Unique Film Show:

For the remaining Sundays in November, Rosary will be said at at Shanabhotha graveyard at 3pm and Granagh at 3.30pm.
Saturday Yoga class seems to suit people at 5pm, in the Community Centre, where Eileen concentrates on core and back strengthening. It will continue for the 18th, 25th, 2nd & 9th. Sunday classes continue at 11.00am each morning for the 19th, 26th & 3rd Dec.
Bring a mat and a cosy blanket for relaxation. Why not drop in for one class and see if you would like it, so good for releasing all those tense muscles.
Lotto Results: No Winner. Winning Numbers. 9. 16. 21.29 Jackpot € 7,150.00
Lucky dips: Geordan Twomey, c/o The Rock. Tracy Lenihan, Bruree. Bridget Tierney, Granagh. Thank you for your support. Tickets can be purchased from O'Gorman's shop, The Rock Bar and Hickey's Bar Croom.
Thanks to everyone who attended our Quiz night and especially our sponsors for their valuable prizes.
Saturday 25th Nov, 8pm, after Mass, in Granagh Community Centre: Open invitation to attend a unique Film Show, which was recorded 26yrs ago, at The Rambling House, Knockfierna. What changes we have seen in that time.!! It features many locals and guests who discuss a wide range of topics - washing and cooking without electricity, the war & rationing, farming etc....
Jim Treacy plays the mouthorgan and a young Joanne Treacy sings. We see a young Anne Phelan, Castlemahon, now a violinist with the RTE Concert Orchestra.
It will be a wonderful opportunity to remember all these people and their stories as they recall what life was like for them growing up, a fascinating night of information. No entry fee and light refreshments included.
A hilarious comedy " Pull the Other One" by Norman Robbins and produced by Mary Liston.
The play will run for eight nights Nov 23rd - 26th and 30th to 3rd Dec at 8pm. Opening night, Thursday 23rd is a charity night with funds going to Down Syndrome Limerick.
The play is set in the living room of Albert and Muriel Perkins. When Albert’s mother in law opens a letter written to Albert from his friend Hillary, she refuses to believe it is perfectly innocent!! And there starts the chaos. Who is having the affair? Why is he posing in the nude? Is he a man or a woman? The cast includes a domineering mother in law, an innocent art student, a loving but unsure wife, a “ handy ” neighbour and, a disaster-prone husband, You are certainly guaranteed a good night of laughter.
Sunday 26th Nov; 3.00pm: Special Guest Michéal O Muircheartaigh. Featuring the Liam O'Connor Show plus supporting Artistes.... including our own Susan Moran. All funds go to the Equine Therapy Centre. Tickets €15, children free when accompanied by an adult. See Facebook - granaghcommunitynews - for details or contact David Doyle for tickets on 087-2734150. It will be a fabulous concert and a great way of supporting the Equine Centre who do equally fabulous work for autistic children and adults.
Annual cake and sale of work will be held on Sunday 26th November at 2pm this is a hugely popular event and we would be delighted to see you all here. Lots of toys and gifts available in our shop for Christmas. Santa will also be in the centre from 3pm.
If you have missed any of the weekly notes, they are all recorded on our web page - www.granagh.com, under the News heading. Interesting items under the History page - photo of the two tennis courts in Kilmore, Granagh creamery history, extracts from schoolbooks 1937-39 and a selection of newspaper articles. There is an interview with Maireád Chawke up on our home page also. To date we have over 7,000 views on the site.
Hall Bookings: You can now check Hall availability on our Web Site under the News heading - 'Event Calendar' on www.granagh.com . To make a booking please contact Niamh on 086-3650623 or email - niamhohanlon1@gmail.com
The Annual church-gate collection for the local Vincent DePaul Society will be held on Saturday 25th Nov in Granagh. All proceeds are used locally. The Ballingarry collection will be held in O'Gradys Supermarket on Friday 1st. Dec. Give a little, it helps a lot.
Thinking about Christmas shopping - here's an Idea. Try and buy from small local businesses and self employed people e.g. local craftspeople, florists, bakers, food producers, knitters, artists, jewellery makers, candle makers etc. By supporting small businesses, your money goes to individuals instead of multinationals. This might help more local people and help them have a better Christmas.
Wed15th Nov: Friars Gate. ' Witness ': poetry with Robyn Rowland. 8pm.
Fri 17th: Noonan's Xmas Lights, switch on at 6pm.
Sun 26th: Knockaderry/Clouncagh Drama Soc - "The Cripple of Inishmaan".
23rd - 26th: Glorách, Abbeyfeale. Comedy - "The two Loves of Gabriel Foley ".
Wed 29th -2nd Dec: Lime Tree - "Joseph and his Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat".