March brings Breezes sharp & shrill...

Thursday 1st March, 7.30pm in the Charleville Park Hotel. St. Josephs Foundation is celebrating 50yrs in 2018, with the launch of their book " To Care - The Story of St. Joseph's Foundation". Written by Sheila Quealey, it will be launched by Joanne O'Riordan ( No Limbs, No Limits Star and Disability Rights Activist). Everyone welcome to join in this celebration.
Tuesday 6th March, Croom Civic Centre, 9.45am - 1.00pm. The meeting is coinciding with Enterprise week and Jobs week, and may be of interest to anyone involved in the broad tourism sector.
Failte Ireland are providing a keynote speaker to highlight changes in their structure and changes to brand propositions which impact on our area.
They will also have speakers from the Education and Training Board (ETB) and Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection (DEASP) detailing the supports available to employers and jobseekers. Details of the Tourism & Food Skillnet training courses will also be available, and some local tourism trade businesses will be speaking about how they use audio and video successfully, to promote their businesses.
Registration will be through Eventbrite.
Wednesday, 7th March, from 10am to 12pm, at the Pastoral Centre, Kilmallock.
Healthcare Opportunities Employment & Training Fair will be held as part of National Jobs Week, in association with Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection. There will be a large number of Employers and Training Providers from all over Limerick and North Cork in attendance and it is hoped that the event will serve as a one stop shop for anyone interested in Healthcare as a career.
Employers from Carebright, Mowlam, Bluebird Care, Windmill Nursing group, St. Joseph's Foundation, Bridhaven, Mallow, West Limerick Independant Living, Beech Lodge, St. Gobnaits', Ballyagran, Ard Na Rí and Maria Goretti Nursing Homes, will be in attendance.
Attendees will be able to find out about all the different training options available, employment opportunities, source work experience and talk to DEASP about rights, entitlements and benefits when returning to work.
Further details available from Eileen O’Keeffe of Ballyhoura Development CLG on tel. 087-6833661 or email:
A Recycling workshop will be held at Coote Hall, Kilmallock, at 7.30pm on Wed, 7th March. It is Free and all are welcome. Recycling Ambassador, Angela, will show you what you can recycle in your household bin , to help people improve Ireland’s recycling rates and reduce levels of contamination in household recycling bins.
Angela is part of Voice Ireland's Recycling Ambassador Programme.
Do not miss this opportunity to learn how to get your recycling bin sorted Further information on this event from Rhiannon Laubach, Rural Social Scheme Team Leader with Ballyhoura Development on tel. 087-1940608
Social Dance Classes are being held every Thursday night, 7.30pm - 9.30pm in Kilfinny Hall. Waltzing, Jive and Quick Step, €10pp. All Welcome. Great way to keep warm on these cold nights....
The GAA 21st Annual All Star Awards Ceremony was held on Friday 23rd in Rathkeale House Hotel, with special guest Sean Kelly MEP.
Granagh Ballingarry Club came away with a few awards on the night. Vera Sheehan received the Camogie award, well deserved for her years of service to the Club and County. Keith O'Kelly received the Minor B award and Cathal O'Keeffe received the U21, 13-a-side county award.
Congrats also to Dee O'Connor, Knockaderry on receiving his Merit Award.
Congratulations to Amy and Ger Mullane, Kilatal on the arrival of baby Anna Rita, a little sister for Lily.
Sending congratulations also to Michelle (Hanley) Roche, in Sydney, on the arrival of her first little girl, Ruby. Lily and Johnny have joined the grandparents club.!!
Thur 1st Mar: Blood Donor Clinic at Woodlands Hotel, 5pm - 8pm.
Thur 1st - 4th: ' Arsenic & Old Lace', Friars Gate Theatre. 8pm. 063-98727.
Fri 2nd - 4th: ' The Importance of Being Ernest' at the Honey Fitz, Bruff, 086-3774691
Sat 3rd Mar: Pretend Sick' - Athea Drama Group.
Sat 10th Mar: Cottage Market, Pastoral Centre, Kilmallock.
Sun 11th Mar: Yoga Class in Granagh Community Centre. 11am.