Granagh-Ballingarry GAA

The treble West hurling champions, GranaghlBallingarry: U14s 1976, Juvenile 1978 and Minor 1980, and County finalists U14 1976 and Juvenile 1978. Back row: Sean Cagney, Secretary, Pat Burke, John Lynch, Ned Cagney, Tom Enright, Martin O'Riordan, Mick Quaid, Joe Power, Sean Mullane, David Brosnahan, Tim Noonan, Charley Byrnes, Paddy Browne (West Bord na nOg Secretary). Front row: Paddy Tierney, Kevin Clifford, Joe Noonan, Tom O'Regan, Tom Quaid, Jim Lynch, John Hogan, Joe Hennessy, Tadhg Costelloe and Joe Burke. At the reconvened Granagh-Ballingarry GAA club AGM in the clubhouse in Ballingarry last Thursday night adult players' membership fees for 2017 were fixed at €40. Chairman Conor Snow presided over the AGM and welcomed everyone. Present were John Lynch, Conor Snow, John O'Keeffe, David Clancy, Liam Lynch, John Joe Carmody_, Pat Cagney, Richie O'Keeffe and Andrew Holmes. Apologies were received from Donagh McCarthy and Graham Russell. Secretary John Lynch read the minutes of the January meeting, proposed for adoption by P Cagney, seconded J J Carmody. The first item on the agenda was the fixing of membership fees for 2017, which were agreed at €40 for adult players, €20 for non players and students and €10 for Bord na nOg (€20 per family) and U18 players. Non-players who pay the €100 dub draw fee in full will automatically be members of the club for 2017. Fees to be paid by Friday 31st March. An assistant treasurer is to be confIrmed. Special general meeting Chairman Conor Snow presided over the special general meeting held in the clubhouse on Thursday night.
The Junior B hurling management was ratified: manager Liam Lynch, selectors Andrew Holmes and Richie O'Keeffe. Minor hurling management: manager Conor Snow, selectors David Clancy, Andrew Holmes, Seamus Hartnett. Minor football: managers Conor Snow, Mike Meade (Banogue); Seamus Hartnett, Andrew Holmes, Paul Clancy. Intermediate hurling: Conor O'Keeffe, Liam Lynch, Willie Power
Club school coaches: Granagh NS Colm Noonan, Ballingarry NS t.b.c. Child pro t e c t ion workshop: Thursday 2nd March at 7.30pm in Ballingarry hall. All underage and adult managers, selectors and coaches are asked to attend. Dunworth Cup final: St Patrick's weekend proposed to play this much-delayed match. Junior B football League to be further discussed with Players. Gaeltacht scholarships: four have applied. Season tickets five have been sold; other club members if interested should contact the secretary as soon as possible.
Trip to Croke Park: Wednesday 15th February. If interested contact the secretary as soon as possible. Club draws: it was agreed to promote both our own third annual club draw at €100 and the county one also at €100 with the option to join both for a reduced rate of €175. County Senior Scor finals: Friday 10th March in Cappamore Community Centre at 7.30pm; if interested in representing your club, contact the secretary. West All-Stars: a photoshoot for our six recipients will be held in Rathkeale House Hotel on Sunday 12th February at 7pm. Banquet on Friday 24th February. Text messages to be addressed by the IT committee. Bord na nOg awards night: Sunday 26th February in Granagh Community Centre, Limerick senior football captain lain Corbett to be guest of honour. Medal presentation night: Saturday, 4th March in Condron's bar, Ballingarry. History book: Christy Kearns is putting the finishing touches to this book which should be published by mid-year. A grant may be available from Ballyhoura Development. Club plan: there is a steering committee meeting tonignt Wednesday 8th February at 8pm, and an EGM to ratify the plan on Wednesday 22nd February in the clubhouse at 8pm. proposed launch to be before St Patrick's Day, Monday 6th to Sunday 12th March, community_-based, in Ballingarry Hall or Granagh Community Centre.
Con and Annie Kirby Memorial Launch on Monday 27th February at 4pm at Limerick Greyhound Stadium.
Sports Capital Grant: our club registration has been approved. Congratulations were extended to Edward Sheehy who played for Limerick U21 footbalJers who beat Laois 1-8 to 0-6 in the Peter McNulty Cup semi-final but unfortunately lost fo Clare by three points 1-12 to 0-12 in the finaJ at Pairc na nGael recently. Next meeting: date to be confirmed.
