. Sheehy, Coolruss. Michael O'Regan & John Costello (Bansha)& Graigacurra. Christina Chawke, Ballyvologue. Teresa Twomey, Kilatal. Bridie Broderick, Kilmacanearla. Sheila Conway & Thomas O'Donovan, Killoughty. Mick O'Carroll, Liskennett. Michael & Mary Sheehy, Castletown. Timmy Con Brosnan, Broadford. Fr. Edward Kinnane, Pallasgrean. Edmond Duggan, Mallow. Sr. Rosa Power. Michael J. Purtill, Graiguebeg.

AN ORGANIC DAY OUT: On Saturday May 26th, the Organic college in Drumcollogher are inviting you to a celebration of Gardening and Food. There will be gardening talks, demos, An Meitheal member stalls with organic veg, plants, jams & preserves. They will also give tours of their gardens. All Welcome, 2pm-5pm.

DIARY: Tue 21st May: Yoga Class in Community Centre at 7.30pm. Fri 24th: 'Where the Willow meets the Ash', comedy in F. Gate.

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