Seamus Toomey &
Richard ODonoghue, lookin smart at the Oskars.
TROCAIRE Boxes: Father Dan is giving us one more weekend on 11& 12th to drop in any boxes that still remain outstanding. He wants to forward the cheque to Trocaire as quickly as possible. Your gift, however small, could provide comfort to families in desperate need.
FIRST COMMUNION: Congratulations to the children who received their First Holy Communion last Saturday. The day remained dry with only a bit of a breeze. Well done to their parents, teachers and Sr. Margaret for all the preparation done beforehand. Class included - Harry Ahern, Maurice Ahern, Holly Fitzgibbon, Amy Hartigan, Kate Horgan, Maurice Houlihan, Fionn Kelliher, Eoghan Kiely, Aoileann O'Hanlon and Sean Tierney.
EMPTY NESTER GROUP: In Ballingarry Family Resource centre: Running every Wednesdays: 2.15pm - 4.30pm. All welcome to join in for Tea, Coffee, Chat, Knitting, Games, Walks, Information Sharing, Social Outings, Crafts, Dancing & Exercise. For more information contact Laura on 061-602878 or 069-68054 or email - familysupport@croomfrc.com RATHFREDAGH FETE: Looking for volunteers for the annual Garden Fete which will be held on Sunday the 7th of July. Volunteers to man the stalls, man the gates, sell lines for the raffle during the weeks leading up to the Fete, etc. If you're interested and can help out, please contact Rathfredagh Cheshire home. 069 83100. Goods for the Fete can be dropped in. We're looking for bric-a-brac, wearable clothes, plants, books, CD's and DVD's, full bottles for our bottle stall (from alcoholic drinks to vinegar and lemonades, etc) and raffle prizes.
DARKNESS into LIGHT: The day is drawing near...Saturday the 11th. Register anytime at darknessintolight.ie Newcastle West: - Meet at the Desmond Complex for the 5k walk starting at 4.15am,, walking to the Square, through the Demesne, along the N21 and back to the starting point. Register online or at the Red Door Gallery on Thursday 9th between 5 - 8 pm. In Kilmallock: - Meet at Colaiste Iosaef, for walk beginning at 4.15am. In Limerick: - Meet at Thomond Park, for walk beginning at 4.15am. Since Darkness Into Light began in 2009, all you dedicated supporters have helped raise almost €20 million, which has enabled Pieta House to keep its doors and its 24/7 helpline open for people in crisis, free of charge.
RUBY ANNIVERSARY: Congratulations to Anne & Cyril Dore, Kilatal, who celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary last weekend.
MY WARDROBE to YOURS: Friday 10th May: Ballyagran Development Association are running their fundraiser in the Hall at 8pm, at the weekend, featuring Ladies, Gents and children's occasion wear. Tickets E10.
WELL-BEING COURSE: In Ballingarry Family Resource Centre beginning on Friday 10th May, 1pm - 3pm. Time to look after you - the ten week course will cover health, beauty and self-care tips. For more information contact Laura on 061-602878 or 069-68054 or email - familysupport@croomfrc.com
DIARY: Fri 10th May: 'Smallone' by Bottom Dog Co. in Friars Gate. Fri 24th: 'Where the Willow meets the Ash', comedy in F. Gate