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Dull Nov brings the blast & the leaves are whirling fast:

Vincent​ DePaul COLLECTION:

The Annual church-gate collection for the local Vincent DePaul Society will be held on​ ​ this coming​​ Saturday​

25th Nov​ in Granagh. All proceeds are used locally. Give a little, it helps a lot. ​


For the remaining Sundays in November, Rosary will be said at at Shanabhotha graveyard at 3pm and Granagh at 3.30pm.


Saturday Yoga class ​continues ​on 25th Nov​ at 5pm, in the Community Centre. No Sunday class, just for this weekend​. Bring​ a mat and a cosy blanket for relaxation. Why not drop in for one class and see if you would like it, you will ​definitely ​feel the benefits.


There is a vacancy in the Granagh area for a Tús/CE worker. Responsibilities would include maintenance of graveyards and community centre. The general role would also include weeding, spraying, painting, etc. If

interested, please contact John Bennett.


Saturday 25th Nov, 8pm, in Granagh Community Centre: Open invitation to attend a unique Film Show, which was recorded 26yrs ago, at The Rambling House, Knockfierna.

​Can you remember ​what you were doing back then .!! It features many locals and guests who discuss a wide range of topics - washing and cooking without electricity, the war ​years, rationing, farming​, point to points​ etc....​ ​

Jim Treacy plays the mouthorgan and his niece, a young Joanne Treacy sings. We see a young Anne Phelan, Castlemahon, now a violinist with the RTE Concert Orchestra.

​Garry McMahon is joined by singer Deirdre Scanlon from Monagea​ as well as Nora Lynch, Castlemahon.

It will be a wonderful opportunity to remember all these people and their stories as they recall what life was like for them growing up, a fascinating night of information. No entry fee and light refreshments included.


​On Sunday 26th Nov at 3.00pm: Special Guest Michéal O Muircheartaigh. Featuring the Liam O'Connor Show plus​ a variety of supporting Artistes. All funds go to the Equine Therapy Centre. Tickets €15,​

children free when accompanied by an adult. See Facebook - granaghcommunitynews - for details or contact David Doyle for tickets on 087-2734150.​​​ ​

It will be a ​wonderful show​ and a great way of supporting the Equine Centre who do equally fabulous work for autistic children and adults.


Annual​ Cake and​ Sale of work will be held on Sunday 26th November at 2pm this is a hugely popular event and Santa will also be in the centre from 3pm. Lots of toys and gifts available in our​ Christmas shop​.


A hilarious comedy " Pull the Other One" by Norman Robbins and produced by Mary Liston. Opening night, Thursday 23rd is a charity night with funds going to Down Syndrome Limerick. The play will run for eight nights Nov 23rd - 26th and 30th to 3rd Dec at 8pm.

​When​ Albert’s mother in law opens a letter written to Albert from his friend Hillary, she refuses to believe it is perfectly innocent!! Who is having the affair? ​Who gets caught.? ​Why is he posing in the nude? The cast includes a domineering mother in law, an innocent art student, a loving but unsure wife, a “ handy ” neighbour and, a disaster-prone husband, You are certainly guaranteed a ​great​ night of laughter.


For the month of ​November​ we remember our family, friends and neighbours, whose mortuary cards are displayed on the Church noticeboard:-

Sean O'Brien, Ballyguile. Dan Monckton & John Toomey, Kilatal. Thomas O'Connor, Knockfierna. Michael Sheehan, Ballinleena. Seamus Biggane & Patrick Fitzgibbon, Kilmore. Margaret O'Brien & Mary O'Gorman, Granagh. Canon Liam Houlihan, Salford. Catherine O'Brien, Doorluss. Alma O'Leary, Castletown. Thomas McCann, Kilfinny. Michael F. Sheehan, England. Rev Eddie O'Dwyer, Pallasgrean. Patrick O'Grady, Ballingarry. Mary T. Healy, Dublin. Michael Storan, Croom. Maureen Murphy, Templeglantine. Thomas Neville, Croagh.


Thinking about Christmas shopping​.​ ​Try and buy​ gifts​ from small local businesses and

​Christmas Markets e.g. local craftspeople, florists, bakers, food producers, knitters, artists, jewellery makers, candle makers etc. By supporting small businesses, your money goes to​ individuals instead of multinationals. A​ Christmas​ gift for ​someone​​ ​who ha​s​​ ​everything !!!! ​

Trocáire and Concern have an online gift shop where you can purchase practical gifts such as pigs, chick​en​s, rabbits, trees etc​, ​to help the many poor all over the world.​


Sincere thanks to all who contributed to the Concern Church gate collection last weekend. The total received in Granagh and Ballingarry amounted to €1,182.40.

you qualify for these schemes and would be interested please make contact with John Bennett as soon as possible, 087-2942245.

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