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GRANAGH I. C. A.. Friday 11th of Jan, 2019 : Preparations are being finalizes for, a Tribute to Granagh I. C. A. members - Limerick Federation, consisting of a talk, slide show and discussion in The Community Centre, Granagh, at 8pm. A collection of interesting slides will be available. For any further information contact, Jim Houlihan,Mob. 086-8814495. All are welcome to attend.

COOLRUSS LIGHTS: The Carroll family will continue with their lighting display until Sunday night, January 6th. Looking forward to seeing you all out on these fine evenings, you will not be disappointed, admission is free but they would appreciate donations to their three very worthy charities - St Joseph’s Foundation Charleville, Pieta House Limerick, Carebright Dementia Centre, Bruff.

CHOMHBHRÓN: Our sympathies to Hannah O'Regan and family on the death of her brother Joe O'Halloran, Charleville who passed peacefully at his residence, on Sunday 23rd Dec. Deeply regretted by his wife, Frances, sons, Jonathan, P.J. and Joe, brothers John, Peter, Mike, Patrick, Liam, Paul, Eddie and sister Hannah, relatives and friends. He was reposed at Hawe's funeral home on St Stephen's Day with Requiem Mass on Thursday. Funeral afterwards to Holy Cross Cemetery. Go dtuga Dia solas sioraí do.

GRANAGH. N.S: Enrolment for Junior Infants 2019-2020. Application forms are available from the school office. Contact the office at (061)399081 or email Closing date for receipt of application form is January 31st 2019.

ST. JOSEPHs' RAFFLE: The Golden Jubilee Raffle has been extended until January 31st. St. Joseph's Foundation, through their very generous sponsors have the following fabulous prizes up for grabs at only €5 per ticket. 1st Prize - €3,000 Holiday Voucher with €2,000 spending money or €5,000 cash. 2nd Prize - 2 nights B&B, plus evening meal and €250 spending money at Killarney Plaza Hotel. 3rd Prize - €500. 4th Prize - €500. 5th Prize - 3 months membership of Thrive Fitness, Charleville. Available from the campus in Baker's Rd or The Forge coffee shop.

GRANAGH PLAYERS: Did I mention, Jimmy Sheehy is always one step ahead !! January 2019 marks the centenary of the beginning of the Irish War of Independence. The first shots were fired on 21st Jan, 1919, the same day as the first Dáil met. Granagh Players will be the first in the county to commemorate this with our play ' The Informer ' which opens on the weekend of 18th Jan - shots may be fired before the 21st.! The play is set in Dublin, where we meet Gypo Nolan (Jim Chawke) who has been kicked out of the outlaw Irish Republican Army for not executing a Black and Tan who killed an IRA man. Gypo later runs into his friend and IRA comrade Frankie McPhillip ( Liam Houlihan), a fugitive with a £20 bounty on his head. Frankie, tired of hiding for six months, is on his way home to visit his parents (Lily Hanly & John Bennett) and sister Mary ( Emma Chawke). The slow-witted Gypo decides to turn informer for the £20 reward, enough for passage to America for himself and his girlfriend Katie (Marylee Stapleton). The Black and Tans find Frankie at his house, and there's an ensuing gunfight. The British contemptuously give Gypo his blood money and let him go. Gypo meets with several of his former IRA comrades, ( Tony Sheehan, Joe Power, John Kelly) who wonder who informed on Frankie.?? Gypo claims it was a man named Mulligan ( Vincent Griffin) , though he is drunk and talking nonsense, the others begin to suspect him but do not have enough evidence. Intertwined in this story are many Dublin characters from neighbours to policemen, a publican, a sailor, streetwalkers even an Evangelist. There are up to twenty in the cast this year, so far we have two new faces on stage - Sean English and Martin Treacy. It is great to have new volunteers, keeps us on our toes.. As usual, we will have two weekends, 18th, 19th & 20th Jan and 25th, 26th & 27th at 8pm nightly.

NEW YEAR WISHES: ' May all your troubles last as long as your New Year resolutions.' Hope everyone enjoyed the break over Christmas. For our Christmas Eve celebration we had a packed Church and it was lovely to see parents and children attending. Thanks to the National School Choir for attending, for leading us in song and helping out the adult choir all through Mass. Sincere thanks to Siobhán Lynch for stepping in as organist, without music it just wouldn't be the same. The Liturgy group prepared the Church beautifully and the red and white Altar flowers were gorgeous. Our sacristan, Kathleen, as usual had everything under control, we are so lucky to have her. Wishing all our parishioners the very best for 2019. '' Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So Love the people who treat you right and forget about the ones who don't. And Believe that everything happens for a reason... if you get a chance - take it; If it changes your life - let it. Nobody said it would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.'

SPIRIT OF GENEROSITY: In our troubled world it is so heartening to hear good news. People in Ireland still have a wonderfully strong spirit of generosity and have time to think of others who are less well off. Long may this continue. On Christmas Eve, Limerick's Live 95Fm radio station announced the result of their 95Stop Tour for Limerick Kids. Throughout the county they collected a total of €56,790. This will be divided between CARI, The Children's Ark and Cliona's Foundation, which will be of enormous benefit to these organisations and the service users. This year, Christmas FM were raising awareness and funds for Temple Street Children’s Hospital. The radio station’s goal was to raise over €200,000 which will go towards giving the gift of life to over 1,000 critically ill children in Temple Street. Funds raised will be used to purchase new state-of-the-art incubators and ventilators, helping to ensure that sick children have access to the very best paediatric equipment when they need it most. Amazingly, up to 27th Dec, they had raised €370,000 which will purchase five incubators and two ventilators. People from all over Ireland and the world contributed what they could afford to the station and that was the result after one month !!!

GRANAGH YEAR BOOK: I suppose the greatest event for all Limerick people, in 2018, was the All-Ireland win after a forty five year wait and the fact that nearly everyone in the county got the chance to see and hold the Cup. We got our chance in Granagh on 5th Sept and hundreds of photos were taken in the Community Centre, by Marian Sheehy & Sean Simcox. Marian has produced a beautiful forty page, hard cover book of all these photos. They are expensive to print but if enough people are interested, she may be able to get them a little cheaper. It would be a wonderful keep-sake for yourself or a gift for your Irish relations abroad. Contact Marian if interested or check out 'granaghcommunity' facebook page for details.

RATHFREDAGH WALK: As every year, the annual Rathfredagh walk will take place on the Sunday 27th January. This time the walk will start at Rathfredagh Cheshire Home and will also finish there, 11km or 6.8mls. Registration at 10am on the day, no fee, donations accepted instead. Sponsorship cards available from Rathfredagh or phone 069-83100 ( 9 -5 weekdays) Parking space and refreshments will be provided on the day. DIARY: Sun 6th Jan: Give Blood, Southcourt Hotel, 12pm-3pm. Monagea Tea Dancing, 3pm- 6pm.

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