County 13-a-side U21 Hurling Championship The honour of starting the playing season for Granagh-Ballingarry goes to the U21 hurlers who meet Glenroe in the opening round of the County 13-a-side Hurling Championship on Sunday, 12th February, in Ballingarry at 12 noon. Eight teams, Glenroe, Granagh-Ballingarry, Cois Laoi Gaels and Dromin-Athlacca are in group 1 and Askeaton, Knockainey, Blackrock and Caherline m group 2, have entered, with the top two teams in each group. to qualify for the semi-fmal. Group 1 fixtures, all at 12 noon Sunday 12th February round 1, Glenroe v Granagh-Ballingarry .in Ballingarry,. Cois Laoi Gaels v Dromin- Athlacca in Kilbreedy Sunday 19th February round 2, Dromin-Athlacca v Glenroe in Athlacca, v Cois Laoi Gaels in BaJlingarry Sunday 26th February round 3, Granagh- - Ballingarry v Dromin Athlacca in Ballingarry, Cois Laoi Gaels v Glenroe in Kilbreedy Sunday 5th March county semi-finals" top' team in group 1 v fourth team in group r, second team in group 1 v third team in group Sunday 12th March county final. A mouth-watering game awaits us against Glenroe at home on Sunday at 12 noon with neither side fearing the other and both confIdent of victory. Your support would be appreciated for the boysand their management team of Niall McCarthy, Thomas O'Donovan, Sean Lenihan, Niall Carroll and Colm Noonan. . Junior A Hurling Championship anniversary Knockaderry G.A.A. club are hosting an informal function to celebrate the 50th anniversary of their thrilling one-point 2-9 to 3-5 victory over Granagh in the 1967 West Junior A Hurling Championship fmal at Trainors Field on Sunday 22nd October that year. Starting with Mass at 7.30pm in Knockaderry Resource Centre, the Knockaderry club have kindly extended an invitation to the Granagh players and their- families from that era to the function. Thank you to the Knockaderry club on behalf of the Granagh players for their kind invitation to the Mass and function in the Resource Centre where I am sure Knockaderry's successful last-minute rally and the circumstances surrounding that photo finish that made all the difference will again be discussed 50 years later by the players. Any Granagh player who is in a position to attend should contact Sean Cagney. The Granagh players that day, some of whom have since died, were Michael Fitzgerald, Dessie O'Brien, Christy Murphy, Dan Hartigan, Davy Hartigan, Sean Cagney, Willie Cagney, Sean O'Sullivan, Bertie Hanley, Ollie Perle, Jimmy Stapleton, Mick O'Brien, Richie O'Regan, Pat Sheehan, Jim Noonan, Tony Fitzgibbon and Jimmy o 'Gorman. Club/school coach Granagh- Ballingarry G.A.A. Club are looking for a responsible adult who has a passion for Gaelic games and the ability to organise and coach activities to their target audience to take on the role of club and school coach. It would be suitable for someone who works part-time or is a student. The role comprises coaching hurling, Gaelic football and camogie in Ballingarry primary school for a minimum of 16 weeks. The role is jointly funded by Granagh-Bal1ingarry G.A.A. Club and Limerick County G.A.A. Board. Contact coaching officer Donagh McCarthy at 086- 3123772 for more information. Scor finals The Limerick County Senior Scor finals will be held in Cappamore Community Centre on Friday 10th March at 7pm. Granagh-Ballingarry were very successful at Scor, winning west and county honours for the second year in succession. So if you are interested in representing your club at figure dancing, instrumental music, ballad singing, solo singing, question time or novelty act, Jim Enright the county Irish officer would like to hear from you at 087- 2436086. LIMERICK GAA SEASON TICKET Limerick County GAA Board launched their 2017 season ticket recently in the Woodlands House Hotel, Adare. The 2017 season ticket is being used to fund the training and development of the Limerick senior hurling team in 2017 and football youth devel0p.ment. The season ticket will entitle the bearer to entry to all Limerick County Board club games in 2017; the option to buy an All Ireland senior hurling fmal ticket (if Limerick senior hurling team are involved); discounts are -available from various outlets including Elvery's, Limerick Greyhound Stadium, Kennedy and Sons Jewellery, Irish Country Hotels, Limerick Racecourse and Timmy Macs Bistro with more outlets to follow. Tickets are €100 and would make an ideal present for a family member or friend. If interested contact the club secretary at 087-2912356. Granagh-Ballinarry team management 2117 Intermediate hurling: Conor O' Keeffe ,Willie Power, Liam Lynch Junior B hurling:, Liam Lynch, Richie 0 Keeffe, Andrew Holmes U21 hurling: Niall McCarthy, . Thomas O'Donovan, Niall Carroll, Sean Lenihan, Colm