Granagh-Ballingarry GAA

Success celebrated in style
Granagh-Ballingarry G.A.A. club celebrated their achievements in 2015 on and off the playing field on Saturday night in Dinny A's bar, Ballingarry, with medal presentations to the successful junior B, intermediate and minor hurling teams.
Those who graced this presentation function with their presence over the years were again very much in evidence and there were also some new faces, mainly from the junior B and minor hurling teams.
Newly elected chairman Conor Snow welcomed everyone, especially the invited guest, Limerick All Ireland winning U21 hurling team manager John Kiely. He congratulated all involved in making 2015 such a successful year both on and off the field and thanked all the outgoing officers who had decided to step down. He paid tribute to Donal O'Grady and David Condron and congratulated us on the fine collection of silverware and wished all involved in Gaelic Games in the parish the best of luck this year.
The honour of presenting the West senior, Intermediate, Junior B and minor A hur1ing medals was accorded to John Kiely and special presentations were made to the successful team managers Seamus Stapleton and Conor O'Keeffe, selectors Liam Carroll, Andrew Holmes Stephen Stapleton, Niall McCarthy, Willie Power, Darragh O'Grady and Paddy Hennessey, Edward Sheehy and Jack O'Donoghue in recognition of playing minor football for Limerick in 2015 Breda and Laura O'Keerfe for their service to the club in first aid, Maura Friel Lynch, producer, and Cathy Noonan, mentor of our county and West Scor na nOg Limerick winners' group, to Dinny Ahern and Paddy Hennessey in recognition of their dedicated service as club chairman and vice chairman 2013 to 2015, to Eoin Kennedy treasurer 2014-15, to David Condron on winning Munster and All-Ireland U21 hurling championship medals with Limerick and to Donal O'Grady on his retirement from inter county hurling after playing 46 championship games for Limerick.
Thank you to all who supported the night, invited guest John Kiely and Dinny Ahern who provided music and food.
Bord Na nOg Awards
Granagh-Ballingarry Bord na nOg committee held a most enjoyable presentation night last Sunday in Ballingarry parochial hall. Guests of honour were former player and official Sean Cagney and Tom Burke, county Bord na nOg chairman Denis O'Carroll and our own Munster and All-Ireland U21 hurling medal winner David Condron and former Limerick senior hurler Donal O'Grady.
Presentations were made to the U6, U8, UIO, U12, U13, U14 and U16 hurling and football teams. Individual presentations were made to Darragh Casey in recognition of playing Mackey Cup primary games, Josh Mulcaire ( quille/Mackey Cup), Michael Russell (Sarsfield cup. Luke Flynn (Limerick U14 Sonny Walsh Cup), Sean O' Connor (Limk U15Hurling Ted Hanley cup), Philip Byrnes (Sarsfield Cup).
Special presentations were made to David Condron in recognition of winning Munster and All Ireland U21 Hurling championship medals and to Donal O'Grady to mark his retirement from inter county hurling, and lifetime service awards were presented to former players and officials Sean Cagney and Tom Burke.
Our Bord na nOg committee deserve credit for the way the function was organised. Thank you to Jimmy Chawke who did an excellent job as MC, John Carroll and Donagh McCarthy for collecting membership fees, Nora 0' Connor for taking photos, the invited guests: the ladies for the tea and sandwiches, John Joe Carmody and the Ballingarry hall committee for the use of the hall and everyone who helped in any way to make the night so enjoyable.
Membership due
Granagh-Ballingarry G.A.A. club membership fees for 2016 are now due: €40 for adult players, €20 for non-players and students, €1O for Bord na nOg (€20 per family) and UI8 players. Non-players who pay the €100 club draw fee in full will automatically be members of the club for 2016.
Fees should be paid on or before Thursday 31st March to club registrar John Carroll, or to any team manager at training, or to treasurer John O'Keeffe. To train or play for the club you have to be insured and you are not insured if you don't register.
We ask you to do so as soon as possible as it is generally felt by club officers that any member or player should feel obliged to get their membership paid as soon as possible; we again point out that people who have not paid will not be covered by insurance or entitled to any privileges whatsoever from our club.
Club draw
Granagh-Ballingarry G.A.A. club draw/lottery promoters will take to the streets in the coming weeks to canvass members to join the 10-month draw, March to December, with our club. By joining you will become an automatic member of our club for 2016 if you pay your membership in full or in two halves.
Note: You have the join to join both our club draw and the county club draw for €175. See the draw brochures for further details.
Season tickets
To avail of season tickets which admit the ,purchaser to all the club games under the jurisdiction of the Limerick County Senior Board there are two options: buy a ticket for €100, or join the county club draw for 2016 (€100) and buy your season ticket for €80. If interested contact club secretary John Lynch at 087-2912356.
