Bonfire ready-to-go for Halloween, on Knockfierna
FIRST RESPONDER INFORMATION SESSION : Remember; Thursday October 25th , 7.30 pm. GAA Complex Ballingarry. Following on from an introduction meeting during the summer, Mark Callanan (HSE Ambulance Service , regional organiser ) will give his presentation on setting up a First Responder service. This is an information session, all welcome, particularly those with defibrillator training or those wishing to train. Any queries contact Anne Hickey 086 8615864.
CUAN MHUIRE - MARKET: Again, this Thursday 25th, the Farmer's market will be held from 10.30am- 12.30pm, at the Garden Centre, Bruree. Shop local with lots to choose from -- Veg, Fruit, Homemade breads, Muffins, Cakes, Smoked Salmon, Honey, plenty of Plants, Pottery, Crafts, Candles and Handmade cards and a charity gift stand for the Alzheimer's Society run by Marian Kelly, Kilmore.
SCÓR NA nÓG: PARENTS......... have you a child U17 who may be interested in taking part in Scór this year ?? If so, contact Maura Friel Lynch at 087-2912356 asap.
CHRISTMAS SHOE BOXES: To see the effect your shoe boxes have and the unbelievable joy they bring to little children, check out the video on www.teamhope.ie. Make a start on those boxes now, here's what you do; Wrap the box and lid separately with Christmas paper. Print Label (or use boy/girl sticker from leaflet) and choose who you want to give your Shoebox to and what age. Items for 10-14yr olds are usually scarce. Fill the box. You can use the 4 W’s as a rough guide, include €4 in your leaflet envelope, either on top of the gifts or taped to the inside of the lid. To make it easier you can donate your €4 on our secure on-line site. Close the box with elastic band – please don’t seal with tape as we need to check contents to comply with regulations. TO WRITE – Items for school – like a pen, pencil, copy book, paper, colouring book, felt pens, sharpener, eraser, solar calculator. TO WASH – Some hygiene items – toothbrush and toothpaste, soap (wrapped please), facecloth, hairbrush, comb. TO WEAR – Small clothing items – a hat, scarf, gloves, socks or underwear. WOW ! – A treat – sunglasses, game, small Irish gift, a photo of yourself, sweets (must be in date until at least March 2019), make up, a small musical instrument, toys like a doll, a car, cuddly toy, skipping rope, yo-yo, a finger puppet… even a ball is fantastic. What NOT to include - liquids of any kind, sharp objects, scary things ( war related items), breakables or medicines.
JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR: Newcastle West Musical Society are preparing for their upcoming production and they will be performing on Thur, Fri, Sat, Oct 25th, 26th, 27th and again Nov 1st, 2nd, 3rd at 8pm nightly. Tickets on the door and arrive early.
NIAMH UP FOR MARATHON: Secretary of Granagh Dev. Assoc, Niamh O'Hanlon, will be running in the Dublin City marathon on Sunday 28th. Needless to say, none of the Assoc members volunteered to run along with her..... So, with two of her friends they have chosen to raise funds for three great charities - Bruff All Stars Olympic Club, Cystic Fibrosis and Milford Hospice. If you would like to support them, you can donate on-line at www.gofundme.com/dude-wheres-the-finish-line or hand it into herself. Wishing her the very best of luck as it is a long long run, only for the dedicated..
LADIES FOOTBALL: AGM for Granagh Ballingarry Ladies Football will take place on Friday 2nd November at 8pm in Ballingarry GAA clubhouse. New faces are very welcome. Fáilte roimh chách. CHURCH NEWS: The Parish Office has new opening hours - First Monday of each month - 3.15pm to 8.15pm ( except bank holidays). Wednesdays - 3.15 to 7.15pm. Thursdays - 3.15pm to 4.00pm. Please ring Marian for appointment, before calling, on 069 - 68661 or email - balgranparish@gmail.com Bereavement Masses: Granagh, Sat 3rd Nov, 7pm. Ballingarry, Sunday 4th 7.00pm also. ( No 10.30am Mass on this particular Sunday. Cemeteries: Rosaries in November. Shanabotha 3pm & Granagh 3.30pm. The survey of our graveyards was completed earlier this year and the notice boards will soon be erected. All the information is now online and can be see on www.irishgraveyards.ie. Weekday Masses: Wednesdays at 9.30am and Fridays at 7.00pm. Adoration as usual on Wednesdays and from 6pm - 7pm on Fridays.
USED STAMPS FOR MISSIONS: Just a reminder about collecting used postage stamps. The Mission centre in Dublin, Handmaids of the Sacred Heart, use these stamps to help fund their many projects. The following are just some projects they have helped to fund: - Las Lomas, Bolivia, Sth America. The Mission has always helped the children with their school work, but now they have started teaching parents how to read and write. Their first group of adults were aged between 21 and 56. At their Mission in the Cameroon, Africa, the health centre sees about 100 people a day. Their Mission in Colombia, South America,caters for children, young people and adults with emotional problems, caused by violence and drug trafficking in that area. The Mission in Kurdistan, Iraq tries to deal with the people who have been displaced because of the violent occupation of their territory by ISIS. You can post stamps to Sister Maria, The Mission Centre, Handmaids of the Sacred Heart, St. Raphaela's Convent, St. Raphaela's Rd., Stillorgan, Co. Dublin. A94TP38. Or drop them into me, Mary O'Regan.
HERITAGE SOCIETY: Thursday 25th Oct: The next talk will be on the subject of "Revealing the Hidden History of Charleville’s Holy Cross Cemetery", at 8.00pm, in Charleville Enterprise Centre, Bakers Rd at 8.00pm. Some of the topics they will look into on the night are - Local legend and folklore of the hidden tunnel of Charleville Castle underneath the cemetery. WW 1/WW 2 graves,unnamed soldiers ,oldest local names buried within the cemetery, the historical significance of Holy Cross Cemetery in the famine of July 1847.
HALLOWEEN BONFIRE: Sunday 28th October at 6.30pm on Knockfierna Hill, should be spooktacular !!! SNIPPETS: Happy Birthday Wishes to Grace Griffin, Athlacca, who celebrated one of those very special roundy birthdays over the weekend. Congratulations to Niamh Power, Knockfierna and Rebecca Noonan, Kilmore, who celebrated their 21st's with a joint party at the weekend also. Sending our very best wishes to Nuala Stapleton who is having a short stay at UHL. DIARY: 25th /26th: ' Big Maggie' in the Schoolyard Theatre. 26/27/28th: One Act Drama Fest, Friars Gate Theatre. Sun 28th: Dromin Athlacca Charity Ride, 12pm. Sun 28th: Ballinvreena Pop-Up Shop, 1.30pm - 4pm. 28th/29th: Ahane/Castleconnell Craft Fair, Castle Oaks Hotel. 11-5pm. Wed 31st: Talk on Bats - Lough Gur. 8pm. Thur 1st Nov: ' Holy Mary' a comedy, in the Lime Tree.