SPRING FAIR: Sunday 14th Apr: If you can help out, its' a great cause - Spring Clean for the Spring Fair. They are looking for items which they can sell such as - Books, Cakes, Wine, Spirits, unwanted gifts, games etc - but the latter have to be in good condition. They are also doing a clothes Recycling Drive on the day linking up with the NCBI ( National Council for the Blind). They will accept bags of clean clothes, shoes, handbags, belts etc. No cushions, duvets or pillows. You can drop them into their campus in Baker's Rd., Charleville.
CHOMHBHRÓN : Our sympathies on the death of Johnny McMahon, Bruree, who passed peacefully at his residence, in the presence of his family on Wednesday last. Formerly of Murroe and ex-staff of ESB Rosbrien. Beloved husband of Maura[Leo] and dear father of Eileen, he will be deeply missed. He was reposed at his residence with removal after to The Church of The Immaculate Conception, Bruree. Requiem Mass on Sunday 7th with burial afterwards to New Church Cemetery, Lough Gur. Go dtuga Dia suaimhneas siorai do.
SNAPPER QUIZ: Many thanks to everyone who supported the table quiz fundraiser on Friday night, for the GAA Oskars, a great night had by all - after Munster and Liverpool won, mostly everyone was happy !!. The very varied questions were set by Michael O'Donoghue, Banogue. The cast of The Snapper had collected eighteen spot prizes so a massive thanks to all their very generous sponsors. They also efficiently looked after tickets, tables and corrections, thanks to Tanya, Jessie, Ellen, Claire, Niamh & Beth. Richard kept order in the house and Darren took charge of 'heckles' from the floor !!! The winning team included Jim & Emma Chawke, Siobhan Scanlon & Redmond Shine. They generously donated the E100 prize back into the funds. Thanks to Jimmy Chawke who handled the gavel for the auction of a signed Limerick jersey and to Claire Enright for her modelling capabilities. Jimmy got a starting bid of E200 and he was off... he took bids from anyone calling for a pint or scratching their noses !!!! A very generous bid was made by Vincent O'Grady and it was declared sold. Thanks to Janice and Seamus for providing food and lifts home. Filming is ongoing for the various groups, really looking forward to the Big Night on 26th Apr, in Charleville Park. Tickets still available at The Rock Bar, but they are selling quickly.
CHURCH NEWS: This coming weekend, Saturday 13th we will be celebrating Palm Sunday. If you would like to be there for the blessing of the Palms, please come ten minutes early. Mass Bookings: All bookings have to be made in the relevant Sacristies as the registers are only held there. Trocaire Boxes: Don't forget to top-up the boxes as they will be collected during Holy Week. Chrism Mass: Will be celebrated in St. John's on Wednesday 17th Apr at 7,30pm, everyone welcome.
TLC 5: Friday 19th is the annual team Limerick Clean-up. If everyone did a bit of a clean-up on their own roads, it would make such a difference. GET WELL: Sending our very best wishes and prayers for Paddy & Peggy Tierney and Eileen Daffy, hoping they all make a full recovery.
DIARY: Fri 5th -29th Apr: Limerick Soviet 100 Festival. Fri 12th: Cystic Fibrosis National Day. Fri 12th: 80s Disco Rathkeale House Hotel-In aid of Milford Hospice . Sun 14th: Spring Fair, St. Joseph's, Charleville. Tue 16th: Yoga Class in Community Centre at 7.30pm. Tue 16th - 27th: ' Bread not Profits' play, Old Cleeves Factory. Fri 19th: Team Limerick Clean-Up. Wed 24th: Give Blood, Colaiste Chiarain, 5pm-8pm.