Fitzgibbon Cup hurling final Mary Immaculate College 1-30 UL 3-22 a.e.t. County Premier U21 Hurling Championship ou n aDo 0 n 4 - 1 :5 Kilmallock 2-12, Patrickswell 4-12 Ahane 4-12, Na Piarsaigh 2-15 Monaleen 1-12, Adare 1-13 Mungret-St Paul's 0-15.' County U21 Hurling 13-a-side Championship
2-9 Pallas green 1-5, Murroe-Boher 5-15 South Liberties 3-16
South U21 Hurling Championship semi-finals Killacolla Gaels 1-13 Knockainey 1-6, Bruff 1-18 G\UTYspillane 0-14
West U21B Hurling Chamllionship Final Dromcollogher- Broadford 0-16 Askeaton 2-4
West U21A Hurling Championship semi-fmafs Feohanagh/Knockaderry 0-20 Newcastle West 2-4, Allaughaun Gaels beat Croagli- Kilfinny/Ratbkeale Feile Peil A preliminary round 1 Fr. Casey's 8-13 St. Senan's 0-1, Monaleen 1-7 Mungret-St Paul's 1-4, Newcastle Wes·t 4-2 As keaton/B ally s teen/ Kilcolrnan 0- 3
Feile Peil B preliminary round 1 Killacolla Gaels 2-4 Bruff 1-2, MurroeBoher who KildimoPallaskenry scr, Kilpeacon 3-4 Adare 0-6
National Football League Division 1 round 3 Du51in 1-14 Monaghan 0-16, Donegal 1-14· Mayo 1-12, Kerry 0-22 Down 0-6,
-Roscommon 4-25 Cork 3-10
National Football League Division 2 round- 3 Armagh 1-10 Fermanagh 0-10, Galway 1-18 Derry 2-12, Tyrone 1-14 Laois 0-14, Cavan 1-20 Meath 1-13
National Football League Division 3 round 3 Kildare 2-11 Longford 0- 10, Offaly 1-13 Sligo 1-13, Clare 1-121 Limerick 0-11, Westmeath 0-11 Tip~rary 1-8 National Football League Division 4 rouno 3 Wexford 4-20 London 1-2, Antrim 2-14 Leitrim 0--10, Louth 0-15 Wicklow 1-2, Waterford 3-15 Carlow 0-15
County 13-a-side U21 Hurling Championship Granagh-Ballingarry will hope to make It back to back wins in group 2 when they travel to Kilbreedy on Sunday, 6th March, to play Cois Laoi Gaels at 12 noon. Your support would be welcome.
Important meeting
A very important special general meeting of Granagh-Ballingarry G.A.A. club takes place on Friday 11th March in Ballingarry clubhouse at 8pm sharp. All club members, particularly players are asked to attend. This is an important meeting as a lot of business will be dealt with to help with the running of the club for 2016.
U6s and U8s
U6/8 hurling training begins on Monday night 7th March at 6.30pm in the ball alley in Ballingarry. Please bring a hurley, helmet and runners. New players most welcome. Contact John English 087- 6754252 or Paul McDonagh 087 -1000625.
The numbers drawn on Monday 29th February in Buckley's bar, Ballingarry', were 9, 22, 23 and 3. The jackpot was not won. Lucky dips of €20 each: Martha OKelly, Mark Snow, Mairead Cagney, Patrick Clancy and Pat Carroll.
The next draw is on Monday 7th March in Trainor's Ballingarry for a jackpot of €11,800 and we thank all our punters for their continued support.
Sunday 6th March County 13-a-side U21 Hurling Championship round 3, Granagh Ballingarry v Cois Laoi Gaels III Kilbreedy at 12 noon
National Hurling League Di vision 1 a round 3, Kilkenny v Galway, Nowlan Park 2pm; Tipperary v Waterford, Semple Stadium Thurles 2.30pm
National Hurling League Division 1B round 3, Kerry v Waterford, Austin Park Tralee 12.3:l,p.m; Offaly v Limerick, 0 Connor Park Tullamore _2pm
National Hurling League Division 2A round 3, Westmeath v Antrim, Cusack Park Mullingar 1.30pm; Carlow v Derry, Cullen park 2pm
Division 3A round 3, Monaghan v Louth, Castleblayney 1pm; Roscommon v Fingal, Athleague 1pm
National Hurling League Division 3B round 1, Longford v Leitrim, Pearse Park 2pm; Sligo v Fermanagh, Marktevicz Park 12.30pm
Monday 7th March .
West Limerick G.A.A. Board meeting in the Devon Inn 8pm
Tuesday 8th March Limerick County Board meeting in the Ballingarry clubhouse 8pm