Noonan Junior B football: Mick Condron, Donal O'Grady, Teresa Mulcaire U21 football: Niall McCarthy, - Thomas O'Donovan, Niall Carroll, Sean Lenihan, Colm Noonan, Mick Meade" (Banogue) Minor hurling: Conor Snow, David Clancy, Andrew Holmes, Seamus Hartnett. Minor football: Conor Snow, David Clancy, Andrew Holmes, Seamus Hartnett, Mike Meade (Banogue); U16 hurling and football: James Flynn, selectors t.b.c. UIS hurling: Liam Lynch, Liam Casey, Donagh McCarthy, Mark Tierney U14 hurling and football: Liam Lynch, Graham Russell, Donagh McCarthy, Mark Tierney U13 hurling and football: Mike Carroll, Pat Horgan, Mark Tierney U12 hurling and football: Mike Carroll, Pat Horgan UI0 hurling and football: Ned Cagney, Shane Mulgueen U8 liurling and football: Paul McDonagh Steven Kiely, Steven Stapleton West Championship and League draws 2017 The following are the draws for the competitions entered by Granagh-Ballingarry for 2017: West Intermediate Hurling Championship (knockout) Round 1: Templegiantine v Feenagh-Kilmeedy, Knockaaerry v Tournafulla, Killeedy v Newcastle West Quarter-finals: (A) Feohanagh-Castlemahon v Dromcol1ogher-Broadford, B) Monagea v St Kieran's, C) Granagh-Ballingarry v Templeglantine or FeenaghKilmeedy, (D) Knockaderry or Tournafulla v Killeedy or Newcastle West Semi-finals: A v B and C v D Final: A orB v CorD. West Senior Hurling Championship (knockout) Semi-finals: (A) Adare v West Intermediate championship runners-up, (B) West Intermediate champions v winners of the playoff between West Intermediate Championship defeated semi-finalists Final A vB West Junior B Hurling Chamyionship (league system Group 1 round 1: Newcastle West v Feohanagh-Castlemahon, FeenaghKilmeedy v TournafuIla, Killeedy bye Group 2 round 1: Askeaton v Templeglantine, Knockaderry v Granagh-Ballingarry Note: the top team in each group qualify for the semi-finals, second and third placed teams qualify for the quarter-finals. If teams finish level on points scoring difference will apply. West Junior B Football Chamyionship (league system Group 1 round 1: Ballysteen v Adare, Rathkeale v Knockaderry, Granagh-Ballingarry bye Group 2 round 1: Dromcollogher-Broadford v St Kieran s, Athea v St. Senan's, MountcolIins bye Note: the top team in each group qualify for the semi-finals, second and third placed teams qualify for the quarter-finals. If teams finish level on points scoring difference will apply. West Junior B Hurling League Group 1 round 1: Feenagh-Kilmeedy v Knockaderry, Askeaton v Killeedy, Feohanagh-Castlemahon Group 2 round 1: Granagh-Balhngarry v Newcastle West, Tournafulla v Templeglantine Note: the top team in each group quality for the semi-finals, second and third placed teams qualify for the quarter-finals. If teams finish level on points, scoring difference will apply. West Minor B Hurling Chamyionship (league system Round 1: Dromcollogher-Broadford v Tournafulla -Killeedy, St Kieran's v Granagh- Ballingarry Note: 1f teams fimsh level on points, scoring difference will apply. West Minor B Football Chamyionship (league system Round 1: Gael Cois Sionna v Granagh-Ballingarryy- Banogue, St. Senan's bye Note: top team qualifies for final, second-placed team' plays bottom team in semifinal. If teams finish level on points, scoring difference will apply. West U21 B Hurling Championship final Granagh/BallingarryBanogue v St Kieran s The 1971 Ballingarry county minor hurling chamrions Panel: Davy Clifford, B Mulqueen, Billy O'Connor, Mick Chawke, Sean Kennedy, John Cagney, B Reidy, Paddy Dunworth, Davy Fitzgerald, Conor O'Keeffe; Davy O'Keeffe, Jack kelly, Paddy Hennessey, Joe Fitzgerald, Conor Snow, Liam' Fitzgerald, D Kelly, Mick Healy, Peter Donworth, Mick Hourigan, John Chawke. Lottery There was no winner of the €I6500 jackpot on Monday 6th February. Lucky dips of €20 each: Jim Lyons, Sarah O'Flaherty, Donal O'Grady, Tom Burke and Jim Kennedy. The next draw is on Monday 13th Februaty for a jackpot of €16,600. We thank all our punters for their continued support. Club and other GAA diary Wednesday 8th February Granagh-Ballingarry G.A.A. Club steering committee meeting in the Ballingarry clubhouse, 8pm Saturday 11th February West U21A Hurling Championship round I, Newcastle West v Clan na nGael in Tournafulla at 3pm West U21 B Football Championship round 1, St Kieran's v Dromcollogher-Broadford, Sean Finns Patk, Rathkeale, 3pm; Templeglantine v RathKeale -Croagb-Kilfinny in Knockaderry at ~unday 12th February County I3-a-side V21 Hurling ChamRionship . group 1 round 1, Glenroe v Granagh-Ballingarry in Ballingarry' at 12 noon, Cois Laoi Gaels v Dromin-Athlacca in Kilbreedy at 12 noon; group 2 round 1, Askeaton v Knockainey in Askeaton at 12 noon, Blackrock v Caherline in Kilfinane at 12 noon