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GRANAGH ICA: A tribute - comprising a talk and slide show, to honour the ladies who made up Granagh ICA for thirty years, is being planned for the Community Centre on January 11th, 2019. The loan of any relevant photos or documents would be appreciated by Jim Houlihan, Mob. 086-8814495. This will be a wonderful event and we thank Jim for taking the trouble to research the history of such a brilliant organisation.

CHURCH CALENDAR: Saturday 8th Dec: Feast of the Immaculate Conception, Holy Day of Obligation. Vigil Mass in Granagh, Friday 7th at 7pm, Mass in Ballingarry, Saturday 8th at 10.30am. Saturday 8th & Sunday 9th, usual Masses in Granagh and Ballingarry. Adoration: Following Mass at 9.30am in Granagh on Wednesday 5th and before Mass on Friday from 6pm. Christmas Confessions: Monday 17th Dec at 7pm: Granagh - Fr. Edwin Irwin. Ballingarry - Fr. Eugene Boyce. Croagh - Fr. Joe Noonan. Knockaderry - Fr. Dan Neenan. Adare - Fr. Liam Enright. Rathkeale - Fr. Lane & Fr. Paddy Bowen. Kilfinny - at 8pm, Fr. E Irwin. Parish Envelope Distributors: We ask all Parish Distributors to kindly pick up their Boxes and Parish Calendars in the churches, before or after mass, this coming weekend, so that you can have them distributed before the Christmas rush. The new envelopes are included for 2019.

CUAN MHUIRE - MARKET: Thursday 6th, the Farmer's market will be held from 10.30am - 12.30pm, at the Garden Centre, Bruree. Shop local and get some lovely home crafted Christmas gifts in the well stocked shop as well home baking, smoked salmon & jams. COMMUNITY GAMES: After a recent EGM, a new committee was elected which means the games will be able to go ahead next year, which is great news. Elected Officers: - Chairperson - Shane Markham. Secretary - Jackie Leahy. Treasurer - James Clancy. CWO - Bernie Cagney. PRO - Breda O'Kelly. Committee - Stephanie Sheehy, Loraine Irwin, Nora O'Connor, Patricia Houlihan and Aedin Hanley. Prior to upcoming competitions, they will be inviting volunteers to come forward and manage an event/team. If they cannot get a manager, then it will not be possible to enter that particular event. They look forward to see returning and new faces througout the year. Any queries, please contact Shane Markham , 086-8181524. A full list of events and rules can be found on - . You can also follow them on their Facebook page - ' Ballingarry Granagh Community Games ' Next Registration Date - Friday 7th Dec, for Draughts. So if managers are available, contact any committee member.

HISTORICAL SOC: Friday 7th Dec: The Rathkeale Society will hold their next meeting in the Community Arts Centre on '' Thomas Walsh, renowned Methodist Preacher '' with speaker Milo Spillane. All welcome and admission is free, 8.30pm.

CHRISTMAS MARKETS: Friday 7th Dec, 11am - 3pm. St. Joseph's Foundation, Charleville. Indoor festive market - Christmas trees, wreaths, decorations, gifts, monster Raffle and Santa in his Grotto (€5). Thursday 13th Dec, 4pm - 8pm. Organic Market in the Gym at An tIonad Glas College, Drumcollogher. A wonderfully different take on the usual markets. An array of craft displays, Sweet & Savoury Confectionery, Tea, Soup, Nibbles and much more.

CAROL SERVICE: Thur 13th Dec: Granagh National School will be holding their annual Carol Service at 8pm in the Church. All welcome.

FRIARS GATE: Saturday 8th December @ 8pm, Friars’ Gate host a highly theatrical adaptation of A Christmas Carol which will bring the colour and vivacity of the greatest of all Christmas stories to life. Three outstanding actors will take you on Scrooge’s ghostly journey to redemption, accompanied by a richly atmospheric live musical score. This is the perfect way to experience Dickens’ masterpiece and to share his world of phantoms, darkness, merriment, and everlasting goodwill. Performed by Michael James Ford, Helene Montague and Ruairi Heading. Booking on 063-98727. Wed 12th Dec. Join us for an evening featuring an eclectic mix of writings. Budding and established writers are invited to share their work in a relaxed atmosphere. Just want to listen? Sit back and enjoy an evening with a difference. Pieces should be no longer than 5-7mins. Led by Sheila Quealey. Admission Free. CLIMATE CHANGE ! Wed 12th Dec: Tara Building, Mary Immaculate College , 7.30pm, Dr. Lorna Gold - Author of the book ' Climate Generation' and well-known environmental campaigner is giving a talk on climate change. The book is her personal story of “waking up to the reality of a warming world and what it means for our children”. As someone campaigning for years on climate change, the project co-ordinator with Trócaire realised that most parents and grandparents don’t really understand what is going on. “We sense our weather is changing, but seem unable to grasp what that means, and what we need to do. This is really a story about not giving up and doing everything we can for the sake of our children’s future.” Climate Generation is told through Dr Gold’s personal stories, “from growing up in the shadow of an oil refinery in Scotland, to finding herself side by side with Mary Robinson and author Naomi Klein in Rome at a climate symposium in the Vatican! It ponders a very hard question: how can it be that we parents today, knowing what our children will face through climate change, still feel unable to act for their future ? Dr Gold insists there is much that can be done, but that “we need to prioritise it now''. She argues that little actions like changing to renewables, eating less meat, etc. are important but not enough. “If we love our children and accept what is happening, we can and must do more. We need to get active in our communities and make our voices heard in our political choices, this is paramount. “Hurricane Ophelia”, the “Beast from the East” and the “Tsunami from the skies” in Donegal are helping Irish people to “join the dots”, she says. “They also see what is happening globally.” At a local level she believes two things need to be done to bring the issue into focus: to act on the Citizens Assembly on climate change recommendations, and to have a broader conversation with Irish citizens on climate change and what it means. “The only way to solve it [climate change] is to change individual behaviour – and to change the policies which make it possible. In a short period of time attitudes to plastics have changed due to the Blue Planet documentary. The same now needs to happen with our greenhouse gas emissions. The proceeds from 'her book 'Climate Generation' will go to Trócaire.

