Darkness into Light:
Granagh Utd. F. C. players representing Limerick Desmond in Clare Soccer Festival.
Well done TJ, Cian Jack and Paidí.
At Longcourt House Hotel Newcastle West, please note new venue. Appointments only available on Monday 14th May . To book please ring 061-306980. Walk - in Clinic on Tuesday 15th May, 6pm - 9pm.
Saturday 12th May: 4.15am. Venues: - Kilmallock, meet at GAA complex. Newcastle West & Limerick city. Register on - www.dlil.pieta.ie
The next set of six classes begin on Sunday 13th May, in the Community Centre. All Welcome.
Nationwide will feature the town of Newcastle West on Monday, May 14th, at 7.00 pm, RTE1.
' Move for Life ' is a research study being run by the University of Limerick in association with Limerick Sports Partnership. They need 300 people from Limerick who are aged 45+ and would like to become more active.
They will provide each group with four fun physical activity programmes : - i.e. Women on Wheels,
Get Ireland Walking, Men on the Move and Go for Life Games. All programmes will run for 8-12 weeks. It is a great opportunity to meet others and to help you live a more active and healthy lifestyle.
If you would like to be involved call to Croom Civic Centre for health check and induction on Wednesday, 23rd, 6pm to 10pm. If you cannot make it this time, the next date is Wednesday 30th May. See www.moveforlife.ie or ring 061-333600.
On behalf of Caoimhe's Christmas lights, the family would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who came to see their display over Christmas despite the bad weather, and to everyone who gave so generously to the cause! Delighted to say that they raised a total of €3000.00 for the Limerick Neo Natal unit. This cheque was presented to Margo Dunworth and Deirdre O' Connel,l clinical midwife managers of the unit, on Thursday the 19th of April. Looking forward to seeing everyone again in December! Kevin, Lorraine and Caoimhe Lynch.
Sending good wishes for a speedy recovery to Nora Theresa Fennessy, Croom who is recovering after hip surgery. We should also include Hanora, who is making a wonderful recovery after her scare at Christmas.
Masses: Wednesdays, 9.30am. Fridays, 7.00pm.
Adoration: Wednesdays, 10.00am - 5.00pm. Fridays, 6.00pm - 7.00pm.
Examination Mass Books in each Church - Students names can be entered, to be included in all parish Masses.
New Vision for Parishes: - At a meeting last week, Bishop Brendan set out new structures for managing the Diocese, as priest numbers decline. He is suggesting that instead of 60 parishes/units, there will be 3 parishes of 20 pastoral units.
Each pastoral unit will have one pastoral council, a Moderator and an Administrative office. Existing Priests will resign and be appointed ' co-parish priests'. This means each Priest will no longer be exclusive to one parish but will be part of a team serving all three parishes. So for any Church events in the future, we will have one of the three priests attending. No date is set for the changes yet, but it will come sooner rather than later.