WEDDING BELLS: Congratulations to Carol Hickey, Kilatal on her recent wedding to Lewis Rutter which was held in lovely Clonakilty on...
Just a few Light Showers.
At Lismore Market: Co. Waterford. Irish Dolls House. Grand Designs. Margaret Harris. 087-1388345. 058-50937.
A Few Drops of Rain.
LISMORE CASTLE, Co. Waterford. SUSTAINABLE ENERGY: Do you want to reduce your energy bills ? Do you need to update your house...
Prayin' for Rain ????
HUP na HOURA: In Kilfinane, every Monday and Tuesday in July at 8pm. After a very successful season last year, it returns again this...
6th Class Graduate:
6th CLASS GRADUATION: Congratulations to the five boys who graduated from the National School Eoin Horgan, Zach Hayes, Ian Sheehy,...
SUMMER SOLSTICE: Rambling House - Wed 20th, 8pm. Music Night, all welcome. Knockfierna Hill Walk & Talk: Thursday 21st June at 7:30pm. ...
Fab Summer Weather:
TIME FOR A CONE ! 5th & 6th Class, Granagh Nat. School stop off at O'Gormans on the way home from their hurling final last week. ...
EXAM TIME: Wishing all our students the very best of Luck for the next two weeks. The following is a post going around on Facebook, at...
U16s - Div 2 Champs:
Granagh Utd. F. C. - U16 Div 2 Champions. PARENTS' ASSOC: Clothes Collection, Thursday 17th: Please donate your unwanted...
Darkness into Light:
Granagh Utd. F. C. players representing Limerick Desmond in Clare Soccer Festival. Well done TJ, Cian Jack and Paidí. GIVE BLOOD: At...