'THE FLOWING TIDE': Monday & Tuesday 17th/18th Dec: Schoolyard Theatre, 8pm: An original Irish play ‘The Flowing Tide’,written and directed by Katie Holly and under the musical direction of Catherine Horgan, this is a comedy show not to be missed. An evening filled with everything Irish that we all love. When the show was performed previously in aid of the Cathy O'Shaughnessy Hope Fund, they had the crowd laughing throughout and encouraged them to sing along with the actors, which led to a great atmosphere and a fun night for all. The cast includes Keith Hanley, Teresa Horgan, Willie Lyons & Martin Hennessy. The backing choir includes Joanne (Treacy) O'Brien and her husband Noel with a live band including the very talented McAuliffe sisters . Booking on 087-2523192.

CAMOGIE CLUB: Due to current renovations in Granagh Hall, Granagh Ballingarry Camogie Club's, December 45 Drive Card Game, will have to be rescheduled to the New Year .

CRY - MONAGEA: "Forever Part of Me", a song for CRY Ireland, dedicated to the memory of Niamh Herlihy and Darra O’Donovan of Monagea was launched last Saturday night. This event for CRY began when Liam Herlihy, Trustee of CRY was approached by a fellow Limerick man, Tim Collins regarding a musical project that would support the charity. Tim, a member of the Kilfenora Céilí Band for 25 years, is known nationally and internationally as a musician and composer. Tim penned a beautiful Limerick anthem called 'Forever Part of Me' , which was premiered at “Willie Hough Centenary Celebration” in Monagea Church last September. Limerick woman, Deirdre Scanlon, aunt of Darra O’Donovan, poignantly performed the song. and the response to the song was overwhelming. Subsequently, Tim generously offered to record and donate the song to CRY. Tim gathered a team of professional musicians (who offered their services free) to record the song in October. Cds are on sale in local shops and bars in Newcastle West and it really is a lovely gift for anybody with Limerick links.

BE SAFE, BE SEEN: An appeal to everyone walking, running and cycling on the roads after dusk - wear a High-Vis vest, otherwise you are invisible to motorists !! TROCAIRE GIFTS: If you would like to give meaningful Christmas gifts of Love this year, why not have a look at the Trocaire living gifts which help make this world a better place for some unfortunate families. You can send a cheque to Trocaire, Freepost NS244, Maynooth, Co. Kildare or call 1850 408 408 or do it online at

SNIPPETTS: Very well done to Sarah Noonan, Knockfierna, who received ' Student of the Year ' award in her Nursing studies Course. Congrats to the Granagh/Ballingarry Scór Na nÓg winners on their county final win on Sunday. They will be heading to the Munster Finals in the New Year. We send happy birthday wishes to the glamorous Nuala Stapleton and hope she is on the road to recovery. Some of you were definitely tuned into the Toy Show.... did you notice the remote-controlled vehicles ! Local man, Gerry Mullane, Kilatal was involved in setting up this company - He was delighted with the opportunity to get a coveted spot on the Toy Show. He supplied them with the green Ranch Wagon, the Harley style Ride-on Motorbike with Sidecar ( how did Tubbs fit into it ?), the Pink Quad and my favourite, the Pink Beetle !! Coolruss Christmas Lights are in the final of the ''Energia Most Christmassy Home ''. To help them get more money for their very deserving charities, from a prize fund of € 3,000 - please text Home 4 to 51155 . Congrats to Paul Murphy, Darragh O'Donoghue, James McCarthy and Connor O'Shea who have made it onto the Desmond League U11 panel.... well done lads.

DIARY: Wed 5th Dec: Monster Bingo in Charleville Park, 8.30pm. Wed 5th & 6th: 'Before' by Pat Kinevane at The Belltable. Thur 6th: Carols & Song, Ballyagran Church, 7pm. Wed 12th: 'Wake Up to Climate Change' Talk, MIC, 7.30pm.

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