Community Centre undergoing renovation - new floor to be laid.
SCÓR NA nÓG: PARENTS......... have you a child U17 who may be interested in taking part in Scór this year ?? If so, contact Maura Friel Lynch at 087-2912356 asap.
PILATES CLASS: Are you interested in a physiotherapist led, pilates class, if so, there is one starting in Ballingarry Hall on 16th Oct, at 7.30pm for a ten week programme with Caolán Scott. For further information contact 083-3771114. E-mail..
GARDENING CLASS: Wednesday 17th Oct, 11am - 12pm: Bruree Garden Centre. Four more classes to go and still time to join in. Very informative, great tips for next Spring - and a lovely cuppa in their Cafe, to finish.
DAY COURSE: Sunday 21st Oct: 2pm - 5.30pm. Knockaderry Hall. Wonderful opportunity to attend a theatrical make-up course, given by a professional. You must bring your own model. Contact 087-7924701by Friday 19th Oct. E15 per person. FIRST RESPONDER INFORMATION SESSION : Thursday October 25th , 7.30 pm. GAA Complex Ballingarry. Following on from an introduction meeting during the summer, Mark Callanan (HSE Ambulance Service , regional organiser ) will give his presentation on setting up a First Responder service. This is an information session, all welcome, particularly those with defibrillator training or those wishing to train. Any queries contact Anne Hickey 086 8615864.
SUSTAINABLE ENERGY: For all those who have registered their interest in an energy audit of their homes, we will shortly be dropping off a simple form to complete. You hold onto this form for the consultant, so that it will give him an immediate picture of your energy usage. It covers lighting, heating, insulation and water heating.
CHRISTMAS SHOE BOXES: Just a reminder as it is coming near that time of year again. Would you believe 9,493 shoe boxes were sent from Limerick last year and they were given to the children of Lesotho and the Ukraine. Team Hope has been sending Christmas Shoebox gifts to the children of Lesotho for many years now. Despite it’s small size, as one of the poorest countries in the developing world the children are hugely impacted by the generosity of the people all across Ireland. Within the tiny country of Lesotho, completely surrounded by South Africa – 24% of the adult population are now living with HIV/AIDS, which is the third highest rate in the world. With such high rates, it’s no surprise that 23% of all children aged 5-14 are now involved in the work force. Team Hope’s major partner in Ukraine is ‘Mission Possible’ based in the large port city of Odessa. Mission Possible run a shelter for street kids or poor kids from local villages. Mission Possible also work in Mayori – a very poor village near Odessa and an orphan village near Kiev. Start getting those boxes ready now.
Tsunami in Indonesia. A towering 18-foot tsunami washed over the Indonesian island of Sulawesi on Friday 28th Sept. The wave, and the enormous earthquake that caused it, killed more than 2,000 on the island that’s home to more than 17 million people. The wave demolished thousands of buildings and leaves behind a vast humanitarian disaster that will take weeks or months to resolve. Some of the dead were buried in mass graves and more than 48,000 people were forced to flee their homes. Part of what made the tsunami so devastating, was how little warning there was. Locals reported that sirens didn’t go off, text message alerts failed to send, and the system has suffered from a lack of maintenance. The country as a whole is one of the world’s most densely populated, and as an island nation, there’s little room to get out of the way of an incoming disaster. Trócaire is supporting relief efforts to help bring vital supplies (water, food and medicine) to people who have been left with nothing. They are supporting their sister agency, Karina-Caritas Indonesia, who are working in the worst affected areas. The death toll is considerable, and up to 5,000 people still missing. Trócaire has committed to providing €30,000 to Karina-Caritas Indonesia to support an immediate response to ensure that the basic needs of the most vulnerable are met. Thye are ready to provide additional support over the coming weeks. Roads and bridges are impassable or destroyed, so there is no infrastructure. Transportation remains a challenge, while there is a major shortage of electricity or gasoline, which has led to further difficulties in reaching cut off communities. Please think of Trócaire coming up to Christmas by purchasing a gift from their online site. These are living gifts which are sustainable, ethical and help families in need. You have a choice of price ranges from E7 to E150.
MUSIC FOR SCHOOLS: Attention all primary schools in south Limerick and north Cork. On November 30th at 9.30am and 11am - (2 sessions), at Musica Fusion School of Music, the Musica Fusion Community Orchestra will be running our “ Orchestra for Schools, education program “! This is a wonderful opportunity for your school to learn all about the workings of an orchestra. They will learn about the different sections of the orchestra, conducting, scores, and if that isn’t enough, they will be treated to performances by our junior orchestra of works by Rossini, Strauss and Beethoven to name just a few! It is a peer led, interactive and live introduction to classical music in a relaxed environment!! Recommended ages for this event are 2nd to 6th class. Places are offered to schools/classes on a first come first served basis. There are only 2 sessions available this term so don’t delay and contact Susie on 0879873379 for bookings!
DIARY: Wed 18th Oct: Comhaltas Tour of Ireland, Templeglantine,8pm. Wed 18th: Give Blood at The South Court, 5-7pm. Thur 19th: Farmers' Market, Bruree Garden Centre, 10.30am. Sat 20th: Cottage Market, Kilmallock.11am. Sun 28th: Dromin Athlacca Charity Ride, 12pm. Wed 31st: Talk on Bats - Lough Gur. 8pm.