Adieu for another Year.....

GRANAGH PLAYERS: The Producer, Cast and Crew would like to thank all the audiences who travelled to support them again this year. A special mention to our wonderful sponsors, thirty seven in all, who contributed and supported the raffle each and every night. To our volunteers, both inside and outside the Hall, who give up their time so willingly to make sure everything runs smoothly and efficiently. The play success is down to community spirit and co-operation. It is so encouraging to have such support and makes all the rehearsing worthwhile. One of our members, Mary Flynn, will be leaving and moving from the parish this year. Mary has been with us for the last five productions and has made a wonderful contribution to the group. We enjoyed her company and thank her for her participation. We wish the family the best of luck with their move and we are sure the Kerry people will look after them very well. Go raibh maith agaibh go leir agus go mbeirimíd Beo ag an am seo arís.
HABITATS FOR WILDLIFE: Sat 9th Feb: 11am - 1pm, in Ballingarry Community Park . Seán Hartigan will show you how to create wildlife homes & habitats in your garden and community that will attract, feed and shelter wildlife, especially over the winter months. These include log piles, hedgehog homes, bird boxes, bat boxes and insect hotels. Then, hopefully you will be inspired to create some of these in your own gardens and communities! Suitable for all ages, we will be repeating this workshop in other parks/communities throughout Limerick, if you would like to organise an event in your area email
BANOGUE DRMA: Sat 9th & Sun 10th Feb: Rehearsals have been going on in Banogue for the past few months for the annual parish play under the direction of producer Mike Larkin, who has a talented and experienced cast at his disposal and a great backroom team. This year’s play is Separate Beds, one of Sam Cree’s best known Irish comedies full of colourful characters and chaos. Arthur and Claire Murphy are separated; but for their daughter and bride to be they agree to act like a happily married couple to impress the strict, old fashioned and soon to be Mother-in-law. A task which isn’t easy when also dealing with a forgetful, old priest and a maid and a painter who can’t keep their hands off the drinks tray. Not to mention a lusty neighbour after Arthur’s affections. It’s all fun and laughs at the rehearsals anyhow so we are sure it will prove to be a wonderful night’s entertainment. Plenty of belly laughs guaranteed. Starting this weekend and continuing the 15th 16th and 17th at 8pm in the parish hall. Admission €10 and €5. Shop and raffle each night.
GAA OsKaRs: eoing to the OsKaRs .... GranaghBallingarry GAA have organised an information night in Granagh Community Center on Monday 11th February at 7 30pm. Kevin Rowe of Kevin Rowe Events will brief us on the workings of the Oskars. We will need all actors/actresses present as movies will be allocated on the night. We currently have thirty two people who have confirmed that they will participate as actors/actresses. These places have filled in a matter of days – There are thirty eight places remaining. Contact Pat Herlihy 087 6949112 or Steven Stapleton 086 1960301.
A FEAST OF DRAMA: No shortage of local drama, spoiled for choice. ' Moll ' by Feohanagh/Castlemahon Players: In Castlemahon Hall at 7.30pm, on Thur 7th, Fri 8th, Sun 10th and again on 14th, 15th and 17th. 'The Lonesome West ' by Athea Drama group in Con Colbert Hall at 8pm, on Thur 7th, Sat 9th & Sun10th and again on 14th, 16th & 17th. Booking Line 087-2743189. 'Livers at Versailles' by West End Drama group in Church of Ireland, Kilfinane at 8pm on Thur 7th, Fri 8th, Sat 9th & Sun 10th and again on 14th - 17th incl. Booking on 087 - 6221797. ' Marriage of Connivance' by Abbeyfeale Drama group, in Fr. Casey's GAA Club House at 8pm. Tue 12th, Thur 14th, Sat 16th, Sun 17th and again on Tue 19th, Thur 21st, Sat 23rd & sun 24th.
LADIES FOOTBALL: Friday 15th Feb: Registration Night for Granagh Ballingarry Ladies Football - U6’s to U12’s - from 7pm - 9pm at Ballingarry GAA complex. We look forward to seeing our current players back for the year ahead and new members are very welcome.
NO VALENTINE's BALL: Just to advise that the Valentine's Ball on Feb 16th, in Rathkeale, will NOT go ahead. This will be replaced with an 80's themed disco on Fri 12th of April, in Rathkeale House Hotel. Tickets are ten euro and all proceeds again going to Milford Hospice. For more info contact Mary Cremins on 087 7473550.
LISKENNETT FARM: Sunday 24th Feb at 2pm; Sun 25th at 7pm; Thur 28th at 11am: An introduction and presentation on how the Horseboy movement methods can help children and adults on the Autism spectrum. This will be of special interest to anyone dealing with people on the Autism spectrum - parents, siblings, teachers, SNAs, Service providers, Physiotherapists, Occupational therapists, Psychologists, riding centres and clubs. For further information, contact manager David Doyle 087-2734150 or email -
BIRTHDAYS: Congrats and best wishes to all celebrating their birthdays, I heard of the following - 1st birthdays for Eddie Lenihan, and twins Aoibhínn & Illanah Ajuong Coolruss. Also a first for PatJo and Mary Boyce's grandson Kieran. Skipping a few years, twins Ailish & Aoife O'Regan celebrate their thirtieth this week. During the play we always celebrate a birthday for the wonderfully stylish Brid O'Gorman !!
DIARY: Sat 8th Feb: Table Quiz - Kilfinny C.C. Nevilles Cross Inn. Mon 11th: Monagea Rambling House in parish Hall.