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12 Drummers Drumming !!

GRANAGH NAT SCHOOL : Invitation to ​all​ P​ast​ ​P​upils: ​Wednesday 13th Dec at 12pm Granagh Church: ​Fr Lane will celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving ​ to mark the 50th Anniversary of the School, in thanks​ for all who have supported the life and work of the school ​ down through the years . ​The​ Parent’s Association ​will​ ​ provide refreshments in the Community Centre afterwards to celebrate. ​

This ​occasion ​offers us an opportunity to welcome back and thank all those who have been associated with the school, as pupils, parents, teachers, staff members, members of B.O.M. or friends. ​All welcome.​


​Monday 18th Dec: Granagh 7pm - Fr. Edwin Irwin. Ballingarry 7pm - Fr. Eugene Boyce. Rathkeale 7pm - Fr. D. Noonan & Fr. D. Lane. Knockaderry 7pm - Fr. Liam Enright. Adare 7pm - Fr. Paddy Bowen.

Kilfinny 8pm - Fr. E. Irwin. Cappagh 8pm - Fr. Dan Lane. Croagh 8pm - Fr. Liam Enright.


Volunteers Needed: Bag Packing in Tesco, Crescent Shopping Centre on Saturday 23rd Dec, from 9am to 3pm.

The Parents' Association of Granagh National School, are trying to raise funds to replace the carpets in the classrooms with ​new ​hygienic and easy to clean flooring. Naturally​,​this is going to be​ an​ expensive

​ job​, somewhere in the region of €7,000. They have secured​ valuable bag packing slots, so if any adults or secondary school students are free to donate some time, even if it isn't the full two hours, it would be very much appreciated. Time slots are - 9am - 11am. 11am - 1pm. 1pm - 3pm. Please contact either Mary Houlihan (087-2230854) or Simone Danagher (087-2399199) to book your preferred time.


St. Joseph’s National School are accepting enrolments for the 2018/19 school year.​

The closing date for receipt of enrolment applications is the 31st of January 2018.​

Forms are available from the school. For further details please contact the school on 061-399081 or alternatively you can email


​Still​ doing a bit of Christmas shopping. ​​You might consider donating something to worthwhile organisations who do amazing work, at home and abroad.

​Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors without Borders) is the only medical humanitarian organisation in Ireland where your money goes directly to saving lives on the front line. They provide emergency medical care to people caught up in war, disasters,epidemics and are free from any political, military or religious agendas. See​

Don't forget - ​Trocáire, Concern and Bóthar, have an online gift shop where you can purchase practical gifts such as pigs, chick​en​s, rabbits, trees etc​, ​to help the poor​ make a better life for their families.

GRANAGH UTD F.C: L​otto Results: No ​ ​Winner. Winning Numbers. ​5. 20. 24. 27. ​ Jackpot €7,300. ​ ​Lucky dips: ​ ​​Nuala​ Tierney​, Granagh. Mary Murphy, Kingsland. Christina McCarthy, Drumcollogher. Thank you for your support. Tickets can be purchased from O'Gorman's shop, The Rock Bar and Hickey's Bar, Croom.


​Congratulations to Maria (Boyce) and husband John on the birth of their baby boy, last week. ​All doing well.

​We send happy birthday wishes to Fr. Mike Noonan,PP Ardagh, on his recent birthday celebrations.


The ​local branch of St. Vincent DePaul would like to thank everyone who contributed to their recent collections, both at Granagh Church and O'Grady's supermarket. Congratulations to Mary Burke, Ballynoe, who was the winner of the Hamper at O'Grady's. Huge thanks to the O'Gradys and their staff for their hospitality on the day of our fundraising. Please remember - your YES can last a lifetime.


​The survey of local graveyards is now complete. A draft is on display in the porch of the Church, for another week. You are urged to check the draft to make sure your grave details are correct i.e. spellings, dates, addresses, omissions etc. Use the Alteration Sheets provided to make any changes/corrections. Be sure to reference them with your plot number.

You can also check on-line at They have also provided the facility of adding your mortuary cards. ​


The New Year's Day ramble on the Hill begins at 2.30pm, with a Bonfire at 4.30pm. Following on, there will be a rambling house session in the cottage afterwards for all those interested.

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