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Chill December brings the sleet, Blazing fire, and Christmas treat

No Sleet this Christmas !!!


Tonight Wednesday 21st is the last class before the Christmas break. 7.30pm in the Community Centre.


Children's Choir: Meet on this Wednesday, 21st at 6.30pm. Lots of songs to be rehearsed for Christmas Eve Mass. Hope everyone will try and make it. Adult Choir: Meet on Wednesday 21st also, at 7.15pm. All Welcome to join for the Christmas choir.


Granagh - Saturday 24th at 6.00pm. Sunday 25th at 9.30am.

Ballingarry - Saturday 24th at 8.00pm. Sunday 25th at 11.00am.


We congratulate Richard Chawke, Kiloughty, who received his Gold Gaisce Award from the President, Michael D. Higgins on 6th Dec at Dublin Castle. Richard was one of six students from St. Joseph's Foundation who achieved this award. A Gold award is not given out easily, the students had to put in fourteen months of hard work and dedication. Well done Richard, a fantastic achievement.


If you haven't got around to supporting a worthwhile charity yet, get out your mobile ! To help the Mid-West Simon Community text - Keys to 50300 - you will be donating €2.

The XmasFm Radio Station can be found on 105.50. You can get a request played and donate €2 at the same time, by texting in. Text - Xmas - followed by a space and your message or ring 1890-911-977. Funds raised go to Focus Ireland.

Bob Hope once said - " If you haven't any charity in your heart, you have the worst kind of heart trouble "


If you call into O'Gorman's shop you will see CD's on sale for only €5. Called ' Raining on a Christmas Night ' , the song is by Limerick man Peter McNamara, arranged by our own organist, Roisín Sexton, and performed by the Crescent College Choir & Orchestra. Proceeds are going to Milford Hospice and Orphan Education.


Don't forget to visit the the local charity lights over the next two weeks. The Coolruss Christmas Lights by the Carroll family are collecting for three charities - St. Josephs Foundation, Pieta House and the Ronald McDonald house.

Caoimhe's Christmas Lights on the Bruff line by the Lynch family are collecting for the Neo Natal Unit in the Maternity Hospital.


Frances O'Keeffe, on behalf of Concern wishes to thank all who contributed so generously to the annual Church gate collection last weekend in Granagh & Ballingarry. The total amount collected was €1,432.00, which included an anonymous donation of €250. Many thanks.


45Drive: The Camogie Club wish to thank everyone for supporting their 45 card game, they had fourteen tables. It was a great success.

Water Scheme History: Once again, Jim Houlihan gave an excellent presentation on the origins of the local group water scheme. He tracked down letters, application forms, bills and receipts. He also managed to get some of Fr. Brown's old film reels, from his sister, and got them converted to dvd format. This very old footage showed the piping of Cagney's well and the building of a pumphouse at the Boreen (opposite Tom O'Gormans house ). Jim has done a huge service to the community in recording all of this information for posterity. Thank you Jim.

Poker Classic: Well done to the organisers, a very successful classic was held in The Rock Bar as a fundraiser for the Stapleton Family.

Youth Club Mass: Again, this year, the Youth Club Mass attracted a huge crowd. Well done to the Leaders and members for their participation. A beautiful rendition of 'Hallelujah' was sung by Beth Stapleton accompanied by Susan Moran.


The Live 95Fm charity drive resulted in a total of €110.000 to be shared between CARI and the Children's Ark at UHL. Communities across the city and county held a variety of fundraising events and the Mid West Press Ball raised €9,000. People are so generous. Many organisations cannot depend on government support and even those that should get support, don't get enough. Only for the constant run of charity events, many groups would not survive, or be able to provide essential services.


Lots of Christmas cards will be coming through the post, so please hold onto those stamps. They can be used to raise funds for research into Motor Neuron Disease. You can drop them into Mary O'Regan or directly to Maureen Finnegan, Newcastle West.

2016 ENDS:

At the end of another year, if we take time to think back over the events and happenings, it's even hard to remember them all. They can easily be divided into good/bad, happy/sad events. Even when life's problems seem overwhelming, look around and see what other people are coping with. You may consider yourself fortunate !

Luckily, we have a great community in Granagh and it is important to hold onto that. One of the ways that can be done is to volunteer with any of the local community/sports groups, it does make a huge difference ! It may be time consuming but it is an investment in your children's future along with getting to know other members of the community. Everyone is gifted in their own unique way so why not use those talents !

Thanks to all those who are already volunteering in the community, you are making such a difference. There is always a reason why you meet people, either you need them to change your life of you're the one that will change theirs.

We welcome all who have moved into the parish during the year and the new babies that have arrived. We congratulate all those who have been wed and wish them many years of Health and Happiness. We remember all those who have passed away and those who have been left behind. We wish all in Granagh a Peaceful and Happy Christmas. Special thoughts and wishes for those who are away from home this year, those in hospital and in nursing homes. Go mbeirimíd Beo ag an am seo arís.

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