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Kay Horgan. RIP

CHOMHBHRÓN: Our sincere sympathies to the family of Kay Horgan (nee Fitzgibbon), Lisduane, who passed peacefully on Monday 11th, in the loving care of the staff in Milford Care Centre. Predeceased by her brother Sean. Survived by her husband Tom, son Joe, daughters Margo and Triona, grandchildren , daughter in-law Catherine, sons-in-law Donal and Rich, brother Tony, sisters Mary (Cagney), Helen (Cullinane) and Norina (Sheehan), brothers-in-law, sister-in-law, nephews , nieces, neighbours, relatives and friends. She was reposed at O'Grady's Funeral Home with Requiem Mass in St Joseph's Church Granagh and burial afterwards in the local cemetery. Go dtuga Dia aoibhneas na bhFlaitheas dí.

LADIES FOOTBALL: Friday 15th Feb: Note - Change of Venue to Ballingarry Supper Room. Registration Night for Granagh Ballingarry Ladies Football - U6’s to U12’s - from 7pm - 9pm. We look forward to seeing our current players back for the year ahead and new members are very welcome.

BANOGUE DRAMA: Friday15th - Sunday 17th Feb: Their first weekend is over , finishing up next weekend over three nights at 8pm in the parish hall. Admission €10 and €5. Shop and raffle each night.

WORLD DAY OF SICK: Mass on Saturday 16th Feb: Special masses and services are celebrated on 11th Feb across the world to remember all who are ill. We are inviting all those who can attend to a special Mass on this coming Saturday night. If people are too ill to attend, there will be a box for their 'personal intentions' by the Altar.

PARISH CLERKS: In case you missed out on the annual collection last weekend, you still have time to drop in your envelope, next weekend. You know the Clerks are available 365 days of the year and how much time they give to the parish. Don't take them for granted.

GAA OsKaRs: An information night was held for the GranaghBallingarry GAA Oskars night. Kevin Rowe of Kevin Rowe Events briefed the meeting on the workings of the Oskars. It looked very professional and great fun. They work with forty to fifty people in an organisation, train them once a week in the basics of TV acting. They cast all the competitors into different movies. Each movie will be approx ten minutes in length and will see the competitors act out well known scenes. If you missed out or if you haven't decided about taking part, there will be another meeting on Wednesday 20th at 7.30pm in Granagh Community Centre. Check out for more information. They will need all actors/actresses present as movies will be allocated on the night. There currently have thirty two people who have confirmed they will participate, there are only twenty five places remaining. Contact Pat Herlihy 087 6949112 or Steven Stapleton 086 1960301.

TABLE QUIZ: Friday 22nd Feb: The Senior Camogie panel will be organising a fundraising table quiz in the Rock Bar at 9.00pm. Teams of four €30. First prize €100. Raffle on the night with some great prizes. Your continued support would be greatly appreciated.

A FEAST OF DRAMA: Final weekends coming up: ' Moll ' by Feohanagh/Castlemahon Players: In Castlemahon Hall at 7.30pm, on Thur 14th, Fri 15th and Sun 17th. 'The Lonesome West ' by Athea Drama group in Con Colbert Hall at 8pm, on Thur 14th, Sat 16th & Sun17th. Booking Line 087-2743189. 'Lovers at Versailles' by West End Drama group in Church of Ireland, Kilfinane at 8pm on Thur 14th, Fri 15th, Sat 16th & Sun 17th. Booking on 087 - 6221797. ' Marriage of Connivance' by Abbeyfeale Drama group, in Fr. Casey's GAA Club House at 8pm. Continuing on Thur 14th, Sat 16th, Sun 17th and again on Tue 19th, Thur 21st, Sat 23rd & Sun 24th. 'Murdered to Death' by Lough Gur Dramatic Society in the Honey Fitz Theatre at 8pm nightly. Fri 22nd, Sat 23rd, Sun 24th, Booking on 086 - 3774691.

LISKENNETT FARM: Sunday 24th Feb at 2pm; Sun 25th at 7pm; Thur 28th at 11am: An introduction and presentation on how the Horseboy movement methods can help children and adults on the Autism spectrum. This will be of special interest to anyone dealing with people on the Autism spectrum - parents, siblings, teachers, SNAs, Service providers, Physiotherapists, Occupational therapists, Psychologists, riding centres and clubs. For further information, contact manager David Doyle 087-2734150 or email - DIARY: Tue 12th Feb: Yoga in Community Centre at 7.30pm. Thur 14th: Give Blood at the Southcourt Hotel, 5pm-8pm. Wed 20th; Cookery Demo in Knockaderry Hall, 7.30pm. Sat 23rd: Trad & Folk Night at Schoolyard, 8pm- In aid of Milford Hospice.

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